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Anabear64's AvatarAnabear64
Anabear64's Avatar
Someone might have already said this, people r posting really fast lol, but I think it would be a good idea to have the ability to add party clicks as something on the bar next to the total clicks, by ability I mean i could choose to add it to the bar instead of it just being there (i know I've seen some people complain the bar has too much already) I mainly say this becuase I've already noticed that I keep pressing on the egg to see where I'm at, where I used to just be able to look at the bar while I continue clicking fields Besides that, while I dont necessarily like the new egg timer that much I understand why its beneficial and it makes logical sense, a lot of people, including myself, neglect clicking other people besides those with rus and in my click list... and that isnt a good thing, it's just more convenient and it seems party clicking doesnt have many other benefits besides the possibility of getting a click back normally(which a majority of people dont do that). Its definitely a situation where what's good for us isnt always what we want (like not drinking caffeine before bed even when we reeeaaally want some coffee)
  • Please Click!!!
  • My Shop!
Lv. 65 — 6,307 / 12,871
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Any food
Happiness 98%
Docile nature
Much love, have a good day 😊💜
i'm just really happy that i no longer have a chance of my boxes going "unu,,, sowwy,,, :'C u get nothing,,,,,"
  • Misc.
  • Important Mons
i'm mike. it/its. credits | journal | art showcase (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ︵ ┻━┻ will buy these summon_uxi.pngsummon_mes.pngsummon_aze.png
QueenDM's AvatarQueenDM
QueenDM's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by ScarfDrawsCattøs

I understand all the dissatisfaction, especially from people who have problems in their hands^^ Maybe they're just giving people time to get used to it to see if we'll eventually start liking it? I'm not sure, but it sorta seems that way.
That's....not how things should work, though. We shouldn't have to wait and see if we start liking a new feature. People with hand problems aren't going to suddenly start liking something like this because some time passes, they're more likely to just shut up about it because they see that nothing is going to change and complaining will get them nowhere. They're more likely to quit, or specifically in this case expect that they will have a much harder time reaching the egg timer max than they did before. Which really is a step back from being user friendly because people shouldn't have to do that when the system as it was worked just fine.

QUOTE originally posted by Terabbit

I dont understand the hate for the egg timer update? If you massclicked just to get your eggtimer up you might as well be afk because you are basically not playing the game. 1500 party clicks should take about the same time as 5k mass clicks.
Of corse you don't understand the hate, you were one of the people suggesting this. Also no, 1.5k party clicks does not take anywhere near the same amount of time as 5k mass clicks. I can get through a 5k field in under 5 minutes, and assuming everyone I click has a full party it's taken me over 20 to get the party clicks. Mass clicking is easier because of the keyboard short cuts, better for people with hand/wrist problems as opposed to moving through individual parties as well. The old system was faster and more accessible, period. Now it takes more time and takes away accessibility on more than one account becasue it's not just people with hand/wrist issues but people who can't dedicate copious amounts of time to being here that are going to suffer and be less likely to play at all.
xRequiemx's AvatarxRequiemx
xRequiemx's Avatar
I don't neccessarily hate the new egg timer but I do have some issues for it. -As people say, it's not as mobile friendly. I could use a CSS to overlay all the eggs but I like to see what people are hatching and you can't see them with that CSS. Without that CSS it's a lot slower to hit max egg timer than it used to be. -There should still be some bonus (besides the exp and IP for clicks) for overall interactions. Personally, there's only 3 reasons I mass click non-rus holders: Niet day, Sei day and to get my egg timer up quickly. You've now removed one of my (and other people's) biggest reasons for mass-clicking. Field-clicking is going to suffer as a result.
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Yahan's AvatarYahan
Yahan's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by QueenDM

There's dissatisfaction, and then there's implementing a suggestion that was never going to be widely popular in the first place. There was no way they didn't know this given the opposition presented in the original suggestion forums. The staff here work hard, I've seen that even in the short time I've been here. But putting a suggestion into effect that was shown to have major opposition when it was suggested both times should be called out, and the backlash is to be expected. Actually I'm surprised it isn't worse, I'm surprised by the restraint being shown by a lot of the people here expressing their dissatisfaction with at least the egg timer part of the update.
Yeah, I understand why people are upset about the specific egg timer too. On a small scale it’s frustrating that it happened in the middle of the day. On a grander scale it’s upsetting if you’re a big mass clicker and depend on that to get your egg timer to the max level. But maybe, (and this is just pure speculation, so please keep that in mind) that despite the opposing feedback in the original suggestion, Garth and Niet saw something in it that we don’t? Kinda like how parents interact with their children. For instance, if a parent gave their child a lot of screen time but then had to suddenly cut it short for some reason, why wouldn’t the child be upset and want things to be back to the way it used to be? But the parent did what they did because they saw something the child didn’t. Maybe they realized that what their child was spending screen time on was actually doing more harm than good, for instance. (There could be many other reasons to why the parent made the choice that they did. This was just the first one that came to me) But from the child’s perspective it’ll always be unfair because their parents took away something they wanted and enjoyed. They don’t yet have the ability to comprehend the bigger picture. I tend to look too deeply into things just in general. so I apologize if this actually isn’t meaningful. It’s also not the best metaphor for what I’m trying to say. >~< And by no means am I calling anyone who’s upset children for feeling the way they do. Negative emotions are a natural human thing and they’re ok to feel regardless of how old you are. So please remember that too.
I use tone tags! Ones I tend to use the most are /gen
, /nf
not forced
not mad
, /lh
light hearted
, /npa
not passive aggressive
, /pos
, /neu
, /s
. (Hover over for meanings~)
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made by Anna-Ravenrock
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my design. Luvdisc is one of my Pokemon OCs adapted from an official Luvdisc sprite, girl and the quote are both from Erin Entrada Kelly's novel You Go First
Teaques's AvatarTeaques
Teaques's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by QueenDM

There's dissatisfaction, and then there's implementing a suggestion that was never going to be widely popular in the first place. There was no way they didn't know this given the opposition presented in the original suggestion forums. The staff here work hard, I've seen that even in the short time I've been here. But putting a suggestion into effect that was shown to have major opposition when it was suggested both times should be called out, and the backlash is to be expected. Actually I'm surprised it isn't worse, I'm surprised by the restraint being shown by a lot of the people here expressing their dissatisfaction with at least the egg timer part of the update.
Please bear in mind that not everybody hates this suggestion. I've looked through this thread and i see about 50/50 divide. There's no need to speak for everyone. imo the only bad thing about this update is its heavy reliance on CSS. Instead of hating on it and demanding that we get our old unfair system back (unfair because it encouraged users to waste 5k clicks on a single user who likely doesn't even need those clicks), why don't we ask for a better, more streamlined process of clicking parties? The same thing that CSS does, but coded in? The negativity in this thread is just astounding
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xRequiemx's AvatarxRequiemx
xRequiemx's Avatar
@yay A majority of us are not kids and the idea of "devs forcing us to do what's good for us" comes off as condescending. We enter this game choosing to click like crazy and have every choice not to do so. If my schedule doesn't fit in 5k clicks, then, as an adult, I don't click a full 5k and go about my day. Also, there are a lot of legitmate reasons already mentioned to dislike this change.
xXShadeXx's Avatarhypermode-12.pngxXShadeXx
xXShadeXx's Avatar
Just to butt in again, 1.5k clicks took me far longer than doing the usual 5k total interactions. I did try the CSS, but I hated how the layout looked, as well as it still didn't make clicking any easier for me...at all. So I switched it back. Within like clicking 30 people's party, my wrist and thumb started bothering me. I usually always party clicked after getting rus, or if it's the end of the day and I remember to click everyone back, or if you got rus. I was never incentivized to. But now with being forced to do 1500 party interactions to max out the egg timer, more than likely after getting it, I'm not gonna return any more party clicks that day unless you get rus, simply because it does take a toll on my hand. As for the negativity...people are giving their feedbacks? Some are asking why this change was implemented, and there's others who are giving reasons on why they personally dislike it. Not everyone is demanding it be changed back, we just wanna know why. There's obviously benefits to this, which can be seen, but it's not perfect.
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QueenDM's AvatarQueenDM
QueenDM's Avatar
@Yay That's not a fair comparison. If they're seeing something we don't, and have a reason of something behind the scenes that is in the data we don't have access to, then perhaps something should be said. As quoted earlier, explaining why they felt this was necessary other than prioritizing party clicks would be extremely helpful. @Teaques You're missing part of that quote, however. I was referring to Trebor pointing out that in both threads suggesting similar changes to the egg timer there was overwhelming opposition and it is very clear a majority of users did not want this change. This thread as a whole seems to be 50/50 split, but it also seems as if a lot of the people praising this change are the people who suggested it in the first place with others being in opposition so I feel like that's a thing as well. I wouldn't be mad if this update had come with something like what you're suggesting, a non-CSS way to make field clicking easier. But it didn't, it came with no changes except to make getting the egg timer up harder and took away a lot of accessibility as a result. At the very least it should be changed back for now and then implemented again alongside an update that makes field clicking easier, not have us have to wait for whenever the staff can get around to do that.
Yahan's AvatarYahan
Yahan's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by xRequiemx

@yay A majority of us are not kids and the idea of "devs forcing us to do what's good for us" comes off as condescending. We enter this game choosing to click like crazy and have every choice not to do so. If my schedule doesn't fit in 5k clicks, then, as an adult, I don't click a full 5k and go about my day. Also, there are a lot of legitmate reasons already mentioned to dislike this change.
As I said towards the end. I did not mean to call anyone “kids” with my metaphor. It was just the best analogy I had at the time. I apologize for it though- I probably should have taken more care and thought into how I presented my thoughts.

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