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QUOTE originally posted by Teaques

For less known players it's rus or nothing. I have about 3k S&S pokemon but my fields never, never ever get clicked. But at least I will have my party clicked now, so I'm happy.
Yeah, around 2k and 3k is when you stop getting the "little break from 4k and 5k fields" people. It's too much for a small break, and too little to really impact your interactions.
avatar art done by me so-
I have to say, I'm with QueenDM on this one. Restricting the egg timer to party clicks seems rather... backwards? Sure, on the one hand, it promotes clicking other people, HOWEVER, for people who have hand/wrist problems, or even for people like me, who work for a living and simply doesn't have the time to click a minimum of 250 parties (praying they're all full mind you, I did the math) to hit that level 10 egg timer every day is extremely problematic. And for those that are saying "use the CSS" blah blah blah… I am.. and it still takes me forever to click everyone. I cannot speak for anyone but myself, but I am a pretty busy person. I have two jobs plus I do art commissions which naturally takes up a lot of my time. So going from spending 30 minutes of my time to reach level 7-10 by mass clicking a couple fields of people is now going to be about 2 hours of PRAYING that everyone I click has a full party... Sure, if you practically live on this site then it's a welcome change, but for those of us who can't afford to do that without risking something more important, it's really a step backwards from "user-friendly" in my opinion. Plus, I have fields that I'd like to have clicked, and now, who'll pay them any attention aside from me and maybe one other person with this new system? The egg timer doesn't work for hatched pokemon, so if you want to get these Badge things that I've seen on other cards, which from my understanding involved raising and evolving said pokemon, then you might want to put in something for that, maybe increase that exp share to be more than 1exp per click? because those that are breeding or trying to get as many eggs as possible aren't going to keep various pokemon in their parties when there are eggs to be hatched instead. Just my opinions though.
QueenDM's AvatarQueenDM
QueenDM's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Trebor

Re: suggestion 4 (Egg Timer overhaul) being approved a long time ago and now implemented. I just read through both related suggestion threads and all the comments therein and found Overwhelming opposition to this suggestion. Other than the original poster of each thread, and Garthic stepping in I believe I saw only a single other poster who was clearly in Support of the suggestion. All the rest were opposed or strongly opposed, with a core set of reasons for opposition (some of which are being raised here again). (Note: I did not look at all the upvotes each position received, but what I did see was not in favour). Also, this suggestion was made right after the feature was implemented, so changing it then, even against the prevailing view, would not have Anywhere near the impact it is having now. Users being used to the now scrapped system for over two years. I do not know where the Support for this suggestion was/is to get it approved in the first place - nor how it became a priority to implement now/as part of the first set post-shelving (the reboot). Answers to that would be beneficial to my understanding - of this, and possibly other things going forward.
I couldn't agree more! I went and looked too and saw the same thing you did; overwhelming opposition for a variety of reasons. Answering the questions about where the support to get this approved came from (because it clearly wasn't from the forums!) and how it became a priority to implement in the wake of everything would go a long way.
Foiry's Avatarhypermode-12.pngFoiry
Foiry's Avatar
At first glance, I don't like the egg timer thing, but I can see where it'll do a lot of good later. Just...have to get over the initial disappoint lol Second, the z crystal thing is pretty neat. Can't wait to see how it plays out! On a side note, update has me running late this morning. 🤔
Yahan's AvatarYahan
Yahan's Avatar
The feedback y’all have been sharing has been flying out so quickly; this will probably get buried soon. But I just wanted to take a hot sec and say thank you to Niet, Garthic, and anyone else who may be involved in helping discern what the site actually needs and applying those convictions out in confidence, even as they implement the features knowing they won’t please everyone and backlash is bound to come. I know if I were in their shoes I’d be panicking (if only internally xD) at all the people expressing their dissatisfaction with any new features that are implemented. (Disclaimer: this isn’t directed at anyone or any group of people in particular. We all play the game different and y’all are entitled to your opinions and the opportunity to voice them. This has just been on my mind for a few days and I‘ve only just found the words to be able to articulate myself. Also, me saying this doesn’t mean I agree with everything that’s been done since PFQ started. I can see the perspectives for why certain stuff isn’t implemented but I still feel differently about a few things. So please be mindful of that too xD) Edit: Scarf’s got a good point. XD
I use tone tags! Ones I tend to use the most are /gen
, /nf
not forced
not mad
, /lh
light hearted
, /npa
not passive aggressive
, /pos
, /neu
, /s
. (Hover over for meanings~)
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made by Anna-Ravenrock
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my design. Luvdisc is one of my Pokemon OCs adapted from an official Luvdisc sprite, girl and the quote are both from Erin Entrada Kelly's novel You Go First
Oh! Another little thing I'd like to mention... I think the reason so many people are getting confused and angry is because this was implemented during the middle of the day (where y'all are) instead of when the server rolls over to the next day. A lot of people probably are angry because they lost some effort they had put in earlier that day.
Gumshoe's Avatarhypermode-12.pngGumshoe
Gumshoe's Avatar
Is there, perhaps, a way party clicking could be improved so that it's a less strenuous experience? (not by CSS, but by the actual game itself!) If it's such an important feature of the site (which it is, eggs are v important!) it should be easy and accessible! I think it'd be better to fix the core issue, instead of just ignoring it if it's such a big problem! I feel like this could go the way of the recent egg supplier change, where this could lead to improvements overall!
"Who knows? That guy...always keeps you waiting."
Chicken ★ 28 ★ they/them journal shop art shop
★ pfp from Metal Gear Solid ★ sig img from Metal Gear Solid 2 ★ sig code by me
QueenDM's AvatarQueenDM
QueenDM's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Yay

But I just wanted to take a hot sec and say thank you to Niet, Garthic, and anyone else who may be involved in helping discern what the site actually needs and applying those convictions out in confidence, even as they implement the features knowing they won’t please everyone and backlash is bound to come. I know if I were in their shoes I’d be panicking (if only internally xD) at all the people expressing their dissatisfaction with any new features that are implemented.
There's dissatisfaction, and then there's implementing a suggestion that was never going to be widely popular in the first place. There was no way they didn't know this given the opposition presented in the original suggestion forums. The staff here work hard, I've seen that even in the short time I've been here. But putting a suggestion into effect that was shown to have major opposition when it was suggested both times should be called out, and the backlash is to be expected. Actually I'm surprised it isn't worse, I'm surprised by the restraint being shown by a lot of the people here expressing their dissatisfaction with at least the egg timer part of the update.

QUOTE originally posted by QueenDM

QUOTE originally posted by Yay

But I just wanted to take a hot sec and say thank you to Niet, Garthic, and anyone else who may be involved in helping discern what the site actually needs and applying those convictions out in confidence, even as they implement the features knowing they won’t please everyone and backlash is bound to come. I know if I were in their shoes I’d be panicking (if only internally xD) at all the people expressing their dissatisfaction with any new features that are implemented.
There's dissatisfaction, and then there's implementing a suggestion that was never going to be widely popular in the first place. There was no way they didn't know this given the opposition presented in the original suggestion forums. The staff here work hard, I've seen that even in the short time I've been here. But putting a suggestion into effect that was shown to have major opposition when it was suggested both times should be called out, and the backlash is to be expected. Actually I'm surprised it isn't worse, I'm surprised by the restraint being shown by a lot of the people here expressing their dissatisfaction with at least the egg timer part of the update.
I understand all the dissatisfaction, especially from people who have problems in their hands^^ Maybe they're just giving people time to get used to it to see if we'll eventually start liking it? I'm not sure, but it sorta seems that way.
Terabbit's Avatarhypermode-12.pngTerabbit
Terabbit's Avatar
I dont understand the hate for the egg timer update? If you massclicked just to get your eggtimer up you might as well be afk because you are basically not playing the game. 1500 party clicks should take about the same time as 5k mass clicks. Except, and heres the kicker.... your eggs will hatch FASTER, because people will be clicking you back to return. Thats 250 users with full parties, if those people click you back, (lets say for 75exp per egg which is an underestimation) thats 18,750 experience points for each of your egg slots. That is almost four times more exp yours eggs would have gotten with exp share in massclicking, plus you still get your eggtimer bonus. Then people will be party clicking you anyways to get their own egg timer up. This is literally the best thing to happen to pokefarm.
Background drawn by DestinySquared on twitter OCs belong to myself and axelbby based off Mass Effect F2U code by Gumshoe Icon by me

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