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Sprite Discovery Discussion

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I would like to drop in with some positivity from someone whose favorite region is Hoenn. I have seen updated sprites that I really love, and ones I'm not so fond of, but I don't have any in my fields that I actively dislike. I'm speaking strictly about shinies and albinos, btw, as I have no melans and the only melan I care about is Zorua anyway. But there are some updated sprites I actually LOVE, both albino and regular.
Flygon. Holy COW that is beautiful! Much prefer it over the old colors. This is a bright, beautiful baby who is proud of her colors. I still prefer shiny Mega Flygon but bless this change, Flygon is vibrant and beautiful and as someone who has Flygon within the top 10, stamp of approval. Mega Salamence, Mega Manectric, Mega Latias and Latios. I have these sprites just regular, and I adore their new styles, especially Salamence. It looks much more intimidating now.
Mega Glalie. Holy COW art team, you took a sprite I thought was sort of lackluster and made it gorgeous. I am so impressed. The mist coming from Glalie's mouth is a great touch, I really love that a lot.
Mega Camerupt. Another great improvement, looks very intimidating and is it just me or does the volcano on its back look more vivid and fiery? Other miscellaneous sprites I love: Albino Taillow and Swellow, Albino Ralts, Albino Aron, Albino Electrike. And as I've said, the others I have I don't DISLIKE, I like them, but not strongly. I dislike none of the ones I have. I actually prefer the blue touch to the pink! And to the art team, really, genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. You have taken my favorite region and done your absolute best to make it, in your eyes, even greater. I may not share your vision for what that greatness entails, may disagree on some choices, but just the fact you are working hard to improve something that means so much to me is enough for me to appreciate you. Thank you, and please continue your amazing work.
Rèal's sprite by Matamoja. Avatar of Rèal by safi.
AxelBby's AvatarAxelBby
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Actual audible gasp: albino mega flygon omg it's sooo pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Cele's Avatarhypermode-12.pngCele
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I don't normally crawl too far out of my cave to visit the Discussion forums that often, but I really want to take a second to thank the art staff for their hard work on Hoenn! I've been looking forward to this specific update for such a long time, because Hoenn was one of my first experiences with Pokemon and is extremely special to me. While I do have my own preferences on which I am and am not drawn towards, I do think that a lot of the sprites were vastly improved. My melan Minun bugged me before with those suuuper saturated crimson red ears, and I'm so glad that got toned down into a nice chill palette. I had a need to melan hunt a full Beldum line before, but now that need has evolved into a Mighty Need. I'm happy to say goodbye to melan Swablu's pink/purple wings, the grey suits it so much better. Dustox and Exploud are no longer oversaturated eyesores. Beautifly is gorgeous. The entire Torchic line looks fantastic. Mega Blaziken is a Mighty Need as well. Sableye's melan looks like it found a gorgeous yellow topaz. I could go on. I can agree that Mega Rayquaza is objectively a little crowded as it is now with all the tendrils, but I can tell you guys put so much thought and passion into these, and I'm really looking forward to hunting many of them. Thank you so much!
sig code and sig bg image made by me
söbble's Avatarsöbble
söbble's Avatar
tbh if we were going to have 100% realistic to real life melans they would all be brown or gold with black and that would look really boring. I understand why melanistic has so many liberties taken - but with albinos, I do not. Pinks, purples, baby blues, oranges, creams... all 100% realistic to albino critters, mammals included! Not all leucistic animals have red eyes, either. I personally find realistic albinos a lot more interesting than... use pale blue or grey or green and slap one of the other three colors on top of it. GRANTED, this series of updates has been MUCH better about the green with blue/grey/pink than others. Like, real life melanism doesn't have a lot of variety. I understand perfectly why artistic leeway would be important and "overproduction of pigment" is kind of subjective. If, say, a Pokemon was normally red but somewhere had a gene for blue pigment in its lineage, purple is completely reasonable for a melan. You never know what a darker Pokemon could look like because we don't know all their pigments and what could be added to make new colors. Albinos are less pigment, though. It bothers me far more because I can't make an argument for it and I feel like it would be better looking if they were just pale versions of the original. I mean, I guess that would kind of get boring? Maybe? But I honestly find that pale green on baby blue to be way more boring and dull than any pink/blue/purple on cream could ever be. EDIT: actually, amusingly, looking back at some of the sprites... some of them very much ARE exactly what one would expect a melan to be like if it were based on real life melans. Altaria's line, Cradilly/Lileep, Spheal, Sableye... and, as much as I love them, I would NOT want every melan to be those colors!
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icon by kuromori!
Zen's AvatarZen
Zen's Avatar
I love the update for mega Rayquaza, the colors are nice, the position is okay, and I love the pokemon in general. But like others I feel the tendrils(?) make it seem too cluttered. I'm not sure what would fix it, maybe a different position? Or just making the outline of the tendrils darker? Or even just making the tendrils less all over the sprite and more linear to see might help. With the way they are now, they're a bit hard to see where they start and end.
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NORsevvy's Avatarhypermode-12.pngNORsevvy
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mmm melan altaria and froslass Okay to start off, melan Altaria was my first (successful) melan hunt, and my bird will always have a special place in my heart. Froslass was my most wanted melan, and will also have a very special place in my heart. But...the colours...they're not?? I don't know how to really describe how I'm feeling, other than a bit disappointed. Mega melan Altaria was GORGEOUS and I absolutely loved the colour schemes! That's why I wanted to hunt the cloud bird in the first place - the purple. The wings really did look like soft, puffy clouds, and it stood out to me. But now, uh..I don't really like the melan whatsoever. The maroon? Weird purple? For the base really puts me off, and then the clouds... In my personal opinion, the purple really made the sprite pop. But now, it doesn't really have that pop to in. The clouds are a dull greenish grey, and though some of the clouds (especially the 'middle back' one) look like, well, clouds, it's still...lacking, I guess? I miss the purple, and how fluffy and hug-able the old melan/mega looked. And melan Swablu and Altaria are..not exactly impressive, either. I really don't like the combination of the colours together, and it just puts me off quite a bit.
FROSLASS. I like the green eyes of the mega, and that might be it for said mega. The melan Froslass in general isn't that bad, but when she mega evolves, uh, hm. I know melanistics aren't supposed to be very bright and colourful, but this Pokemon isn't...really looking that great with that green. The dull green and purple, to me, don't mix well at all, and looks very...not good. Snorunt looks better, but Froslass seems to lack a lot. I, once again (personally), preferred the old colours, which to me really made Froslass seem like the dark ice queen she's supposed to be. That may seem a bit hypocritical, considering the old melan mega had orange-y brown, but it just...worked with the purple and her blue eyes. The bright green for eyes doesn't stand out to me very much, and the darker green doesn't go well with the (slightly) lighter purple. I do like the new albino Froslass, but the melan just...doesn't really appeal to me. The mint green of the albino Swablu line is very off-putting for me, but I don't exactly...dislike it? It just looks a bit strange. In my own opinion, I feel that aesthetic > consistency (this is in no way meant to be rude or mean!! i hope i dont come off that way, and i dont mean any insult to the art teams work, because i know they work very hard - just stating what i feel c: and quite honestly i might feel so biased against these specific pokemon because i hunted them, and their changes mean A LOT to me)
in peace, may you leave this shore, in love, may you find the next, safe passage on your travels, until our final journey to the ground... may we meet again. typerace points! - 0 [pfp is by spacehavoc!]
Cassy1235's AvatarCassy1235
Cassy1235's Avatar
I think a lot of the updates look really good this time around, only a few of the new sprites bother me. I love the purple colors on the Melan Torchic Line. I like the Ralts Line, but I feel the green is a bit misplaced, maybe a dark teal or gold would look better. The new Mawile Sprites look much better and less muddy. The Aron lines great too, I'm glad the coppery look stayed. Melan Cacturne looks really pretty now. I'm mixed on the Melan Swablu line, I like the stormy clouds, but the dull red looks kinda off, I think a purple or a slightly more saturated red would look nicer. Melan Banette looks a lot nicer, and so does Tropius. Melan Absol seems too light, even just a slightly darker body could help a lot. New Melan Luvdisc looks great and so do all the new Melan legends.
Icon drawn by me. (Original Post)
KishanHaru's AvatarKishanHaru
KishanHaru's Avatar
Thank you Art Staff! The melans are so beautiful. While there are some I wouldn’t hunt myself (to be expected, can’t appeal to everyone) they are all beautiful regardless. I do agree on the Rayquaza sprite that it seems cluttered with the ribbons but everything else about it is wonderful. :) I thought I loved Dusknoir before but whooooo boy. That purple Duskull line though. My one complaint: you guise are making my hunt list too long ;~;!!! I’ll never get through it alll lol I know of a few more I just added to my hunt list and man do I have so catching up to do to get back into the swing of things. <3 am love you all totallynotcreepy
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Response to Thrasher

Okay so I'm currently working on a novel of a post (here for the character count) but this warrants a more immediate response since you've said some pretty insulting things.


Looking at these two.. you can literally tell the sprite quality difference And this is so dissappointing to see.
The old Gardevoir is twice the size of normal gardevoir - how is that in style with gardevoir? The newer gardevoir uses existing pieces from the actual gardevoir and is closer to what size is supposed to be: The first one is huge, misproportioned, and is missing detail.. How exactly is that better that the new one which is closer to what it's supposed to look like? I'm genuinely curious.


"The quality dropping. You guys are ruining pokemon that people worked so hard for."
This is honestly just flat out insulting. How could you possibly think this is an okay thing to say? We've revamped the megas to be closer to what they're actually supposed to look like while still keeping the poses fresh and not cookie-cut from official sources. I'm confused and upset as to how you can possibly think the old Altaria is an improvement when it looks NOTHING like altaria, or even mega altaria. Everything about it is incorrect, from the proportions to the coloration.


"Now can we please talk about the melans getting more bland and dull?"
How are they getting more bland and dull?? because they're not neon bright, they're now dull and bland??? The new melans are more in line with the patterns present in the shiny and normal.


" Looking at the orginal sprite compared to the newest makes me so sad for the people who have hunted so hard for what they wanted. To see its been altered from all their hard work."
Again, this is flat-out insulting what about the art staff who worked HARD to make the sprites look more accurate? What about the months we spent working on color palettes to make sure things made sense? What about the hard work we pour into every ounce of the site to only recieve "the quality is dropping this looks gross." We're people too, and we try our best to listen to the community, but comments like this are incredibly hurtful and damage our motivation. We're people too. You don't see us throwing out this sort of thing to the userbase.


"For starters. Every fanmade mega on this site seems a bit overdone and much imo. For the ones that aren't they're beginning to make them a cluttered mess. The team needs to learn you don't have to add 800 things on a mega to make it look cool."
That's your opinion, and it's fine, but I'm not seeing how this relates to canon megas. We haven't added ANYTHING to the canon mega rayquaza. Everything present on the sprite is present in the official art. Everything. We haven't added or subtracted anything.


"Personally we really do think you guys need to try and listen to the users more! There are so many ways to interact with the community and be able to come to even ground with every one here!"
But... we do? We listen to them a lot. We've alter things based on community feedback all the time, so I'm not sure where this is coming from.. That you don't think we don't listen is also very hurtful. As far as developers and community interaction, we, as a development team, are VERY close to our customers/userbase and we're contantly interacting and listening to you guys. To hear otherwise is, quite honestly, baffling. If we didn't listen or WANT to listen, we wouldn't have this thread, the general feedback thread, the changelog thread would be locked, and we wouldn't have a discord server. Please, please, PLEASE don't ever insinuate we don't listen to the community, because I can assure you we do.


" Things we could try! _____________________ voting/polls ___________________________________ (the whole community might like this!) art contests ___________________________________ (maybe small things to get peoples art featured or used on the site!) suggestions ___________________________________ (though ive heard people have said you guys cant take them)"
While nice ideas, this thread is basically our "voting poll" - we gauge community feedback and adjust from there. We've already updated Electrike based on things said and we're still going through everything right now. Like I mentioned, I'm working on a massive response-post that breaks everything down, so it'll take a while for me to write up, proof read, etc. I'm sorry that it's taking so long, but again.. this post warranted an immediate response. As for art contests and suggestions, they share the same problem - we cannot accept anything from the community because there are ownership problems with them. We also have an image gallery which we showcase people's art, but it's not art we use for anything site-related.


"We are one of the newer people on this site so we can't say much other than we are dissappointed. And we hope things may be better in the future for this site. All of this is our opinion so it should'nt be taken too seriously. It's just things we've viewed, and its not a very good first impression but we're staying to see if things may get better.
It's hard to not take something seriously when the art staff read everything and try to take criticism on board - I'm sorry you have a poor first impression but please don't make assumptions on how things are run if you admit you're new and don't know how things work.


Though to be honest we are very scared for sinnoh... Pray for Sinnoh... Please don't ruin our Roserade.... "
Again, being scared for an update is also quite honestly demoralising, but from the overall tone of everything, it feels like art staff can't do any right by the users. To hear that you have to 'pray for sinnoh' and ask us to not ruin something is incredibly hurtful. We know what we're doing, but we adjust things based on community feedback.

Response to FinalAbsolution

QUOTE originally posted by FinalAbsolution

I understand the Artistic Freedom of the staff, and that they put a lot of work into the new ''Melanistic'' Pokemon. But they do not reflect how Melanistic Animals look, or how Melanism works in its entirety. We want Melanistic Pokemon to look Melanistic.
It's been stated before that our pokemon follow their own albinism and melanism. They follow the patterns of the normal and shiny, so if the shiny is pretty bright and saturated and has colors, the melan is going to be kinda colorful but still be dark enough to be what we consider 'melan'. I know this doesn't follow the definition of what's considered "melanistic" as you've pointed out, but changing the names for "albino" and "melanistic" is just going to be incredibly confusing if we uproot it now.


There was a quote from a staff member a while back- I'm unable to quote it because of the fact that the thread has been archieved and locked (Img of quote) Asking why we complain when a new thing is implemented while simutaneously asking for new things. Put simply, we like it when new things don't look bad. Melans are not Melanistic now. I see where the art team is taking it, they're doing the exact opposite of how melanistics should look and they're taking the appeal out of melanistics entirely- actively killing the market for them and their site in its entirety. If people don't like the melans, they are going to leave, the entire point of PFQ is to hunt and hatch specials, with a few things on the side. Making your specials look bad makes your entire site look bad, and people are going to leave. I've seen people dance around the subject to avoid upsetting staff out of legitimate fear of an account lock for their criticisms and I'm actually sick of it.
That's your opinion and you're entitled to it, but please don't claim that we're actively killing the market when there have been users that are in full support of the revamps. Don't claim something as a fact when it simply isn't - it kills it for you, and maybe some people that share your opinion, but it doesn't for "everyone", and to claim otherwise is an exaggeration. We're not going to lock anyone for simply disagreeing with us. We lock people if they break our rules on disrespect. If we were going to lock people for posting criticism.. why would we have so many threads open where users can provide feedback on certain features? Does that mean we're just looking to lock people because we have these threads open and lock whoever criticizes us? If anyone claims that we lock people simply for criticizing, I invite them to show me proof of that claim, because I too am sick of the claim that we're lock happy when someone disagrees with us.


I don't care about your consistency, you're taking backwards steps and actively destroying your entire site in the process. Saying "The staff has worked so hard" "It's rude to the staff" etc. Does not change anything. It's literally a guilt-trip and it only makes me even more infuriated about the mindset of a lot of this community. If something is bad and needs criticism, I'm going to criticize it. We complain, because when new things are implemented, take forever to implement, then look like absolute trash, it's more than a little disappointing. I'm not meaning to be rude, or throw shade, or target the staff team.
Okay, but saying we're "taking steps backwards" and "destroying the site" IS rude to the staff. Niet signs off on all projects at the end of the day, so does that mean he's responsible as well? How is saying "you're killing the site" not giving the STAFF a guilt trip? saying that you don't care about consistency is you effectively saying "I don't care how you guys say it works, I want it the way I like it" Criticise all you want, but don't be rude about it. That's all we ask for. You're saying you don't care about consistency, that we're backsliding, and actively destroying the site which is extremely rude. Don't say things look like trash and that you're disappointed. Offer constructive criticism on what should be improved. None of that was constructive, it was just being rude for the sake of being rude and then you cover it up by saying "you don't mean to be rude" as if saying those words somehow makes saying all of that okay.


But there have been so many complaints about the new sprites already. Melan hunting is nearly dead as it is, these changes should make them better, not worse! In a month, sure there'll be less complaints- not because we think the sprites look any better, but because complaining is pointless when the staff barely does anything to make positive changes or take userbase opinions into account at all. PFQ feels more like a staff playground that they're 'graciously' letting us in than something that the users can actively influence because they care about the userbase. If I'm wrong, prove me wrong, yell at me, tell me I'm wrong straight to my face, show me solid proof.
As mentioned before, I'm working on a massive post that adresses all the concerns put forward and I'm explaining things and sending things back to the team to work on. So please don't say we're barely doing anything when the exact opposite is happening. We're working on things, I promise you - we updated electikes and just now i'm having shazi look over metagross again after she adjusted swalot. If this were just a staff playground we would have no community interaction at all and refuse to listen to any sort of feedback. We're actively trying to improve and listen to what people are saying, so I'd appreciate if those assumptions were dropped.


I'm a lot like Garthic in the way that I say things harshly, and sometimes people take them the wrong way because on the internet it's hard to argue and not come off as a terrible person. I am begging you- staff Keep the community updated, give us a say in how the melans look, and the upcoming features. If you want Pokefarm to survive these are things you need to do as site administrators. I fear for the future of PFQ if things keep going the way they're going now.
Garthic doesn't say things harshly, he says them bluntly - there's a very big difference between those two words. Harsh implies things being said cruelly or sharply, while blunt is getting straight to the point and not dancing around language. Harsh implies things with the intent to be cruel. Blunt implies things being said matter-of-factly. This thread is giving you guys a say in how they look - like I mentioned in a response to thrasher, I'm currently in the middle of typing up a large response addressing what people are saying, I'm just responding to the both of you first since there are certain things I need to clear up immediately.


Melans in point from the wiki:
As mentioned, these sprites do not follow the patterns that were put forward, thus they were changed. We tries keeping similar colors but again, when you have a bright red shiny, the melan is not going to be pitch black. That doesn't work with the pattern we're following.


Real Life Melanistics

I just want to point out that some of those animals aren't actually "melanistic". That squirrel isn't melanistic, but is infact a variant of the Gray squirrel That lion is photoshopped. Check here for more information. In terms of "Melanistic animals are black" - sure. They are. But this is Pokémon. Why should we have pokemon, something not grounded in reality, and who have such vivid colors just become completely black?
Avatar: Novie
Canine's Avatarhypermode-12.pngCanine
Canine's Avatar
That Melan Manectric Q is too die for. And the Minun and Plusle specials are so much better now! I've never been a fan of the Pikachu lookalike mons, but I adore those new melans and albinos so much I just might have to hunt them.
Oliver. Male. 26. Melan Hunt Shop Code BG / Pixel Avatar: [email protected] Sig Art Characters are mine.

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