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Zerø's AvatarZerø
Zerø's Avatar
If I'm honest, I like the new system. It was a bit disorienting at first but I've been quick to get used to it. I really like 'LOCKED' being displayed on the bar instead of numbers. It feels neater to me, especially when I've a Lv.1 Pokemon with 2/8 EXP. I know it's silly but things like that bother me if I'm not letting a Pokemon level up normally. So it's nice to be able to pretend those numbers aren't there. XD The blue lock symbol itself I'm indifferent to. I don't mind so much if that's changed but I would prefer the text to remain on the EXP bar. And would like EXP locks on Pokemon to display when viewing in fields.
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Lv. 53 — 5,323 / 8,587
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Sweet food
Happiness 27%
Hasty nature
v-water.png 0 z-normal.png x 5 gem_normal.png × 3433 4.pngCurrent Chain: 0/1
Artwork made by Cabbaccino.
Check out my trade Shop, I'm buying Shiny Pokémon for my Shiny Living dex! My first field has free Pokémon, just drop me a PM with who you want!
karenkhor's Avatarkarenkhor
karenkhor's Avatar
I feel that we need an icon "Exp Locked" or any locked bar (whichever colour) to show that the pokemon is EXP locked when we hover the pokemon or in the "move pokemon" page. Normally i had the habit to lock the UFT pokemon or some certain shinies that I had and this new changes had caused a huge problem to me. I can't check/determine which pokemon had been EXP locked until I clicked the summary page of the pokemon (which is extremely time consuming considering that I always waste time to organise my fields) ;A; I guess there's a lot players out these who had the habit to lock their pokemon and I can see they all had the same problem with me right now ;A;
Selling Shiny Charms! Selling Egg Passes! I FINALLY got my dream team! Code by Cinnamon Buns642, for karenkhor's use only ♡
Kang's AvatarKang
Kang's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by karenkhor

I feel that we need an icon "Exp Locked" or any locked bar (whichever colour) to show that the pokemon is EXP locked when we hover the pokemon or in the "move pokemon" page. Normally i had the habit to lock the UFT pokemon or some certain shinies that I had and this new changes had caused a huge problem to me. I can't check/determine which pokemon had been EXP locked until I clicked the summary page of the pokemon (which is extremely time consuming considering that I always waste time to organise my fields) ;A; I guess there's a lot players out these who had the habit to lock their pokemon and I can see they all had the same problem with me right now ;A;
This sounds like a suggestion to me. Maybe post it in the suggestions forum section if it hasn't been suggested already?
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y.pngI collect Tidal Bells
I buy them for 150k cr or 30 zc as long as i can afford it! Please DM me if you have any for sale!

rock.png 0/3000 rock.png
Forum Icon: By LilypadLife of my character Frost! Check out their art shop!
Code @Colorful Pixel art @Blazermaze00
Camwoodstock's AvatarCamwoodstock
Camwoodstock's Avatar
Really quick, I have to say the padlock is really confusing if you're seeing it the first time; I thought Blitz was EXP locked automatically for some reason. I'd say make it its own icon, and not recycle the EXP lock icon... ^^;
Source: Eastern Mind (MS-DOS), the Chu-Teng Symbol
{Cam | Genderfluid | Born: Yes | Single | Dork | Plays video games | 132nd Skywatcher} Uhh... Nothing. More to come, hopefully Icon: Boxart for Japanese-only game "Chu-Teng" (name romanized)
SaberStar2's AvatarSaberStar2
SaberStar2's Avatar
Oh nice! The whole EXP locked thing makes it look a lot less cluttered on top, thanks Niet ;3
made by meikorn
Help me out? :) avie by me, button by Ultimate Fish
u.pngGS ballsu.png
Helly25's AvatarHelly25
Helly25's Avatar
Noticed another little thing that makes things harder for me. On the Farm news page, more specifically the 'Pokemon that can evolve'-part, the EXP-Locked pokemon were shown with that lock beside their name. I always exp-lock my pokemon so I know that I don't plan on evolving them. (I want to have a living dex, you know.) Now I can only guess.
Avatar - TCG Art
Sparkys's AvatarSparkys
Sparkys's Avatar
give them an everstone, it removes them from the list
Snowpix - Made by Chronos
Thanks to Zanitha for making my snorpix(fusion sprite) for me as a gift and to Zorualord14for my Goldpix trophy
Wardove's AvatarWardove
Wardove's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Sparkys

give them an everstone, it removes them from the list
Yeah, but if you're talking a living dex, then that would add up to a ton of everstones. Like, almost 1000?
It's best to assume I just don't exist anymore oop. I'm very active on FR (Wardove #360598), and I'm also down for a hello on Discord (Wardove #1455) If you have one of the templates I made once upon a time and either want to shout out or talk code, Discord will get you a quick response. avatar drawn by Raske on FR!
Niet [Adam]'s Avatarhypermode-12.pngNiet [Adam]
Niet [Adam]'s Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Wardove

QUOTE originally posted by Sparkys

give them an everstone, it removes them from the list
Yeah, but if you're talking a living dex, then that would add up to a ton of everstones. Like, almost 1000?
Everstones are a lot easier to get than the Pokémon themselves, so I don't see an issue here.
Clip from Pokémon anime, re-lined by me
Featured story: Injustice Feedback welcome!
Sparkys's AvatarSparkys
Sparkys's Avatar
i usualy buy the everstones on discount days, i got to 500 stones fairly quickly so it's not that bad

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