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Single post in Sprite Discovery Discussion

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I don't normally crawl too far out of my cave to visit the Discussion forums that often, but I really want to take a second to thank the art staff for their hard work on Hoenn! I've been looking forward to this specific update for such a long time, because Hoenn was one of my first experiences with Pokemon and is extremely special to me. While I do have my own preferences on which I am and am not drawn towards, I do think that a lot of the sprites were vastly improved. My melan Minun bugged me before with those suuuper saturated crimson red ears, and I'm so glad that got toned down into a nice chill palette. I had a need to melan hunt a full Beldum line before, but now that need has evolved into a Mighty Need. I'm happy to say goodbye to melan Swablu's pink/purple wings, the grey suits it so much better. Dustox and Exploud are no longer oversaturated eyesores. Beautifly is gorgeous. The entire Torchic line looks fantastic. Mega Blaziken is a Mighty Need as well. Sableye's melan looks like it found a gorgeous yellow topaz. I could go on. I can agree that Mega Rayquaza is objectively a little crowded as it is now with all the tendrils, but I can tell you guys put so much thought and passion into these, and I'm really looking forward to hunting many of them. Thank you so much!
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