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Sprite Discovery Discussion

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pixelkitty's Avatarpixelkitty
pixelkitty's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Skiddo

Was Quilladin updated?
Nope. Transient just appreciates the pallette.
⚢ Sylveon PFP from Pokemon Shuffle
skiddo's Avatarskiddo
skiddo's Avatar
Ah, that's fair ^^
summon_cob.png 59 / 200
Not actively buying. Or actively doing anything in general.
code by skiddo; banner by mochafox; sprite by pfq; bg is official
Yeah ^^' I had never seen it before mine evolved and I absolutely fell in love with the colors. I wanted to express that love somewhere 😂
Rèal's sprite by Matamoja. Avatar of Rèal by safi.
Shenkkazoo's AvatarShenkkazoo
Shenkkazoo's Avatar
Love the new mega sprites for charizard! I also especially love the new flame colors for the line :o
0.pngS/A Shopf.png
b.pngt.png2.pngn.png Paused Raikou hunt: 360h/4s/4a/0m
Zorovern's AvatarZorovern
Zorovern's Avatar
Ahh hecc now I gotta melan hunt another fire type rip me But seriously those new sprites are AWESOME. So much cleaner/clearer than the old ones! And the albinos? HNNNGH YES GOOD <3
(avatar credit)
Helioptile fanart drawn by me in the Colors3D 3DS app.
Actual sig coming eventually :p
söbble's Avatarsöbble
söbble's Avatar
I have no idea who's out here trying to make albino sprites more vibrant and colorful (even if they're sometimes a flop in terms of specific color choice, like Gastly's line) but you/y'all are my heroes. The charmander albinos look so flipping good and they're so vibrant. I love them; even the green on X. Absolutely perfect, imo.
summon_vir.png × 0 / 1000
icon by kuromori!
Crap. I really like those melans, the navy is so pretty on charmander... I kind of miss the ruby red eyes on the old albino charmander, but the pretty purple pink makes up for it.
avatar is my own art! formerly known as chimeranyx I currently have shiny and albino Elgyem UFT. Check my fields for prices!
Weidelein's AvatarWeidelein
Weidelein's Avatar
Melan and albino charmander are some good purple bois. 10/10 would hunt just for the albino
avatar made by BananaLizard!
Loving the update to Charmander/Mega Y. Not so much X but.. I'll take what I can get x'D They aren't terrible/arent as distasteful to me as the other melan revamps. As for the new sprites/poses for the megas... They look amazing! I love them so much <3 Who did them? o:
Gumshoe's Avatarhypermode-12.pngGumshoe
Gumshoe's Avatar
ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! color!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! saturation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *<* lovin the updates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as someone who is a real sucker for super vibrant color schemes I'm glad theres some actual Life in these color palettes!!! definitely a treat for weary eyes! <3 the updated sprites themselves look much better, too! (though I am gunna miss the doofy stance mega X had but the updated sprite is much better jkfdlgdfsjklgd)
"Who knows? That guy...always keeps you waiting."
Chicken ★ 28 ★ they/them journal shop art shop
★ pfp from Metal Gear Solid ★ sig img from Metal Gear Solid 2 ★ sig code by me

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