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Single post in DLD #2 [Electric Swing]

Forum Index > Core > Announcements > Dev Log Discussion > DLD #2 [Electric Swing] >

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QUOTE originally posted by QueenDM

There's dissatisfaction, and then there's implementing a suggestion that was never going to be widely popular in the first place. There was no way they didn't know this given the opposition presented in the original suggestion forums. The staff here work hard, I've seen that even in the short time I've been here. But putting a suggestion into effect that was shown to have major opposition when it was suggested both times should be called out, and the backlash is to be expected. Actually I'm surprised it isn't worse, I'm surprised by the restraint being shown by a lot of the people here expressing their dissatisfaction with at least the egg timer part of the update.
Please bear in mind that not everybody hates this suggestion. I've looked through this thread and i see about 50/50 divide. There's no need to speak for everyone. imo the only bad thing about this update is its heavy reliance on CSS. Instead of hating on it and demanding that we get our old unfair system back (unfair because it encouraged users to waste 5k clicks on a single user who likely doesn't even need those clicks), why don't we ask for a better, more streamlined process of clicking parties? The same thing that CSS does, but coded in? The negativity in this thread is just astounding
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