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Daycare Update 2024 plans

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Honestly a tad sad that the Red Gigaremo changes are being scrapped. I hope not for good but I assume that won't be given another thought at the moment due to the current feelings of everyone. As someone who relies on it quite a lot (for E/V breeding and then for type races so I can release regular eggs for folks and myself in shelter), it would have been nice to have something to help boost it or help reduce the drain it has on happiness. Yes, it does suck to eat up gems with how much badges cost but it'd be nice to have something to dump my fat supply of Flawless Gems into lol It also would have been nice to know that I could truly rely on it for days that my 2 jobs keep me too busy and I need to get in a supply of eggs for my hunt. Just pop in a gem, work my clicks, and voila. Like others have stated, I'm so very much excited and looking forward to the daycare overhaul. I appreciate the whole thing not being just completely scrapped as honestly this is the *one* thing I've been looking forward to when the phases for different updates was announced and it would have been very heartbreaking to hear that it just wasn't going to happen anymore.
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QUOTE originally posted by ve3oml

i'm not sure if this has been asked already but could i get clarification of something? It was mentioned under dynamic modifiers about "twin eggs" WOuld this mean there is a chance of hatching 1 egg and receiving 2 mon? or breeding 2 eggs at the same moment? I only ask As most users (that i have noticed) hatch 5-6 eggs at a time meaning tecnically they are hatching quince or sextuplets ona regular basis, If this means that 1 egg could hatch 2 mon This seams pretty awesome!
it would just mean that when clicking you'd have a chance of generating two eggs instead of one. ie with flat 100% compatibility you'd be guaranteed to get one egg every 64 clicks. with the current system you'd get one egg regardless if you have 100% or if you have 119% (the current max) but with the new system, any % over 100 you'd have an additional chance of getting another egg every 64 clicks. you'd still only be able to adopt a maximum of 6 eggs at a time, but youd just be generating eggs faster - anyway just to add to the topic at hand, its a shame autofeeder wont be implimented. the amount of times ive accidentally let my pair go to -999 because i just lost track of my clicks is more embarassing than id care to admit, but it is what it is.
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SleaterKinney's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSleaterKinney
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Not sure I dig having concerns/critiques be handwaved as negativity. People had concerns about seeing negative numbers become a thing off a string of updates that made bonuses more difficult to achieve, i think that's to be expected.
I do want to say out the gate that I do appreciate the committed effort to listening to the community and implementing/not implementing changes based off direct feedback - even in the face of things going off rail a bit. There was a lot of frustrated energy in this thread, but I do still believe overall that the community + staff alike have been more amicable than ever before ^^ so I hope this truly doesn't discourage anyone I wanted to tentatively echo some questions I had previously re: the new daycare system that may have been overshadowed by the other conversations at large - I saw deinglitch mentioned specifically in the thread, but would we maybe see the implementation of all other variants without special breeding methods recieve them so that every variant has the chance to see the 25% boost? would love to have more opportunity for pfq specific hunts! - In the initial proposal, it was suggested variant pairs would have their ratios improved so overall you'd see more of the variant egg than what we see currently. Is this still planned? I'm still very eager to see the daycare update regardless! It seems a lot friendly
Tryxlinn's Avatarhypermode-12.pngTryxlinn
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I agree with Shira, when I left my comment I was not aiming to target you OR your ideas. And I also gave my feedback kind of not very goodly. It just didn't make sense to me that you say you wanted to remove RNG by....adding RNG? Yes, the breeding of eggs is buffed overall and that the difference is only a few clicks. But those few clicks are still not a guaranteed egg on harder to breed variants/exclusives (I don't think? I am absolutely horrible at math and could be wrong about this) And you mentioned to me that the the difference may be 1 or 2 eggs which doesn't sound much until it adds up. With a Niet Day, I am already hatching almost more than I can breed in the Daycare with just regular mons. I can't imagine what it's like with non-Canon Pokemon @-@. And possibly getting Pokerus and using SLEs on top of that? Oh golly gosh! And you are correct, I am NOT hatching every single Mon in my Daycare but for those who E/V or Nature hunt...the more eggs you RELEASE the more likely you are to find them in the shelter. A V-Wave going against you would just kind of suck even if it is fairly insignificant. But...that word insignificant comes into play. If it is such a small change or barely makes a difference then why be upset with not adding it? You know? I'm also not a Delta hunter, so paying extra for delta mons or spending my own DP to hatch my own delta pokemon just seems downplaying in my own opinion. I did love the Giga idea though, it was just the V-Waves I was put off with.
Trebor's Avatarhypermode-12.pngTrebor
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I truly wish there was some way to legitimately press pause on the discussion (or should I say 'discussion'?) on updates such as these - right at the outset. Reasons/rationale - I cannot imagine how many dozens of hours of thought that you (Niet) have put into such structural differences as you have proposed to implement Just for the Daycare. Then all the time to make sure what you are proposing will/Should work, in and of itself, let alone with Everything else it does or could affect. Then composing and writing an 18min read post, I am sure quintuple checking every detail for 100% accuracy. And then, with such a comprehensive interacting proposal up for barely 20 minutes there are over a dozen reactions on specifics and within minutes/a couple(?) hours more negativitity/venom Without evidence/constructive criticism and a spiral I have NO interest in reading. And barely 12 hours in, changes/withdrawls adjustments based on negativity, Before a large portion of the user base has even had a Chance To Read the Update!?!, let alone formulate a reasoned, rational response. Proposal - Big/complex post goes up. Discussion is Locked for 24 hours, Stated. With a clearly stated opening time for a moderated discussion for the following 24hrs (and by moderated, I mean moderators scheduled to monitor a block of time, covering all 24 hours). Moderators liase to Niet when he is available, and clear "this will be passed on shortly" when he's not. Niet personally, or through a moderator responds to valid constructive suggestions, or questions of clarification as necessary/makes sense. Alternate - Moderators moderate content for legitimacy, tone, spiralling, and after 24 hrs Niet brings his reasoned responses to the thread. Gives a much greater portion of the user base a chance to have a chance to read, think about and then respond, without the frantic nature it seems to be now. Just my thoughts on the process.
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QUOTE originally posted by Trebor

We got accusations of "not listening" when we tried stuff like that. Which just made things even worse. I wish there were something that could be done but it's just... so difficult, y'know? XD Still, interesting idea, and maybe we can try it sometime. It might just work...
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magsimillion's Avatarhypermode-12.pngmagsimillion
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QUOTE originally posted by Trebor

I truly wish there was some way to legitimately press pause on the discussion (or should I say 'discussion'?) on updates such as these - right at the outset. Reasons/rationale - I cannot imagine how many dozens of hours of thought that you (Niet) have put into such structural differences as you have proposed to implement Just for the Daycare. Then all the time to make sure what you are proposing will/Should work, in and of itself, let alone with Everything else it does or could affect. Then composing and writing an 18min read post, I am sure quintuple checking every detail for 100% accuracy. And then, with such a comprehensive interacting proposal up for barely 20 minutes there are over a dozen reactions on specifics and within minutes/a couple(?) hours more negativitity/venom Without evidence/constructive criticism and a spiral I have NO interest in reading. And barely 12 hours in, changes/withdrawls adjustments based on negativity, Before a large portion of the user base has even had a Chance To Read the Update!?!, let alone formulate a reasoned, rational response. Proposal - Big/complex post goes up. Discussion is Locked for 24 hours, Stated. With a clearly stated opening time for a moderated discussion for the following 24hrs (and by moderated, I mean moderators scheduled to monitor a block of time, covering all 24 hours). Moderators liase to Niet when he is available, and clear "this will be passed on shortly" when he's not. Niet personally, or through a moderator responds to valid constructive suggestions, or questions of clarification as necessary/makes sense. Alternate - Moderators moderate content for legitimacy, tone, spiralling, and after 24 hrs Niet brings his reasoned responses to the thread. Gives a much greater portion of the user base a chance to have a chance to read, think about and then respond, without the frantic nature it seems to be now. Just my thoughts on the process.
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PyraKitten's Avatarhypermode-12.pngPyraKitten
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Wait, people reacted negatively to this? I should've left my thoughts in the first place then. I love this update as a whole and the first thing I did when I read it was message all my friends on Discord and say "I love Niet look at this amazing thing he's doing now." As someone who's hunting Frusky atm, it all seems like a good change to me! You're a super cool dev, Niet, and I'm sorry that people have been so hostile. Critique is one thing, but a wave of negativity is just demoralizing and frustrating. I remember putting 9 hours into a shop update on a Minecraft server and then having people complain that everything was 'balanced wrong now' - it made me want to tear my hair out. So yeah, tl;dr - I'm super hyped for the new update, hyped enough that I woke up and said "man I wish that update was out" (Don't rush yourself though). That's my 10 pence. You do a great job, Niet.
☼ Aka Pyra Kitten ☼ ❤ Artist ❤ Gamer ❤ Nerd ❤
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Sprite by kitty00829.
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QUOTE originally posted by Niet

QUOTE originally posted by Trebor

We got accusations of "not listening" when we tried stuff like that. Which just made things even worse. I wish there were something that could be done but it's just... so difficult, y'know? XD Still, interesting idea, and maybe we can try it sometime. It might just work...
i play flight rising and what generally happens there when an update thread gets out of hand is a mod locks the thread and explains why, and everyone sits back for a bit while they clean up any rule-breaking vitriolic posts and then maybe take a break for a few hours. they then reopen the thread and monitor responses to make sure people aren't being nasty to each other though i think it's also worth noting people (like myself) who may come off as rude to some without intending to be! especially when frustrated, so maybe the cooldown period can help us all simmer down a bit
shira//any pronouns//-4 server time my journal
summon_ogr.png Collecting Teal Masks for future Ogerpon hunt! (4 so far)
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