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PokéFarm "Reboot"

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Hi, and welcome to my TEDTalk.

QUOTE originally posted by xRequiemx

The idea of a plot and everything is great but this really kills my motivation. I’ve sunk a lot of RL money into getting PFQ currency to collect summons and run a Ditto hunt. If items and saved chains don’t transfer over then that’s months of work and a lot of money down the drain. I know this reboot is somewhat far off, where I might be able to finish what I’ve started, but I can’t help but see it as a lot of wasted time still. It’s taken me months just to save up money (real and PFQ) to hunt the first 40 Ditto eggs.
See my previous post. The aim is for none of what you just said to be true.

QUOTE originally posted by Trevenant

Not a big fan of the prospect of having to start over again. It really isn't cute. It's taken me an absurdly long time to get all of the stuff I have. Sure, we'll be able to transfer our current Pokemon over only once we get our dex entries and at a certain, unspecified point... but how easy is getting those entries going to be? Some of the shinies I have really aren't the easiest to find lmao, their eggs are rather rare or they're just straight up legendaries ( Someone please enlighten me if I'm wrong about the dex scenario. This was how I interpreted the original post That being said, my biggest concern is about item/currency crossover. Currently, some Pokemon are obtained by breedng through the use of a certain rare item. How long would it take on the new PF to get one of those? Rng is an absolute jagoff, after all. ... This might be the thing that drives me off of Pokefarm for good, if I'm even still around by the time it rolls out. Quite frankly, I'm kind of sick of restarting. Pulling this type of stuff on the userbase isn't always a very nice move.
Normals only, then you can transfer the rest.

QUOTE originally posted by IceyyTheGlaceon

for example, if you have the entry for a non-shiny Bulbasaur, you can transfer over a shiny Bulbasaur and get the entry for it, WITHOUT hunting it? Is that correct?

QUOTE originally posted by EvilAngel

This IS a beta game... I understand, but..... I'm sad. Accounts: Will we create new accounts or will we be able to login by our old accounts (User: EvilAngel Password: xxxxx (same password as before)?
While we can't transfer all account information, giving the users of the site the choice to "pass on" their username / password (say, by clicking a link we provide you) before we open up public registration is an option that I think we can do. That way if you want to ensure that you get your current username, you can!

QUOTE originally posted by EvilAngel

TRANSFERRING Pros: We can still get some of our pokemon Cons: We won't be able to recieve all, maybe some of those were special pokemon you really loved, When the update that allows you to transfer pokemon releases, everybody would get a rush to get dexes
What? Like it was said in the first post, you can get them all. Anyone saying anything other than that is wrong.

QUOTE originally posted by EvilAngel

About the CS: I have a Petripeep CS, Marowak CS, and Exxegcute CS. You said we need the pokemon's dex before we can transfer. Does that mean I just need a normal Exxegcute, Marowak, and Petripeep, or do I need a special pokemon to get the CS?
Just get the base Pokémon, job done.

QUOTE originally posted by EvilAngel

Currency: Will we be able to transfer currency? If no, I'm totally spending everything.
Don't want to promise it just in case something comes up, but we believe that's an almost definite yes.

QUOTE originally posted by EvilAngel

Melans: I don't have a melan, but I'm pretty sure that some people would be totally heartbroken if they lose their most beloved melans.
Good thing they won't lose them, then. :p All you need to do is get the normal Pokémon and the melan can be brought over.

QUOTE originally posted by EvilAngel

I don't really support this.... I've played for around 3-4 months and I've never missed a day of PFQ. Now I have to wipe all that progress? I'm very sad :(
No, you don't. No progress is being wiped. This is false.

QUOTE originally posted by orc

I KNOW i’ve been collecting summons for a shiny hunt and i’m really nervous now. Hope we find out about items possibly being transfered over soon so I know whether to squeeze a hunt in with what i’ve got before everything gets reset >.<
Good news! Nothing is getting reset~ I don't know where you got that from.

QUOTE originally posted by PríncéssPìkà

QUOTE originally posted by DarkKnightVergil

Minor details with the Dex: Do we have to unlock the Mega Dex Entries before we can trade my Mega Pokemon to the reboot? It would take a pretty fair amount of time to get them all again and would make the transferring unnecessary unless your Megas are on LV 100 or something like that.
I didn't think about that, I have three mega that I care about a lot, one that's part of a breeding pair of mine and two other random ones, it's not many, but I still want to transfer them all.
(Also @artisticumbresol) Can't confirm at this point, but since the Mega's are considered forme's, they should be able to be tied to the base form. So Mega Charizard X / Y, for example, you'd only need to get a Charizard. Again, can't confirm - but that's how we want it to work. Niet just hasn't got there yet, is all.

QUOTE originally posted by Grym

I'm not gonna lie. I'm probably going to end up leaving the site if this goes through the way it sounds like it is. I have paid real money on this site several times since joining. With all the time and money spent i'll still most likely lose my badges, my items that took forever to hoard up, and start over from scratch. The biggest thing i need to know: do we get to keep our currency? The users spend a lot of real money on currency. Though not directly said, starting over implies badges will be lost. Is there any way that people can keep badges and currency at the least? Those take a long time to build up I realize that this will basically be a different/new game and new games start from the beginning not the middle or end. But some people have been playing for years. That dedication shouldn't go to waste. If a person finally hoarded up several hundred of a summon should they lose those summons? (Same thing for other items of course).
"most likely"? Where'd you get that from? Source, please. Don't spread false information. Currency is nigh definite to be saved but it's not been looked at yet, though ZC is a definite yes. That's a very weird thing to be saying to a new project that was just being shown off where it's clearly stated it's extremely early in development... Not saying we disagree because... Yeah? Obviously. x: That shouldn't even need saying - because it doesn't.

QUOTE originally posted by CASSIEL

Honestly? Who tells us that in a few years' time there will be no new start and then we have to start from zero again for the fourth, fifth, sixth, etc. I think I speak here for some .... no one wants to have to start again and again at zero, to collect everything, to re-hunt, to hatschen etc. It's a game, yes, but that should be fun and this is definitely no fun anymore. Sorry, but rather you scare old-established players with it, takes those who desire rather than they always want to restart.
You don't have to re-hunt anything, you ONLY need to normal dex entry. Nothing more. The rest is your opinion - if you've played Pokémon games then you've done it before, it's no different here. Well, no - it is different. We're giving you a better deal than they do. ;)

QUOTE originally posted by Gracidea

Oof I just woke up so forgive me for any stupid stuff? Anywho, if the site's getting rebooted, then I'm starting to question whether I should bother continuing to keep collecting my gracidea seeds and such and start the hunt now since I at least know I'd be able to summon shaymin now rather than later. Yeah the eta is probably longer than a month so I probably have a bit more time, but I just dunno... I'm sorta upset, but I know that things will change, whether we like it or not.
As was said in the first post, this site isn't closing down for the forseeable future - it will be kept up as long as possible - again, as was said. This will also take a LOT longer than a month. This is, again, as was said, early development. Please do keep this in mind when giving consideration to such things.

QUOTE originally posted by Optimus Prime

So... my prized possession in pf1 was a shiny deiglitch i got. Couldn't transfer it... i was a bit sad but im way over it... My prized possession on pfq? My melan terabbit who i spent stupid amounts of money on to hunt. Not to mention terabbit is literally just my favorite pokemon period. i dont even care that its a fakemon. Please tell me fakemon will be transferable? Ill be absolutely heartbroken if i cant transfer up the only pokemon i care about.
As was said in the first post. All means all. So yes, it will be :)

QUOTE originally posted by susie

I know that currency will be transferred at the very least, which is great! But it doesn't replace the amount of time and effort that was put into this site by me and others. As an addendum, I'd like to point out that even if currency is transferred, things like fields will still need to be bought all over again. In addition, I fail to see what this new reboot brings to the table--a new site design, cool but not exactly necessary, y'know? The assistance to colorblind people is a great thing! But that could have easily been implemented into the current iteration of the site. So far, only the gameplay elements (quests, being more accessible to new users) sound like a fully good idea. Which is great for new players! But for long-time players like myself, it feels like sort of a punch in the gut.
That's a good point, I'm sure there's something that we'll be able to figure out for that - like making selling fields on PFQ give back 90% of the cost when sold, or something like that. It's not perfect, but you, the user, did use them - so they wouldn't be sold back at 100%. a 10% loss, that in mind, is more than most would give. That's because you can't see it. You can't see the database right now, can you? So if we go on that line of logic - that you can't see the result, then what's the point of a lot of the site? Most of it is stuff you can't see. Not to be funny, by the way! I'm just making a point that just because you don't know, doesn't mean there isn't a reason for it. (see: any science you don't understand).

QUOTE originally posted by kelbunny13

If this update were to happen, I would probably leave the site. I've put too much effort into this game, and a complete restart would basically be a huge punch in the gut. My pokemon, I would keep luckily, but my items, money, my saved shiny chain of over 1500... all of it would be gone. It is as though my effort means nothing. I've spent too much time saving these things, only to have them disapear. I hate how we will be forced to complete restart, and our time and effort we put into PFQ would essentially vanish.
How would all of it be gone, exactly? The first post, which I presume you read, stated that Niet hadn't got to that point yet so he couldn't promise something. Would you rather he promised something, found out he couldn't do it, and then broke his promise - instead of saying "I haven't got there yet but it SHOULD be fine"? Why you took "can't say 'yes' just yet" (not quoted verbatim) as "we're all doomed" is... Beyond my comprehension. Good heavens.

QUOTE originally posted by Lilbug33

i don't like the idea of losing literally everything, and i'm guessing that includes chains? unless it was mentioned somewhere (sorry, i just woke up ;;) i don't think anyone's keeping their HM/ubers/shiny charms/etc? i might just be so used to this site and its mechanics, that even thinking about something totally different but with the same name on it just hurts my head. i'm really comfortable with the current mechanics/things to do here, and just..not having that feels odd, i guess. the old recode to me, personally, wasn't horrible because it had the same idea - just different look. the new quest system doesn't really interest me, but, idk hopefully this made some sort of sense, i just woke up yikes;
To be candid, as I'm losing steam here (just to clear up that I'm not trying to be funny, I'm legit losing my energy rofl), every issue you have in regards to 'losing stuff' is false. As far as we're concerned, all of that which you mentioned being concerned of losing, is staying. You admitted yourself that you were guessing - then made assumptions, and ran with them, based on those guesses. Don't do that.

QUOTE originally posted by Arebani

Cons: - Will ALL Pokemons be transferable? As Some already stated, some PF1 Exclusives/Variants and all CS's were not transferable to PFQ and got lost forever, don't want this to happen again.
Yes, the first post said "all" for a reason :p

QUOTE originally posted by Arebani

- Losing all my Items "most likely"? I don't care for most Items, but the hard to get ones like the Meteorite Shards and especially ZC items like Shiny Charms/Box which costed me REAL money "might" get lost? I'm sorry, don't want to be rude, but that's just an incredible NO-GO! Those things are not cheap and I've spent A LOT of money on those things, you can't expect anyone to be "all right" with that.
How does "cannot 100% confirm yes" mean "most likely no"? That's a jump in logic that I admit to not understanding. If you got that from what other people were saying - they're wrong. Anywho! There is a chance but at the end of the day - when we said we can't confirm... It's because we can't confirm. This is early development - it SHOULD be fine, but we don't want to run in to any problems AFTER we go "hurr durr yes we promise everything will be okey-day!" because that is FAR worse than saying "Don't know, we haven't got there yet", don't you agree?

QUOTE originally posted by Arebani

- Saved Chains. Will those be lost? It costs 300 ZC / 3 GBP to save a single chain, which is a lot, will those just vanish too?
Who do you think we are? EA? You wound us. Back to seriousness - they will not be lost, even if we just give everyone a free PR memory stick to transfer over - or something like that (as I said earlier c: )

QUOTE originally posted by Arebani

- Losing progress. PokeDex, Badges, Wishforge, Stats, Mega Ring, Garden will all these things be gone as well?
Honestly, this one is a little up in the air and it's evident that people want to maintain what progress they can. That's fine - like we said, though, early development. We are NOT THERE yet. To be completely blunt. That said - when we do get there, we will do what we can to bring over whatever we can. I feel that people have made themselves abundantly clear on this point and we would be absolute fools not to listen.

rest of quote, long

QUOTE originally posted by Arebani

Result: I would really like to look forward to the new Quests and such but the Cons just heavily outweight any excitemnent I could bring up for the new PF. I'll just loose way more with that than I could possibly gain from it. I have been on PF1 for 2 years and didn't had much to loose (beside my special Variants/CS that are lost forever and I still dearly miss) when joining PFQ, but now I have been here for 5 years and spent already over a thousand Euro here, got a great collection of Pokemon and Items, got my Master Ghost badge and am getting close to Steel Master, I have reached many goals and still have many more to go, and now all of this shall be in vain? Why bother buying anything anymore? Memory Sticks will be lost and saved chains with them. My HM will soon run out, wanted to buy another year of it, but now I don't know if I should even get a month, if I should buy any ZC at all, since it'll be all be useless anyway. And for how long will the transfering be available? With Pokemons like Silvally it may take years to finish the PokeDex once more. Those news just completely demotivated me to pursue my goals or to do anything at all here anymore. You want new people to join but you're only loosing the old ones, the ones that paid money, new users don't pay money, it's the old ones that do. If you really want to make that new PF you need to decrease the lost by A LOT MORE, Pokemons are the most important thing, yes, but Items and Currencies are important too! EDIT: And egg EXP should stay in numbers. How else can I put a price on a Shiny if I don't know the EHP? By popularity? That changes too often. EHP was the way to do it and so it should stay
You are making assumptions and then panicking based on those assumptions. Once more, to be blunt: Do not make assumptions. Please stop.

QUOTE originally posted by hybenti

"stop overreacting" people have spent hundreds or more of their REAL LIFE money on this site. I, and everyone else who has sunk our hard-earned cash into this site, have every reason to be alarmed, thanks. if yall dont make everything ive spent my hard-earned money on trasnferable, this is a scam. Im just a disabled trans person with not much to look forward to in life, please dont make me regret putting money into Pokefarm AGAIN. also like someone else said, this probably wasnt a wise idea to post this without really ironing out more details. yall knew what was gonna happen. yall knew people were gonna freak out, and rightfully so.
Seems you missed the point I was making - the overreacting is taking what was said and then making a false assumption instead of clarifying it and running with that to a negative point that was completely false. THAT is an overreaction and it is FALSE. It is also NOT okay. I don't see what people spending money has to do with them doing what I just described. You can spend money, and NOT spend money and do that - and it's still not okay. The only issue is what I described. Nothing more. People asking questions, clarifying things or disliking anything / having issues based on facts or on the uncertainties that we put forward (without making it more than it was)? Not a problem at all. Those are understandable and they are not overreactions.

QUOTE originally posted by Leomon2004

Another point about the apparent "Unlock one Dex Entry to unlock all corresponding Dex Entries" thing does this apply to Deltas? Also as others have wondered what does this reset/reboot do about UBs? For me to get Type: Null I needed to sacrifice 6 UBs to get it, 5 of which I had to pay 1Million Credits each for. Then I had to pay 6Million Credits to get those UBs back. So in order to get Type: Null's Dex Entry in the reset/reboot site I have to do that again? Yeah, not too happy about that.
Get the normal and you can transfer the rest. Same as all the others. As before, this is early development - we haven't got that far so we can't tell you. It is subject to change though, you might not have to do that.
Stargaze1's AvatarStargaze1
Stargaze1's Avatar
I myself think that this has some bad things that will come with it, and some good things too. Of course people are’nt gonna be happy about losing their stuff. Thats a given. Honestly I would be worried if they WERN’T. I myself think that PFQ does’nt need a huge reboot. If it is a internal issuie that cannot be fixed without a reboot, then go ahead, but I really think the things you want to do could be done with some little updates. Why cannot we just throw out these details one at a time, like the egg EXP thing one week, and the type icons another. And I don’t really want a story mode. I just think the way you are going about this is wrong.
Profile Pic made by Dr.Devorak My Baby! Check out my shop! https://pfq.link/~LkJG
Narflunk's AvatarNarflunk
Narflunk's Avatar
The "transfer" tool sounds like it will go a long way to solving many of the issues that people have brought up regarding the move to PF3. Of course people are going to have issues with having their PFQ account be removed because of it though. Has there been any investigation into using the back-up system as a way of transferring data? Since that system was fixed recently, could the data there be used to transfer specific sets of information from PFQ to PF3?
Buy stuff at my Shop v-dragon.png Score: 0
timid's Avatartimid
timid's Avatar
i understand there's a lot on this matter that doesn't have an answer yet, but currently i'm quite curious as to the timeline of "PF3" as other ongoing things stand. specifically, the rapid approach of sw/sh as well as the sprite recolor project. are these things that will take a backseat to the reboot? i understand they're both things that are slightly more in the territory of the art team, but i'm curious if there's any plan to push those out or if they'll fall to the wayside for now. that aside. many, many of my concerns were addressed well by Garth and i'm trusting that as much of our progress that can be transferred over will be. these wishalloy badges didnt come along in a flash after all :')
Napstablook sprite by Toby Fox. Question mark from default pfq icon. Thrown together by me.
0Percent's Avatar0Percent
0Percent's Avatar
The impression I got from the announcement is that the foundation of this site is messy and makes adding things a pain, with that in mind I am interested at what sort of new stuff there might be in the far future. For example the shiny market is so broken on here atm with no idea at what things cost it honestly surprises me that there isn't a Pokemon Auction or something for selling stuff like that. There is also a lot of quality of life improvements that could become a thing, one notable one would be 'folders' for fields. I am also curious of what this sprite recolor project timid mentioned is.
L0KI's AvatarL0KI
L0KI's Avatar
Honestly, this just sounds like another one of those situations where the community doesn't like the idea and can't say much about it without getting "shut down". I hope pfq thrives in the future, but this update is just... Pretty Meh...
Avatar by Bufuserk
Kiwani's AvatarKiwani
Kiwani's Avatar
I know the questions about specials (shinies, albinos, melans) has been answered, but what about custom sprites, like the cs Petripeep, the birthday cs sprites? Will they be transferable, since they are just custom sprites of the base pokemon? It probably been answered, but my phone is running slow, data wise, to look through 20+ pages.
*11/300 Fujin's Lamp All avatar credit of Nathaniel the Natu goes to Sina142's joint art shop.
Zubat's AvatarZubat
Zubat's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Kiwani

I know the questions about specials (shinies, albinos, melans) has been answered, but what about custom sprites, like the cs Petripeep, the birthday cs sprites? Will they be transferable, since they are just custom sprites of the base pokemon? It probably been answered, but my phone is running slow, data wise, to look through 20+ pages.
Yes, ALL Pokemon will be transferable
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lappland's Avatarhypermode-12.pnglappland
lappland's Avatar
just wondering since i wasn’t on pf1, for the priority sign up thing, how is the link going to be delievered to us? email?
[ avatar is from arknights il siracusano banner ]

QUOTE originally posted by Narflunk

The "transfer" tool sounds like it will go a long way to solving many of the issues that people have brought up regarding the move to PF3. Of course people are going to have issues with having their PFQ account be removed because of it though. Has there been any investigation into using the back-up system as a way of transferring data? Since that system was fixed recently, could the data there be used to transfer specific sets of information from PFQ to PF3?
The backups are for restoring data - not actively utilising it. Aside from that, it's transfer, not duplicate. Since you can have both accounts active at the same time, we'd be kinda breaking things if we decided to let you have the progress on both. We're letting people keep their progress - not effectively doubling it. x: edit: Imagine, if you will, duplicating your data, and then being able to hunt on both accounts and then transferring everything you get from PFQ up to the new build. Double-progress! Woo~ We're not looking to break the economy, here xD

QUOTE originally posted by timid

i understand there's a lot on this matter that doesn't have an answer yet, but currently i'm quite curious as to the timeline of "PF3" as other ongoing things stand. specifically, the rapid approach of sw/sh as well as the sprite recolor project. are these things that will take a backseat to the reboot? i understand they're both things that are slightly more in the territory of the art team, but i'm curious if there's any plan to push those out or if they'll fall to the wayside for now. that aside. many, many of my concerns were addressed well by Garth and i'm trusting that as much of our progress that can be transferred over will be. these wishalloy badges didnt come along in a flash after all :')
if by "slightly more" you mean "entirely" :p Niet doesn't code anything to do with them so I don't see why any of your concerns would be a thing.

QUOTE originally posted by SamEarl13

The impression I got from the announcement is that the foundation of this site is messy and makes adding things a pain, with that in mind I am interested at what sort of new stuff there might be in the far future. For example the shiny market is so broken on here atm with no idea at what things cost it honestly surprises me that there isn't a Pokemon Auction or something for selling stuff like that. There is also a lot of quality of life improvements that could become a thing, one notable one would be 'folders' for fields. I am also curious of what this sprite recolor project timid mentioned is.
When you have to 'hack' things in to make them work, it's a problem. PF1 had this problem on a larger scale and, in Niet's on words, it pretty much "pretended to work". We don't want to wind up getting to that stage again before doing something - it's better to fix it now, do it properly, and ultimately allow for proper longevity rather than "it'll work until it doesn't". In other words, the impression you got is correct.

QUOTE originally posted by L0KI

Honestly, this just sounds like another one of those situations where the community doesn't like the idea and can't say much about it without getting "shut down". I hope pfq thrives in the future, but this update is just... Pretty Meh...
Evidence shows otherwise, but sure I guess. Keep that open mind, eh?

QUOTE originally posted by Kiwani

I know the questions about specials (shinies, albinos, melans) has been answered, but what about custom sprites, like the cs Petripeep, the birthday cs sprites? Will they be transferable, since they are just custom sprites of the base pokemon? It probably been answered, but my phone is running slow, data wise, to look through 20+ pages.
As per my edit to the first post, when I said "all", I meant "all".

QUOTE originally posted by seji

just wondering since i wasn’t on pf1, for the priority sign up thing, how is the link going to be delievered to us? email?
I don't know what PF1 has to do with anything since we didn't do that on PF1. Anywho, to answer your question... We don't know. As I said, we're in early development so the things that the data would be transferred in to aren't there yet. We can't tell you how something is going to work if we haven't got the things set up to even begin thinking on how to make it. We'll tell you when we do get there, though... I mean, we kinda have to, no? :p

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