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Daycare Update 2024 plans

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naïve's Avatarhypermode-12.pngnaïve
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QUOTE originally posted by Niet

QUOTE originally posted by Trebor

We got accusations of "not listening" when we tried stuff like that. Which just made things even worse. I wish there were something that could be done but it's just... so difficult, y'know? XD Still, interesting idea, and maybe we can try it sometime. It might just work...
im a huge fan of executive decisions >.> I obviously dont know how difficult all this is but i do think instead of ixnaying it completely if it was put on a test trial for x amount of time? say a week er so? I do think people would change their minds and want to keep it because the boosts do outweight the negatives.
Type Race Score: 0
[ journal ] Buying summon_mes.png@ 15zc | Buying summon_tfi.png@ 15zc | Buying summon_mew.png@ 30zc
RoyaLotad's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRoyaLotad
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The V-wave changes I wasn't heavily against since the new calculations still mean it'll end up over 100%, it just felt a bit of a step back to remove the RNG for compatibility and then reintroduce it tied to a thing that changes every day. I had very little thoughts on it being added and I have very little thoughts on it being removed again. As for the Gigaremo... yeah, I displayed my hesitance towards this in the discord. The Wishforge grind is already absurd (by design I'm sure, since it's an objective that's there for the entire duration of your account) and a big part of that is the gems. Regardless of how small the cost is, I was iffy on them getting another use just to make an item I'd already purchased work. But, 1 gem for 10 minutes in which I can click at least a few thousand Pokemon, it's whatever. It's a small cost so I didn't mind it that much. The removal of the Autofeeder is just a shame though. It doesn't feel like the Autofeeder is a function that would ONLY work if the idea of powering the Gigaremo with Gems were also there, I feel it would work just fine standalone. Unless I'm completely mistaken (which I hope that I am), it feels like it got shot down in the crossfire as a punishment to everyone for the unhelpful criticism of a few people. Because dang that'd help in my E/V hunts.
shattered psych oct '23 win | made by @Cryst
Score: 0
Original by LycanKai, new by NassiLove, icon by Pokefarm
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Çelestanê's Avatarhypermode-12.pngÇelestanê
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QUOTE originally posted by naïve

QUOTE originally posted by Niet

QUOTE originally posted by Trebor

We got accusations of "not listening" when we tried stuff like that. Which just made things even worse. I wish there were something that could be done but it's just... so difficult, y'know? XD Still, interesting idea, and maybe we can try it sometime. It might just work...
im a huge fan of executive decisions >.> I obviously dont know how difficult all this is but i do think instead of ixnaying it completely if it was put on a test trial for x amount of time? say a week er so? I do think people would change their minds and want to keep it because the boosts do outweight the negatives.
That's exactly what I always want with changes like these... It can be difficult though, I guess. You still need to change everything, spend your time and then maybe revert everything back and scrap it? Maybe not in this particular case, but in some, I mean. But in general that would have been cool, a "testing period" and poll after, or sth like this?
glimmet's Avatarglimmet
glimmet's Avatar
i think giving everyone a cool off period is a good idea. but also maybe have mods go through these big threads like this and just filter info to give to niet? that way you arent just bruntly facing all the criticism by yourself and getting frustrated, and people would still be free to voice their opinions when they dislike something. something like the mods can tell you the things people have the biggest concerns about, and then you relay your answers to them, and then they can post the response?
Mimthyss's AvatarMimthyss
Mimthyss's Avatar
I have to say, as someone who viewed this update positively from the start and was happy to wait to see it in action before deciding what was and potentially wasn't a good change (and I know I'm not the only one, as actually between many of the more upset comments were others defending the idea and/or saying they were neutral until it came out so they could better judge it!), this is quite disappointing to hear, though I completely understand why you have decided to cancel the red giga and v wave changes considering the amount of negative reactions. I will further emphasise that not everyone reacted this way, some were indeed trying to be constructive, a la previous updates, and others were explaining how they actually looked forward to the update etc, not to mention those who didn't comment because they didn't want to make hasty judgements (or they simply hadn't even had a chance to read it yet) - and so its definitely sad that for you it just felt as though absolutely everyone was against your ideas. As for why 'no one thought to do the math', (though I'm sure I recall seeing one person say they had run through it and it seemed to come out over 100% even with a v-wave debuff day, but regardless-), speaking from my angle as someone who doesn't understand code and sucks at math I simply don't 'get' where those values are coming from to have made the exact calculation myself and I'm sure that's the case for many others too. But hence why myself and several others, after you posted your comment in the thread with the example specifically stating this, suggested it might be a good idea to add it to the front post - but I think that got lost in the flood of other comments. I think with future 'number heavy' or 'technicality-heavy' updates (if that makes sense), having a clear statement of that kind of example explaining the "total, resulting picture" with all the proposed changes in mind, from the very get-go would be helpful in avoiding this kind of reaction because it's data that's otherwise hard to visualise as someone not, like, working on it, haha. So its easy to just see "-16%" and be like "well that sounds bad" but seeing "total to 112%" or whatever it was, sounds much better. A bit off track now but I wonder if having new update threads be locked for a certain 'cool-off' period, say 30 minutes or an hour or something, would be helpful so people can fully digest the information before commenting instead of going by gut reaction, or a personal cool-down for how often you can post in a news thread (sort of like in really busy discord channels, so that things don't get out of control and mods aren't being overwhelmed with mountains of replies to sift through all at once). But idk, not sure how people would take those changes or if it would truly help but its just a thought. New posts were made while typing & Trebor perfectly explained my thoughts on this and I agree 100%. Anyway, I do hope that maybe these ideas could maybe be readdressed/reconsidered later down the line after the other daycare changes have been implemented and "settled-into", because they really did sound interesting and overall beneficial - but also understand if they stay shelved. Thank you for not just giving up on the updates all together as it really does sound like a good change, everyone just needs a chance to try it out and see for themselves. Remember that the vast majority, at least I believe, of us really appreciate the effort you put into improving the game for everyone.
☆ ~ Self Hatched Melans ~☆
Click on the lil' icons to be taken to their respective pages! Some are what I plan to evolve them into rather than what they currently actually are tho, lol. Also it's in chronological order because yes
j.pngv.pngo.png2.png5.pngg.pngx.png 8.pngs.pngl.png2.png1.pngg.png ~☆~♡~
Team Devastating Drake, Type Race Winners of April, 2024! I achieved 11,140 points!
~♡~☆~ Avatar drawn by me; character is my own! TR Trophy drawn by the amazing Cherushii78 :D
Niet [Adam]'s Avatarhypermode-12.pngNiet [Adam]
Niet [Adam]'s Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Çelestanê

[quote chain snipped, but still relevant] That's exactly what I always want with changes like these... It can be difficult though, I guess. You still need to change everything, spend your time and then maybe revert everything back and scrap it? Maybe not in this particular case, but in some, I mean. But in general that would have been cool, a "testing period" and poll after, or sth like this?
This is unfortunately difficult with PFQ lacking proper versioning tools that would make such a "testing period" easy to do. I would have to keep an entire separate copy of the files to be able to do that with this system. Maybe after PFQrv2 we can have such luxuries, but for now... decisions have to be made, and adjustments after, but reversions are difficult.

QUOTE originally posted by glimmet

i think giving everyone a cool off period is a good idea. but also maybe have mods go through these big threads like this and just filter info to give to niet? that way you arent just bruntly facing all the criticism by yourself and getting frustrated, and people would still be free to voice their opinions when they dislike something. something like the mods can tell you the things people have the biggest concerns about, and then you relay your answers to them, and then they can post the response?
"Hiding from" it or "ignoring it" or "making someone else deal with it" do not change the fact that it happened. It especially doesn't help me seem more invested in my own game - many people already think I'm totally uninterested, just because I've previously stated that PFQ isn't the kind of game I personally enjoy playing. It is important for me to be visible, actively participating, and not just hiding behind the mod team. It's a difficult balance, unfortunately...
Clip from Pokémon anime, re-lined by me
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Shirarisun's Avatarhypermode-12.pngShirarisun
Shirarisun's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Niet

This is unfortunately difficult with PFQ lacking proper versioning tools that would make such a "testing period" easy to do. I would have to keep an entire separate copy of the files to be able to do that with this system. Maybe after PFQrv2 we can have such luxuries, but for now... decisions have to be made, and adjustments after, but reversions are difficult.
a bit of a stretch, but maybe after rv2 is out you could make a public "testing server" people could sign up for? i remember a few games i used to play that did this. it would require essentially running two different versions of the site though...
shira//any pronouns//-4 server time my journal
summon_ogr.png Collecting Teal Masks for future Ogerpon hunt! (4 so far)
summon_dce.png Collecting Diamond Tiaras for future Diancie hunt! (20 so far)

pfp source | sprites from kirby super star
Siffrin's AvatarSiffrin
Siffrin's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Siffrin

If I may say, though, Niet- you may want to try playing on a fresh account from square one with no help from anyone that knows who you are to see if the changes you've been implimenting will alienate new players or not, no hypermode or giving yourself anything. It'd help you get even more of a feel for what the game is hurting on from an inside point of view.
still stands in my eyes. If you do that, and still believe it would be fun to play should you impliment the changes, then so be it! My statements were not meant to be negativity, they were my attempts to bring attention to a potential imbalance prior to its implimentation and ask how it would be rebalanced. I apologize if it came across another way. I play my builds many, many, MANY times over to be sure it's all alright. (And I'm sure multi-accounting for balancing and testing purposes should be acceptable :P) I definitely agree to locking the update threads for a set time period after being posted- especially considering it is likely a point of stress. Some people will just be mean, others mean well while echoing the same base ideas the others said and it turns to a negative spiral- not everyone IS trying to be cruel! But the negativity can be overwhelming and make it seem like EVERYONE is out to get you. All this to say, please, do take a break and take care of yourself.
He / they PFP from In Stars and Time! Please play it, I cannot sing it enough praises.
naïve's Avatarhypermode-12.pngnaïve
naïve's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Niet

QUOTE originally posted by Çelestanê

[quote chain snipped, but still relevant]
This is unfortunately difficult with PFQ lacking proper versioning tools that would make such a "testing period" easy to do. I would have to keep an entire separate copy of the files to be able to do that with this system. Maybe after PFQrv2 we can have such luxuries, but for now... decisions have to be made, and adjustments after, but reversions are difficult.
hmm yeah i was afraid of that. Maybe im just an optimist - but maybe its an update that can be brought back in later? there was a lot of negativity, but there was also a lot of excitement. sometimes it can make it seem like there's only negativity but I know i was excited for the v~ implementation - as were many others. Right now its only use is extra xp, which is great don't get me wrong but its also very basic and not utilized to its full potential and i think adding it to breeding chances would have been a wonderful idea. also not only were there discussions here, but we also talked about the updates extensively on the discord - with nothing but love, maybe a little apprehension, and excitement. This is your webchild, Niet. Don't let us ruin your vision. <3 There will always be players here to support you, but make this what you want, not what other people say is best.
glimmet's Avatarglimmet
glimmet's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Niet

"Hiding from" it or "ignoring it" or "making someone else deal with it" do not change the fact that it happened. It especially doesn't help me seem more invested in my own game - many people already think I'm totally uninterested, just because I've previously stated that PFQ isn't the kind of game I personally enjoy playing. It is important for me to be visible, actively participating, and not just hiding behind the mod team. It's a difficult balance, unfortunately...
ah, i didnt mean to imply you would be making other people do it or that youd ignore it, rather just that the mods could cut out the brunt of the negativity and just get to the heart of the concerns that people have, so you wouldnt have to be reading every single negative comment/disagreememt. i understand worrying that people think you arent interested, but also, you made this game. you work on it and suggest new things for it all the time. you dont also need to stress yourself by trying to respond to everyone all the time when it isnt realistic for one person to do all of that on their own. thats why you have mods in the first place, yes? they can help you with this too.

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