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Single post in PokéFarm "Reboot"

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shakespeare38's Avatarshakespeare38
shakespeare38's Avatar
I'm not going to lie, I was a little nervous as first when I started reading about this, but the more I read, the more I'm getting excited for this. I mean, yeah it would suck to lose all our items and stuff, and we would have to work to get them back, but to me, that just means re-living all the fun I had getting them to begin with. Plus I kinda like this idea since I have wished I did things a different way and hunted my own, so I feel I would actually do this on a new site. And the whole reason I got this game to begin with, a year and a half ago, was to see what this game was all about, secretly hoping it was something quest-based (as those are the games I seem to be drawn to the most.) But we will never know how it is, unless we try it out. So I will definitely be trying it out when the new reboot happens. One thing that I do, which I know many do not, is that I do not spend RL money in game. I just don't want to start then get addicted to spending money in any game, so I guess I have that going for me, I won't have any chance of losing RL money.
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