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InsaneMandii's AvatarInsaneMandii
InsaneMandii's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Trebor

QUOTE originally posted by Methos

...We are aware that this is not going to be a popular decision. I don't think anyone on staff likes it. Some of us really don't like it, since we were doing RMT ourselves...
So, in the Many months this was being discussed internally (original side mention cited was from August 2020), and in particular, the recent months when it was (clearly to those in the know) becoming a definite likelihood - I have the following inquiries/asks... Who was involved in these discussions/likely knew it was coming/fought against it? (3 categories, possibly overlapping) Did even a single one of those persons conduct an RMT during that time? Particularly, did they Sell a PFQ 'product' for real money? If so, you now have a much bigger, Real problem than 'possible' illegal tax implications (which are on the individual making the income, Not the producer of the good or service) - that being Insider Trading. Which under certain conditions can carry criminal, not just civil legal implications. I am asking that all staff - and anyone else involved in, or informed of the discussions (who plays this game) - who engaged in potential insider profiting on site make such declarations openly, and they, and those with knowlegde of it/allowed it to happen to take public ownership of such behavior. To allow the userbase to make their descions from there. As there are definitely informed decisions to be made. ...
so only eltafez has responded since this post and necro even reinterated....maybe its because im from america but something seems off to me
Call me Mandii, I use she/her pronouns. Think we should re-look at special rates? Check here Pic by Thunderjaw, template by Moss Dragon, pfp info in journal, depends on image!
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PaintedFence's AvatarPaintedFence
PaintedFence's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Eltafez

Please do not bash on Niet's person when it was the decision of everyone on staff. - snip -
i understand some people mightve gotten a little too agressive and tergeted him specifically as he's the owner (i havent seen all the replies on this thread, but i do not support that at all). but likewise, us as users also do not want to be bashed by him cause we didnt comment on a thread he made a few years ago.

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background: animation by Da Dou coding: by me
Meoauniaea's Avatarhypermode-12.pngMeoauniaea
Meoauniaea's Avatar
I never bother to respond to or even read most news posts. Frankly, I am surprised this was allowed to begin with. It's always been a common way to scam others and it was only a matter of time. I am honestly surprised the site lasted as long as it did before this happened on such a large scale. But I will admit, I'm wildly impressed with how much they made. That's not bad at all. The method wasn't a good choice but that's my rent for four or five months. Imagine if they put that much effort into a legitimate business... I really don't think this will impact the site as much as others claim. Almost everything in the game is achievable with time and without real money. I mean, some of it is much more difficult without it, but it's still *doable*.
Avatar by me--cropped from a larger image I did years ago.
abingy's Avatarhypermode-12.pngabingy
abingy's Avatar
This isn't something I'd quit over since I'm mostly f2p at this point, but activity has definitely been down and its been harder and harder to find items/mons I want/need and sell ones that I have. So if this update is driving away more people it might soon be time to leave also cause it's not very fun not being able to make progress on my hunts/other site goals.
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Avatar made by mewitti of deviantart. Free to use.
andie's Avatarandie
andie's Avatar
If this was a staff descision, in works for over a year, and said staff participated in RMT during the one year time, that's decieteful. Like literally the worst thing you could do.
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Sharpy's AvatarSharpy
Sharpy's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by abingy

This isn't something I'd quit over since I'm mostly f2p at this point, but activity has definitely been down and its been harder and harder to find items/mons I want/need and sell ones that I have. So if this update is driving away more people it might soon be time to leave also cause it's not very fun not being able to make progress on my hunts/other site goals.
With so many users leaving now, I can't imagine how it will effect the bonus meters as well, Fabulous Friday, ect - many of those bigger users were big contributors to the site-wide events.

psychic.png 0 psychic.png 💖
PFP by pinkskittypow!

MothsandFrogs's AvatarMothsandFrogs
MothsandFrogs's Avatar
I've never made money off this game so it doesn't really affect me at all, i'm probably gonna continue spending money on it via ZC since I enjoy this site but it's unfortunate to the people who have invested time via hunts to get money. I understand why this was needed, this would be a huge problem as kids also use this site and shouldn't be subjected to possible gambling and thievery via other players abusing the site.
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Mikkü's Avatarhypermode-12.pngMikkü
Mikkü's Avatar
@Elta - No one is bashing niet for this in particular, we are aware it was an overall staff decision and that several staff members also dislike it. That isn't the issue here. He asked for reasonings of stuff being changed, then said we (the userbase) would be punishing him if we spent a currency of a type other than EURO on his site because he would POSSIBLY (It is UNKNOWN) be making less money. (He could make more, we don't know he is just making an assumption but it is indeed his livelyhood from my understanding so it is a big risk he would take.) Quite frankly, the reason I never made a suggestion thread about adjustments to things (Aside from Niet shutting down changes several times in the past) is because I thought the site prices were intentionally crappy to encourage player to player trading. I would love to make a suggestion on currency adjustments, but based on this thread I do not think they would be well received by niet anyways. And yeah the bonus bars have been bad the last few months anyways, they take way longer than they used to as more users have slowly stopped playing, if this causes a big hit those will have to be adjusted for sure or we'll never get bonuses lol Syelfavaki - Yes everything is achievable without using money, but then who do you think will pay for the site? If no one buys currency or spends money on the site I guess it will just keep running anyways? People have to spend money to keep the site alive. That is how it works.
------------------- pechaberry.pngpechaberry.pngpechaberry.pngpechaberry.pngpechaberry.pngpechaberry.png -------------------
F2U code by Gumshoe Edited by me with permission Further credits in "About Me"
scavengers's Avatarhypermode-12.pngscavengers
scavengers's Avatar
hi guys, just want to remind you all that if you want to get ur voice heard you could always review the site 💕
pfp by nekopumpkin!
hayday6's Avatarhayday6
hayday6's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Trebor

QUOTE originally posted by Methos

...We are aware that this is not going to be a popular decision. I don't think anyone on staff likes it. Some of us really don't like it, since we were doing RMT ourselves...
So, in the Many months this was being discussed internally (original side mention cited was from August 2020), and in particular, the recent months when it was (clearly to those in the know) becoming a definite likelihood - I have the following inquiries/asks... Who was involved in these discussions/likely knew it was coming/fought against it? (3 categories, possibly overlapping) Did even a single one of those persons conduct an RMT during that time? Particularly, did they Sell a PFQ 'product' for real money? If so, you now have a much bigger, Real problem than 'possible' illegal tax implications (which are on the individual making the income, Not the producer of the good or service) - that being Insider Trading. Which under certain conditions can carry criminal, not just civil legal implications. I am asking that all staff - and anyone else involved in, or informed of the discussions (who plays this game) - who engaged in potential insider profiting on site make such declarations openly, and they, and those with knowlegde of it/allowed it to happen to take public ownership of such behavior. To allow the userbase to make their descions from there. As there are definitely informed decisions to be made. ...
the problem as someone who has been on this site a long time is I have severe doubts any mods will take accountability and admit they were inside profiting. Asking them to come forward is the right and correct thing to do but I just have doubts that they will it's a but unfortunate..... a lot of the mods here don't take responsibility and I just don't see them taking ownership.

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