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Huskypup1127's AvatarHuskypup1127
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[Question] (Just for fun) So... if Niet is the owner of the site, how come all the funds went into funding a Garthic-style wacky arm-waving inflatable tube man, that comes with a free air pump, while Niet just has a cardboard cutout... does he come with a free umbrella to keep him safe from any bad weather? XD Love the staff here and this is by no means to be taken seriously.
Avatar art done by Kaen on wajas.
Since that won't be answered in the Q&A, no matter how much I want to... I'll answer it here. ^^'
I mean. Honestly. You should see us in real life. I'm constantly moving - at minimum my leg is twitching while I'm sat down. Niet just... Sits there. MENACINGLY! D: Seriously though he hardly moves. ...He fell asleep the other night while we were in the middle of a dnd session and I didn't realise it because there's no difference in his lack of moving. He was just leaning back - only reason I realised is because he started breathing a bit heavier ;w; I felt bad so I went and made him a coffee before gently waking him up. To quote him - that was very sweet of me. c': Anywho - that's why the joke was made in the way that it was :) But yes, he can have a little umbrella. Free of charge~
Hakano Riku's AvatarHakano Riku
Hakano Riku's Avatar
Suggestion idea for whoever wants to make a suggestion out of it: Parties are kept as they are, but the "multiuser" page is adjusted to be stacked for easier clicking as it's meant to allow for quicker clicking of parties anyway. This would help with the whole party clicking hurts the wrist issue, as it would stack them the same way users stack their fields ♥ Just a little bit of my two cents as well on the whole mass click versus party click thing. One of the main reasons mass clicking is preferred by users is because users are able to stack their Pokémon for other users to click easier without needing any CSS coding for a site skin. The party is a place meant more so for displaying Pokémon of your choice or eggs to be clicked and hatched immediately to users viewing a page, before they go in to view/click your fields. However, fields are also a place for users to display their Pokémon, and many people do this. So there's actually a bit of a bias as to whom people generally click. Those who don't use CSS mostly find users with "sorted and stacked" fields to mass click, thus leaving those who use their fields as a display to be clicked less. In that same sense, people don't like to click parties because they're displayed and not "stacked" for easier clicking. If users had the opportunity to stack their parties or leave them on display, many users would likely just skip over the ones on display and only click the ones that're stacked..It sort of makes one wonder if there's any reason to put things on display at all, if they want any clicks. A lot of users use CSS code to stack users' fields for easier mass clicking of whomever they want though, in which case I don't see why they can't also use CSS code to stack parties..I use a code that stacks only the "multiuser" page parties (from Open 10 at the top, or otherwise multiuser pages users make themselves) leaving parties for individual users still on display as normal. For those that prefer to keep the site as was designed though, well err, I suppose your best bet currently is to sort of deal with it while staff look into a fix, post a suggestion to fix it yourself and get upvotes and support, or bite the bullet and use CSS code for the time being ^^; Change takes time, demanding fixes immediately will only cause things to break and need fixing all over again..It takes time to collect data, balance things after getting that data, and add onto it or find ways to complement the new changes and additions. If anyone is interested in a "stacked multiuser party CSS code" for now however, I'll be happy to post it in my journal for people to use..Anyway, I'm more or less okay with the updates lately. Just going to give it some time to settle and allow Niet the time to adjust it, this site is still in beta after all and that's been said hundreds of times now ^^
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QUOTE originally posted by Narflunk

There are ways to avoid this happening (once-per-user transfer, limited use in the new game, etc.) but it still doesn't sit right with me.
Here's a better idea, make transferred Pokémon account locked like the ones transferred here from the original site. I don't see a need to worry about potential problems though since we wouldn't be getting transfers immediately, I'd be surprised if it even happens within the first year, the site would need time to establish itself.
• Current Type Race dragon.png 11,704
Avatar by Cryst
[Question] Y'all can make the two-way transfer like the Time Capsule from GSC, can you? As in, if it's something in the new game that isn't here, then it wouldn't be able to transfer from there to here, right? Just a thought/question lol

Current Type Race Score: 0

Even if I'm offline for an extended period of time, that does not mean I lose intrest.
70% of the world thinks Warrior Cats is stupid. 25% say: "Who cares?". Repost if you are part of that 5% that would take a hard cover copy of Warrior Cats and slap the other people saying: "STARCLAN IS OUT FOR REVENGE!”
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Narflunk's AvatarNarflunk
Narflunk's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by rmcqu1

I and others have tested this out, and I haven't seen a single person say contrary to the fact that, yes, party clicking is slower. Being slower brings about all of the other issues. Less IP, less CR, less bred eggs.
No one is saying you have to stop mass-clicking fields. Just that in order to fill your egg timer, you need to do 1,500 party clicks. Then you can move on to creating IP and breeding eggs and whatever.

QUOTE originally posted by rmcqu1

And about the personal preference, these issues are facts. It's confirmed party clicking is slower, which confirms less IP, CR, and bred eggs. Therefore, they can't be personal preference.
Just because something is a fact doesn't mean it isn't part of a personal preference. It is a fact that the egg timer was changed. What is personal preference is whether you like that change or not. If you don't like the change, that's fine. But if your reasons are "I don't want to use CSS" or "Clicking parties is slower so I create eggs slower" then you are getting into your personal preferences, whether you realize it or not. If your goal for part-clicking is to create eggs, that's your preference. As you have explained, it's not a very efficient method. But the original 'fact' is that party-clicking is now required to fill the egg timer.

QUOTE originally posted by rmcqu1

Given this, I don't see how these complaints are false. Just look at the Dev Log. Garth listed a good amount of reasons why field clicking is better than party clicking, and these line up with the responses/complaints of the community.
I was not referring to that, I was referring to the claims that people would stop mass-clicking fields. That is what is false. Sorry, I wasn't clear. Party-clicking has always had its problems, but what we should be debating about in this thread is the specific changes to the egg timer. The egg timer change didn't affect the ability to click in parties at all. The benefits given by the egg timer are not that great, and once you fill it you can go back to playing however you desire. Until this update I struggled to fill my egg timer because I primarily party-click with CSS. Now I fill it fairly quickly and don't have to worry. At the same time, it never really bothered me because the egg timer doesn't influence egg hatching that much anyways. For summary: Complaining about the egg timer change because it forces you to party-click, which unnecessarily hurts your hand/wrist, is valid. Complaining because you'd rather be mass-clicking fields is not valid. You can still do that, and the benefits from field clicking are still there to outweigh the loss from not using the egg timer.
Buy stuff at my Shop v-dragon.png Score: 887
I admit, being one of the people who was againt the new egg timer, i have recently seen what a difference it made with my egg hatching (Not my shiny luck mind you, lol), even with my less then active ability. I do however have a small suggestion/question of sorts. [Question] With the new egg timer comes faster hatching, and faster hatching means more eggs, would it be a possibility to double the amount of adoptable eggs from the daycare without the need of daycare passes? I know I've only been here a short while, but long enough to see the before and after effects of the egg timer. Before, the standard 6 daycare eggs (12 for hypermode) was do-able because you'd hatch a party, then (in my case and im sure plenty others) you'd have an s-rank shelter pass for 36 more. I almost never went past 20 with just eggs, but now I'm pretty much running out of adoptions everyday with just eggs! And i dont have the gp to buy the 60-pack of daycare passes every other day. So, I've been thinking, wouldn't a good way to help with breeders/shiny hunters be increase the amount of free adoptable daycare eggs by an extra 6 eggs(12 for hypermode)? Sorry if this is long or a bit confusing!
LeoIsLame's AvatarLeoIsLame
LeoIsLame's Avatar
[question] why not just have an option to hold click on a party members button then you can use the W and S keys to go up and down and still use the number keys to interact? - Also im curious as to what css code you can use to not have to move you mouse for the party clicking, if anyone has any recommendations! I already use css coding to get rid of the pkmn sprites and stack the interaction buttons ontop of each other
Leo/Crow Sprite by Me Avatar credit (i animated it)
TuneSakuNatsu's AvatarTuneSakuNatsu
TuneSakuNatsu's Avatar
I did not post on the previous thread because I wanted to see where this whole debate is going... But I am kind of 'meh' with the Egg Timer update. I use the CSS that stacks the berries/hold egg button on to the 'next' button for quite some time (it was posted by rmcqu1 on the other thread, if I can remember correctly), and I spammed the Open 50 whenever I had the time before, too, so it is not much of a change for me. To be honest, I am a bit dissapointed after this Dev Log, because I thought there will be some changes due to the backlash this whole thing got and because of Garth's previous post, but there were only statistics... I mean, I've got it, the Dev log will just give us an isnight what is going on, not a guarantee for actual updates. In my opinion the party clicking needs a big overhaul in layout and it really needs some more buffs - but not with taking away anything else from mass-clicking. (I'm with the more IP/credits/better breeding rate group on that one) [Question 1] The weighted clicking idea was a really good compromise in my opinion... Have you considered it? Because Garth, you just mentioned the two together, without weighting in my reading... What if the timer counted both types, but you couldn't max out the timer only just with one type? Or there could be 5 level fueled by party clicks and 5 level by massclicks. (Or 6-4, 7-3 or any other ratio, really) There could be so many compromise, but it looks like you are totally reject the idea of some sort of mixture. (Why?) [Question 2] It's a bit offtopic, tho... I've always found statistics interesting, will there be more insights what is going on behind the scenes number wise? It'd be great to see how much more active was the userbase on a MCW or during on event, or something.
Avatar is made by HotTubz ordered here. Collecting (mostly) missing and special fighting.png deltas + dragon.png deltas for Trebor! Pm me, please~ <3 ~*~*~¤~*~*~
Don't want to fall behind with the new sprites? Sprite discovery thread~ and you can discuss them in the Sprite Discovery Discussion~
UnownVelouria's AvatarUnownVelouria
UnownVelouria's Avatar
@Narflunk This is my personal preference, but when the change was made to increase the amount of party clicking, I don't think the number one solution should be to stop party clicking. It just hurts the change. We shouldn't be arguing whether or not the change was 100% good or bad. We should be suggesting ways to make it so the top solution isn't "stop party clicking." When we reach that point, that'll be when party clicking reaches what Noot and Garth are trying to get. "I don't want to use CSS" is definitely personal preference, but "clicking parties is slower so I create eggs slower" is definitely not. If I said I didn't want to party click for that reason, then yes, it would be, but that phrase is just an unbiased fact. Breeding eggs is based on clicks, so less clicks = less eggs. I may have misunderstood what you meant, but that just shows how we're going about in this thread wrong. I'm sure almost everyone will say party clicking isn't perfect, and definitely nowhere near field clicking in a bunch of different categories. So, as I said in the first paragraph, maybe we should be figuring out how to fix this, rather than the back-and-forth arguing we've had. Since I'd like to change the focus of this thread to a discussion rather than an argument, I'll list some of the suggestions people have made to try to fix the party vs field clicking issue: 1. Reduce loading time (Hide non-party stuff, load more than one party at a time, ect) 2. Implement party stacking option into user list page 3. Allow key clicking in the same way we have in fields 4. Allow "arrow" keys to be used to switch between Pokemon 5. Allow right clicking in parties 6. Increase breeding rate 7. Increase IP/CR per click 8. Set a flat amount of IP per click (Because of the lack of S&S, and lower IP from eggs than liked berries) 9. Some kind of split system for egg timer charging If anyone has any other suggestions, I can add them to this list. I haven't looked at the suggestions forum to see what was already suggested, but if we can have some good discussion, I'd be willing to write something up with the popular suggestions. On an unreleated note, I agree with Tune. I'd love to see a bit more into the behind-the-scenes of pfq, especially if the little we have (Bonus counters, mainly) aren't actually that accurate. While I get the reasoning behing not giving S/A rates, though personally I feel it'd be less of an issue with actual numbers than just player guesses, but that's off-topic, there's probably other stats that wouldn't hurt to release, and would just give us players something cool to look at.
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