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Single post in DLD #2 [Electric Swing]

Forum Index > Core > Announcements > Dev Log Discussion > DLD #2 [Electric Swing] >

Anabear64's AvatarAnabear64
Anabear64's Avatar
Someone might have already said this, people r posting really fast lol, but I think it would be a good idea to have the ability to add party clicks as something on the bar next to the total clicks, by ability I mean i could choose to add it to the bar instead of it just being there (i know I've seen some people complain the bar has too much already) I mainly say this becuase I've already noticed that I keep pressing on the egg to see where I'm at, where I used to just be able to look at the bar while I continue clicking fields Besides that, while I dont necessarily like the new egg timer that much I understand why its beneficial and it makes logical sense, a lot of people, including myself, neglect clicking other people besides those with rus and in my click list... and that isnt a good thing, it's just more convenient and it seems party clicking doesnt have many other benefits besides the possibility of getting a click back normally(which a majority of people dont do that). Its definitely a situation where what's good for us isnt always what we want (like not drinking caffeine before bed even when we reeeaaally want some coffee)
  • Please Click!!!
  • My Shop!
Lv. 65 — 6,176 / 12,871
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Any food
Happiness 98%
Docile nature
Much love, have a good day 😊💜
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