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@Elta - No one is bashing niet for this in particular, we are aware it was an overall staff decision and that several staff members also dislike it. That isn't the issue here. He asked for reasonings of stuff being changed, then said we (the userbase) would be punishing him if we spent a currency of a type other than EURO on his site because he would POSSIBLY (It is UNKNOWN) be making less money. (He could make more, we don't know he is just making an assumption but it is indeed his livelyhood from my understanding so it is a big risk he would take.) Quite frankly, the reason I never made a suggestion thread about adjustments to things (Aside from Niet shutting down changes several times in the past) is because I thought the site prices were intentionally crappy to encourage player to player trading. I would love to make a suggestion on currency adjustments, but based on this thread I do not think they would be well received by niet anyways. And yeah the bonus bars have been bad the last few months anyways, they take way longer than they used to as more users have slowly stopped playing, if this causes a big hit those will have to be adjusted for sure or we'll never get bonuses lol Syelfavaki - Yes everything is achievable without using money, but then who do you think will pay for the site? If no one buys currency or spends money on the site I guess it will just keep running anyways? People have to spend money to keep the site alive. That is how it works.
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F2U code by Gumshoe Edited by me with permission Further credits in "About Me"
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