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PokéFarm "Reboot"

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Kelbunny13's AvatarKelbunny13
Kelbunny13's Avatar
If this update were to happen, I would probably leave the site. I've put too much effort into this game, and a complete restart would basically be a huge punch in the gut. My pokemon, I would keep luckily, but my items, money, my saved shiny chain of over 1500... all of it would be gone. It is as though my effort means nothing. I've spent too much time saving these things, only to have them disapear. I hate how we will be forced to complete restart, and our time and effort we put into PFQ would essentially vanish.
Sprites are from Pokemon Black2/White2
🛡🤍🖤💙🖤🤍🛡 Please check my UFT field for pokemon I am selling. credits
Avatar was drawn by me, with a character from Pokemon Black2/White2
NORsevvy's Avatarhypermode-12.pngNORsevvy
NORsevvy's Avatar
ah hm, i don't really like the idea of this at all huh i've spent so much time clicking and getting my melans, and (although it might sound stupid) have FINALLY gotten around to actually organizing my fields for once..that this just?? huHhn. i don't like the idea of losing literally everything, and i'm guessing that includes chains? unless it was mentioned somewhere (sorry, i just woke up ;;) i don't think anyone's keeping their HM/ubers/shiny charms/etc? i might just be so used to this site and its mechanics, that even thinking about something totally different but with the same name on it just hurts my head. i'm really comfortable with the current mechanics/things to do here, and just..not having that feels odd, i guess. the old recode to me, personally, wasn't horrible because it had the same idea - just different look. the new quest system doesn't really interest me, but, idk hopefully this made some sort of sense, i just woke up yikes;
in peace, may you leave this shore, in love, may you find the next, safe passage on your travels, until our final journey to the ground... may we meet again. typerace points! - 0 [pfp is by spacehavoc!]
blindcat97's Avatarhypermode-12.pngblindcat97
blindcat97's Avatar
I'm both excited and sort of dreading this. I understand why we'd all have to start from scratch again, but it's gonna be miserable to drag through another 800+ dexes just for the common Pokemon. I do hope we can keep ZC, since we did pay for it with real money. I have a critique and a suggestion. The former: I definitely don't mind the levels being abstracted, but I'd REALLY still like actual numbers for egg exp. It's important for me to be able to actually see how many points I need, so I can pick up eggs during tournaments and the like that are easier to hatch. Even if we can only see exact numbers on our own party screen, that would be fine. Maybe a setting to change it per user? Since the egg exp is still being counted in the system, just abstracted visually. The latter: I would really like fakemon to be easier to maintain. In order to get Arceus rank on pfq, you have to do STELLAR on the tournaments constantly, and it'll still be crazy hard to keep up with them. There are SO many now, from so many tournaments (and counting), and if you're between tournaments then it's almost impossible to get tokens to catch up. Either way, this is sort of exciting-but-not, because the quest and story thing seems disinteresting for a lot of players. I REALLY value the freedom of setting my own goals, and would love a system where users who want more guided experiences can have that, but us old users can still freely chart our own courses.
Lørd Pyrøn's AvatarLørd Pyrøn
Lørd Pyrøn's Avatar
The new toolbar just doesn't work, with the current one I know exactly where I want to go with what, and having the minibar with the Scours and Wishforge on is such a great help. Did you take a look at Twitter's change in layout and think that was a good idea?


This will be a brand new game. You start from scratch, with nothing, and progress through the story. At a certain point, you will gain access to Transfer to bring your Pokémon over. The only requirement will be that you must already have the Pokédex entry of the thing you are transferring. Shinies etc. will grant you the corresponding entry in the rebooted Dex, so there will be no need to re-hunt them (unless you want to, of course!). Transferred Pokémon will be able to be traded, unless they were already account-locked for one reason or another. Items and currency may be a little harder, so I can't 100% confirm whether they will be transferrable just yet, but I will see what I can do.
I don't want to effectively feel cheated out of my progress, again. Alongside GP/Zophan Canister what items and other stuff that I want to be transferable are: - Games - Mega Stones - Z Crystals - Badges I've spent the best part of 6 years this September on this site, and not being able to at least transfer some of this over feels like a slap in the face.
✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸
Arebani's Avatarhypermode-12.pngArebani
Arebani's Avatar
Trying to make my rumble short: Pro: - Better instructions for newcomers (many seemed overhelmed with all the features, especially trade shops) - Colour-blind save colours - Refreshing the code, making it harder, better, faster, stronger - You can't tell me that the new Fairy Icon isn't Navi from Zelda<3 - Adding Quests (honestly the only thing I'm looking for) - Making Pokemons transferable and also not account-locked Cons: - Will ALL Pokemons be transferable? As Some already stated, some PF1 Exclusives/Variants and all CS's were not transferable to PFQ and got lost forever, don't want this to happen again - Losing all my Items "most likely"? I don't care for most Items, but the hard to get ones like the Meteorite Shards and especially ZC items like Shiny Charms/Box which costed me REAL money "might" get lost? I'm sorry, don't want to be rude, but that's just an incredible NO-GO! Those things are not cheap and I've spent A LOT of money on those things, you can't expect anyone to be "all right" with that. - Saved Chains. Will those be lost? It costs 300 ZC / 3 GBP to save a single chain, which is a lot, will those just vanish too? - Losing progress. PokeDex, Badges, Wishforge, Stats, Mega Ring, Garden will all these things be gone as well? Result: I would really like to look forward to the new Quests and such but the Cons just heavily outweight any excitemnent I could bring up for the new PF. I'll just loose way more with that than I could possibly gain from it. I have been on PF1 for 2 years and didn't had much to loose (beside my special Variants/CS that are lost forever and I still dearly miss) when joining PFQ, but now I have been here for 5 years and spent already over a thousand Euro here, got a great collection of Pokemon and Items, got my Master Ghost badge and am getting close to Steel Master, I have reached many goals and still have many more to go, and now all of this shall be in vain? Why bother buying anything anymore? Memory Sticks will be lost and saved chains with them. My HM will soon run out, wanted to buy another year of it, but now I don't know if I should even get a month, if I should buy any ZC at all, since it'll be all be useless anyway. And for how long will the transfering be available? With Pokemons like Silvally it may take years to finish the PokeDex once more. Those news just completely demotivated me to pursue my goals or to do anything at all here anymore. You want new people to join but you're only loosing the old ones, the ones that paid money, new users don't pay money, it's the old ones that do. If you really want to make that new PF you need to decrease the lost by A LOT MORE, Pokemons are the most important thing, yes, but Items and Currencies are important too! EDIT: And egg EXP should stay in numbers. How else can I put a price on a Shiny if I don't know the EHP? By popularity? That changes too often. EHP was the way to do it and so it should stay
made by cindacuil from PF1
☼ My Trade Shop ☼
made by cindacuil from PF1
D/S/A UFT, over 2.2k Free Dexes, Boxes, ZC and more~ Frusky design by PFQ ♥ Avatar made by Mollin~
Loksfjoer's Avatarhypermode-12.pngLoksfjoer
Loksfjoer's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by CASSIEL

Honestly? Who tells us that in a few years' time there will be no new start and then we have to start from zero again for the fourth, fifth, sixth, etc. I think I speak here for some .... no one wants to have to start again and again at zero, to collect everything, to re-hunt, to hatschen etc. It's a game, yes, but that should be fun and this is definitely no fun anymore. Sorry, but rather you scare old-established players with it, takes those who desire rather than they always want to restart.
That is one thing that came to mind too, I did the Pokédex three times already. If we need a forth one, okay. But will this really be the last version of the game, or will there be another reboot?

QUOTE originally posted by Morzone

I'm going to have to make sure I have all the images I have saved to the Image up-loader are saved to my laptop or something. I've used the Image up-loader for a lot of things, not always PFQ! (Though those I usually remove sooner or later)

QUOTE originally posted by Pony109gold

Ok, no one has to answer this... What about comics? Will the new site have them? Will they show up on the new site? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just a random thought
I hadn't thought about that yet, but with the transfer between PF1 and PFQ, only Pokémon were transfered. PM's, forum posts, that all stayed behind. I had to re-upload my stories and continue my RP's on the new site. And I had made screenshots of the messages I really wanted to keep. Moving to a new website will be a good opportunity to clean up the old messages, especially since we can't delete messages. And if we save the forum posts in a document they can easily be posted on the new forum again. Re-uploading images and comics shouldn't be too much work, but if there are inactive players with complete comics, those will be lost if they don't get transfered.
Gartic, maybe you could update the FAQ, because a lot of questions were answered within the thread, but as more pages are added, less people are going to scroll through all the pages before they make their post.
~ Writer ~ Roleplayer ~ Collector of gems, jewels and fossils ~ My shop: Shop of shiny items My clan: Words of creation Avatar made for me by Armarouge
Grym's AvatarGrym
Grym's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by susie

I know that currency will be transferred at the very least, which is great! But it doesn't replace the amount of time and effort that was put into this site by me and others. As an addendum, I'd like to point out that even if currency is transferred, things like fields will still need to be bought all over again.
Oh no. I didn't even think of that. I have over 100 fields. They cost about 500k cr now. That would be a nightmare to start over. And you'd have to have the fields or you couldn't transfer your Pokémon >.<
Do we have any idea how long we have before this might get implemented?
⚫ Avatar made by Dr.Devorak here Art thread v-fairy.png 0 v-fairy.png
ThatSpaceAce's AvatarThatSpaceAce
ThatSpaceAce's Avatar
I’m going to be honest... I’m a bit upset by this. I was back on the old pokefarm, and although I wasn’t super active when PF went down, I was still super upset about having to start all over. Now I’m back in full swing, and although Reboot is a hot second away, it kind of feels like any of my efforts on PFQ are wasted, since it’ll all eventually be wiped anyway right? I’m all for change and growth, but it’s disheartening to hear that PFQ will eventually be thanos snapped become obsolete.
summon_sui.png x 0 / idk like a lot
Button made by MochaFox Icon by markofthekindred on ArtFight
shakespeare38's Avatarshakespeare38
shakespeare38's Avatar
I'm not going to lie, I was a little nervous as first when I started reading about this, but the more I read, the more I'm getting excited for this. I mean, yeah it would suck to lose all our items and stuff, and we would have to work to get them back, but to me, that just means re-living all the fun I had getting them to begin with. Plus I kinda like this idea since I have wished I did things a different way and hunted my own, so I feel I would actually do this on a new site. And the whole reason I got this game to begin with, a year and a half ago, was to see what this game was all about, secretly hoping it was something quest-based (as those are the games I seem to be drawn to the most.) But we will never know how it is, unless we try it out. So I will definitely be trying it out when the new reboot happens. One thing that I do, which I know many do not, is that I do not spend RL money in game. I just don't want to start then get addicted to spending money in any game, so I guess I have that going for me, I won't have any chance of losing RL money.
Pix3lblip's AvatarPix3lblip
Pix3lblip's Avatar
Maybe there can be some sort of page to look at your old pokemon from pfq? Also, how does Sally feel about this?
Hope you have a nice day! :3 Little Ditto made by PupperCakes

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