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PurpleTiger's AvatarPurpleTiger
PurpleTiger's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Esme

Okay I hate this thread with a passion, but I have legitimate complaints. The mega itself has a very nice design, but I'm sorry, the sprite is very awkwardly done.The head seems too small, the face looks very wonky, and the leg anatomy seems... off. It doesn't look sleek like how the original looked. Also, green for the melan? No. Nononono. That does not fit Liepard, and I don't know how you go from the nice dark red on the shiny to... GREEN. The black and white scheme was a lot better, especially since it actually made Liepard look like a black cat, and I'm sure people would prefer a black cat Pokemon. Perhaps dark blue or purply blue would fit a lot better (you, the shade that melan Pyroar has) would work a lot better.
Eh, I like green because its complementary to the shiny's red. I do really dislike the albino's colors, im neutral about the melan, and the shiny and normal I absolutely love to death (which is kinda bad sounding since those are official liepard colors and not made by pfq lol)
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Joshua Kiryu's AvatarJoshua Kiryu
Joshua Kiryu's Avatar
ok maybe green isnt the best fitting color for a cat, but i'm biased cuz i do really like the color green in general... lol
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söbble's Avatarsöbble
söbble's Avatar
Like... what I don't understand is that when things like this come up, the art staff talks about having a set standard for their changes. Wouldn't that make the melan red/orange, with purple-y accents, since they've said before it's based on the shiny? And the albino would be purple, yellow... plum/baby pink and cream. Because it's supposed to be based on the normal Pokemon. These changes seem to defy their own formula and I don't understand. (Not complaining on the melan tho - at least the base is black-black and not green black, I actually like the green as an accent. I just think the green albinos are getting ridiculous and it fits SO poorly with liepard.)
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Esme's AvatarEsme
Esme's Avatar
Just because it's complementary, it doesn't always make it good. Blue is more of a complementary, which is why I think it would look better.
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G0ne's AvatarG0ne
G0ne's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Esme

Okay I hate this thread with a passion, but I have legitimate complaints. The mega itself has a very nice design, but I'm sorry, the sprite is very awkwardly done.The head seems too small, the face looks very wonky, and the leg anatomy seems... off. It doesn't look sleek like how the original looked. Also, green for the melan? No. Nononono. That does not fit Liepard, and I don't know how you go from the nice dark red on the shiny to... GREEN. The black and white scheme was a lot better, especially since it actually made Liepard look like a black cat, and I'm sure people would prefer a black cat Pokemon. Perhaps dark blue or purply blue would fit a lot better (you, the shade that melan Pyroar has) would work a lot better. @Anduin Tell that to Espeon, Jynx, Cyndaquil, Umbreon, Litleo, Articuno... please stop the whole "OMG EVERY MELAN IS GREEN" thing, because it's making complaints like mine look bad.
I think the sprite itself is fine, I don't really think its that irregular. I dislike that we yet again have another albino with .... very unappealing red eyes, er orange. Whatever that is its annoying how... bright they are. Its the first thing my eyes are drawn to. I can see how they went from red to green, but I agree it ... isn't the prettiest color, if that were to be changed I would prefer something darker and not... green. Its not that it doesn't look bad I just don't think it looks as best it could.
annador's Avatarhypermode-12.pngannador
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Wouldn't that make the melan red/orange, with purple-y accents, since they've said before it's based on the shiny?
Not quite, the change from normal to shiny is mirrored in the change from albino to melan. So it's literally a shiny albino is a melan, if that makes sense. //edit Personally, I'm a huge fan of this mega! Art team did a really nice job on it~ I really like the colors on the melan, the combination of the blue/teal.
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PurpleTiger's AvatarPurpleTiger
PurpleTiger's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by brindlefinch

Like... what I don't understand is that when things like this come up, the art staff talks about having a set standard for their changes. Wouldn't that make the melan red/orange, with purple-y accents, since they've said before it's based on the shiny? And the albino would be purple, yellow... plum/baby pink and cream. Because it's supposed to be based on the normal Pokemon. These changes seem to defy their own formula and I don't understand. (Not complaining on the melan tho - at least the base is black-black and not green black, I actually like the green as an accent. I just think the green albinos are getting ridiculous and it fits SO poorly with liepard.)
I thought the staff meant that they'd just keep the same scheme of the colors, like making certain colors on it compare to each other,,, like if a shiny was all shades of red, the melan would be all shades or purple, or something along those lines of.. it would just correlate and not be random colors picked to make certain parts lighter colors and stand out from each other,,, when on the normal scheme all the colors are close in shade.
G0ne's AvatarG0ne
G0ne's Avatar
They create the color schemes for the albino/melanistic based off of the normal/shiny colors. Normal -> Albino Shiny -> Melanistic As for the melans being certain colors because the shinies have certain colors, I don't... think that's correct? Could be wrong, probably am, and I do not have a different way they do them, but that just doesn't sound that.... correct to me.
Anduin's AvatarAnduin
Anduin's Avatar
I just don't understand why post revamp dark green seems to show its face so often in melans. I fully accept getting rid of the technicolor though I'm sad to see it go but like.... that green is everywhere and I am not a fan. Pidgeot and Kommo-o are the worst offenders imo but there are more like Venomoth Dewgong even Voltorb and Electrode have a weird greenish tinge and that's just me looking at the Kanto mon for five seconds, I could find more.
Corviknight's AvatarCorviknight
Corviknight's Avatar
sigh. we're gonna really get into it this time about the green, aren't we? if a melan is any color other than blue or purple it's time to riot. this statement is not referring to those who dislike the green and want to voice that reasonably. here's the art of it, for those who didn't check the original thread, and also the sprites for easy reference:
anyways. anyone who knows me very well can probably guess my stance on this sprite. i don't really like liepard much so that extends to this mega, and i feel like the main new addition here was just some neck fluff. the swirly mask is actually pretty cool, but it doesn't translate to a sprite very well, i think. additionally, the art is very dynamic here, but i feel like the sprite does not quite convey that as well as the art does. the sprite is just looking up a little bit, paw extended, and looks more sassy than anything. i don't enjoy the coloration of the albino and melan very much, either. it's very hard to distinguish any details on the albino's face here, and while i actually think non-mega melan liepard will look great, that green fluff does not accent the dark blue/brown base of it. i think that in this scenario another blue on the fluff would work better.
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