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Mirzam's Avatarhypermode-12.pngMirzam
Mirzam's Avatar
Here's what it looks like for me. I have to scroll up to get the last 2/3 interactions, then back down to hit the next button. I used to only have to scroll down once, to get the last interactions and then immediately hit next, which would then automatically scroll me up when I had the option enabled. I will write CSS for myself if it's not changed, it's not a big deal for me personally, but it will be harder to get it right since there's no longer a way to completely disable the auto scroll.


Matamoja's AvatarMatamoja
Matamoja's Avatar
Ahhh. Here's what it looks like for me:

Not sure if it's possible for you, but have you tried making the upper screen smaller?
Michael • They/Them ShopBait Shop
Sprite made by me
Mirzam's Avatarhypermode-12.pngMirzam
Mirzam's Avatar
My phone is smaller than average with a slightly low resolution. I can't decrease the top window any more.
Nightmøn's AvatarNightmøn
Nightmøn's Avatar
Or maybe you can try something like this?

My first language is french! So sorry in advance for misunderstanding xD Profile picture made by myself! Gacha for DCP!
Mirzam's Avatarhypermode-12.pngMirzam
Mirzam's Avatar
I mean I can also do picture-in-picture/the pop-out player, but that decreases the video player size as does landscape mode. I'd prefer to focus on the mandatory auto scroll itself instead, are you guys finding it useful in general? On my smaller phone I'm just finding it a little annoying to have my window keep moving itself around with no practical way of disabling that.
pixelkitty's Avatarpixelkitty
pixelkitty's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Tarashia

I mean I can also do picture-in-picture/the pop-out player, but that decreases the video player size as does landscape mode. I'd prefer to focus on the mandatory auto scroll itself instead, are you guys finding it useful in general? On my smaller phone I'm just finding it a little annoying to have my window keep moving itself around with no practical way of disabling that.
I have to agree that I find it more annoying than helpful.
⚢ Sylveon PFP from Pokemon Shuffle
Gallevoir's Avatarhypermode-12.pngGallevoir
Gallevoir's Avatar
I'm having a technical issue with the compact mode as well, but it's more relevant on PC than mobile (sorry, I can't really be a help there). When I load multiple profiles on PC, it snaps to compact mode automatically; is it supposed to do that? Is there a way that it can tell that it's on mobile vs when it's on PC? I have the Quality of Life script on, does that have anything to do with it?

This is what I see when I load/refresh the multi profile page

Notice the Compact box is not ticked. I have to tick and then untick it to get it back to normal.
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They/them, for simplicity. Beathan sprite; egg sprites from Bulbapedia; avatar; Acacia sprite by me; Bee from Pokefarm Advent
Narflunk's AvatarNarflunk
Narflunk's Avatar
I'm having the same problem, but I have the party-clicking CSS active, not the QOL script. I know that there is potential issue for these two things, since they were designed on the old system. But why the compact mode is automatically activating, even when toggled off, I do not know. **Edit** I want to add that it's not really a problem, just a mild annoyance.
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MintyDeku's AvatarMintyDeku
MintyDeku's Avatar
Holy moly, my wrists and thumbs thank you for this update. This is a huge improvement! Though, there's only one minor gripe I do have with it, though. [issue] On mobile, all the pokémon and the next and previous bars are visible, but because the pokémon are more condensed, I find myself accidentally clicking on the link to the pokémon twice rather than feeding two pokémon. From what I can tell, the visible link text is way smaller than the actual length of the link itself. It's kind of hard to explain, but on my end (when I'm holding my phone vertically), the clickable links to the pokémon stretch as far as to the gender icon, which causes me to click that by accident when two pokémon are so close together. If I could screenshot this, I would. But I can't seem to screenshot on my browser. It could be because I just have large fingers. It's a great improvement, but I find my pace of clicking being interrupted by this. Otherwise, this update is such a quality of life imrpovement. Thank you for this. Important edit for those who looked at my post before: Just to clarify, I accidentally wrote "horizontal" instead of vertical. I hold my phone vertically when playing.

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Huskypup1127's AvatarHuskypup1127
Huskypup1127's Avatar
I do have to admit I miss the toggle snap back to top for multi party page clicks. I am legally blind and so I have to have my computer screen enlarged so I can see and that means extra scrolling (Which is fine because I mean that is my problem and not anyone elses). But the snap to top after I hit next made it easy to just scroll down and click as I went before hitting next and repeating. Though as many said before this might just be a me problem and it honestly isn't that bad, I miss it yes, but I can live with this as well since it seems to be helping out others exspecialy on moble :3 Other than this I am loving the new update with the compact parties and the load time is even quicker for me now than it was before. Before it might have taken 5 minutes (Not exagerating) for the next party to load, now at most it takes like 2 minutes or so, so it's much better! Much easier on my poor satellite internet.
Avatar art done by Kaen on wajas.

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