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Daycare Update 2024 plans

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I took the better part of an hour to read through most of this thread. My knee-jerk reactions to the first post were similar in the red giga and v-wave, but I decided to read the full thread so far hoping to find clarification on these - which I did. After having sat with the feeling of change (which is what is scaring most people here I think) and reading the clarifications, I can honestly say that I don't think these two things are going to be as bad as people think.

Re: Red Giga

Niet mentioned this earlier in the thread, but the wishforge is ultimately a finite goal. Many users have completed badges or completed as far as they wishalloy so there isn't much left for them to do with those type gems other than sell/trade. If you use one small gem - which on its own is mostly useless and carries little value - you can double your breeding rate for 10 minutes. While you're clicking for those 10 minutes, you should be hatching eggs as well - unless perhaps you're starting your hunt, in which case you could still be hatching eggs to match your hunt type to give you said gems. You theoretically could have the Red Giga without the EXP Share... but why would you? Even with E/V hunts, the Red Giga just makes everything happen faster. It's a little like a pay-to-play system in that regard - why shouldn't it have a small cost to use? Happiness decreasing used to be the cost, now it's going to be a slightly higher cost - but it is still a small cost! And you don't have to use it at all!


We do not usually complain about the V-wave typing other than to lament about not being a type we want. This will give us something to complain about! /joking ... mostly XD The overall breeding rates are being buffed. Especially E/Vs. This is cause for celebration. There will be people who max every pair's happiness, match natures, and have the exact same evolution in the line. There will be people who don't care about one or more of these factors. How is the V-wave any different from those other factors? - because of the randomness, I know. For those so worried about the V-wave's randomness, consider the post Niet made here. If you maximize your other factors, the V-Wave won't have a noticeable difference. Once you hit 100% chance, everything else is a chance for a bonus egg. How different are 130% and 110% when you're guaranteed to be breeding at least one egg and a 30% or 10% chance to breed a bonus egg?
All in all, I think we all (self included) need to take a breath and wait for the update. I don't think it will be as bad as it feels. :)
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QUOTE originally posted by Xygallix

Shops can still pair up pokemon with two OTs, the same nature and species (or similar in the case of things like tinkatink). So... All pre-existing pairs will have new compatibility, but there could still be a real advantage to selling pairs, it's just that most currently existing pairs won't be as maximised as before. Even now shops routinely sell pairs of differing levels e.t.c and that does make pairs sub-optimal. If anything it may drive more business for shops short term as chances are a few users will decide to look into their existing pairs a bit more.
as i understand it (though i could be wrong), the OT bonus is only applied when given a pokemon directly from the OT, not just two pokemon having a different OTs in general. if i make a pair with two different OTs, and then sell said pair to a new player, the OT bonus will no longer apply when the percentage is recalculated, as i am not the OT of either pokemon in the pair.
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QUOTE originally posted by leporidae

doesn't this kind of make breeding pair shops useless now? as its gonna be near impossible to buy a pair since you cant guarantee percentages anymore. you will only be able to make pairs for personal use. im all for recalculating compatibility based on physical changes to a pokemon (such evolution/transformation and even delta types) but to auto recalculate every single time a pokemon is placed into the daycare makes no sense to me. this entirely negates the OT bonus when trying to sell premade pairs. this is a community driven game, and many of these 2024 plans are going to make it harder to exist as a community, making pokefarm feel like a single player game.
I feel like something is misunderstood here. Because there is still an OT bonus, it is just not required for both pokemon. This should actually make creating pairs easier for those that usually sell them because now they only need a single OT and can use their own pokemon for breeding pair creation purposes. These pokemon can be obtained from other's free fields or from wonder trade, there is no need to have to find two of the same species from different OTs for breeding. This may actually increase the sell value of certain pairs if their additional modifiers are met such as same nature or same berry prefrences etc. There will also be a higher market for unpaired pokemon too. Users will be more willing to buy singles as well as regular delta pokemon if they want to minmax with the v-wave. There's a lot of potential to shake up the market of regular pokemon and ultimately add more value to it. Existing pairs shouldn't be too negatively impacted because they already meet the 1 different OT requirement, having 2 different OTs wount negate that bonus only further garuntee it. The removal of the randomness of pairs will also make it easier to actually obtain good/ideal pairs to sell. Unless a pokemon is evolved/form changed it shouldnt recalculate the value either. The v-wave is an additional buff/nerf that is an external number from the base breeding pair compatiblilty. This will only lead to more consistency where there wasn't any previously. And again the adjustment to the max compatibility % possibility being ~40% more than it currently is plus the twin egg chances at 100%+ There's only going to be waay more eggs created. Ultimately minmaxing will only be needed for e/v hunting but event that will be drastically improved with the increased chance to produce these eggs.
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QUOTE originally posted by leporidae

doesn't this kind of make breeding pair shops useless now? as its gonna be near impossible to buy a pair since you cant guarantee percentages anymore. you will only be able to make pairs for personal use. im all for recalculating compatibility based on physical changes to a pokemon (such evolution/transformation and even delta types) but to auto recalculate every single time a pokemon is placed into the daycare makes no sense to me. this entirely negates the OT bonus when trying to sell premade pairs. this is a community driven game, and many of these 2024 plans are going to make it harder to exist as a community, making pokefarm feel like a single player game.
I was thinking about this myself and I feel like it might actually help breeding shops? Forgive me if I am wrong as I don't sell breeding pairs in my shop but I can imagine that people, specifically if they are hunting a certain delta color, would be interested in making new pairs, as well as nature hunters. These also could make pair making more lucrative for the shop as DP is pricy and finding specific natures takes more time. But again, I don't know for sure!
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QUOTE originally posted by leporidae

QUOTE originally posted by Xygallix

Shops can still pair up pokemon with two OTs, the same nature and species (or similar in the case of things like tinkatink). So... All pre-existing pairs will have new compatibility, but there could still be a real advantage to selling pairs, it's just that most currently existing pairs won't be as maximised as before. Even now shops routinely sell pairs of differing levels e.t.c and that does make pairs sub-optimal. If anything it may drive more business for shops short term as chances are a few users will decide to look into their existing pairs a bit more.
as i understand it (though i could be wrong), the OT bonus is only applied when given a pokemon directly from the OT, not just two pokemon having a different OTs in general. if i make a pair with two different OTs, and then sell said pair to a new player, the OT bonus will no longer apply when the percentage is recalculated, as i am not the OT of either pokemon in the pair.
I'm 99% sure it doesn't matter whether you are the OT of one or not. It says one of the OT's "can" be you for the OT bonus, not that one has to be you. I think it's just that at the moment pairs could get the OT bonus twice (if both OTs are different to each other and to the person pairing) but after this update pairs will only get the OT bonus once, so as long as one pokemon has an OT other than yours, the pair gets the full available bonus. I really hope that makes sense, I'm struggling to find better wording for it.
Check out my free fields, full of R/E/V/L and pairs! One of my friends runs a shop, go see her if you want box/shelter hunts, free egg dexing and her free fields!
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i'm not gonna go on and on about how excited i am for my various small things (because i could write paragraphs on how happy i am about the idea of twin eggs alone, like whaaaaat!!!), but i wanna add my voice about a few things that do feel strange to me (plus my ideas on how to make one particular thing better) first off, the one i actually have ideas for: the red gigaremo. so, the red gigaremo already has a huge downside (lowering happiness and requiring spending sweet hearts / easter eggs / etc which not everyone has a huge surplus of and thus may require credits to keep up with) and that downside is quite quick at that. i don't think adding another downside is really necessary (especially given gems are so very needed to get to higher badge ranks), BUT! i do, however, think a potential compromise could be allowing "augmenting" the gigaremo with gems - not requiring them, but allowing the effect to be boosted by gems and thus using those type matchup ideas while not causing more of a sink into an already expensive and difficult to maintain item? :o edit: now that i've read a bit more, i'm understanding the math behind the nature changes a bit better - i will have to see if i feel the need to completely revamp my pairs for "max" compatibility, but the reasoning of it being personality based does make it make more sense than it just being arbitrary complication which eases my lore brain a bit c:

g'raha / kit / kinaster ‖ they/them ‖ 21+

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QUOTE originally posted by Xygallix

I'm 99% sure it doesn't matter whether you are the OT of one or not. It says one of the OT's "can" be you for the OT bonus, not that one has to be you. I think it's just that at the moment pairs could get the OT bonus twice (if both OTs are different to each other and to the person pairing) but after this update pairs will only get the OT bonus once, so as long as one pokemon has an OT other than yours, the pair gets the full available bonus. I really hope that makes sense, I'm struggling to find better wording for it.
taken directly from this guide "Pokemon must come from two different Original Trainers and be traded to you by those trainers." i understand OT bonus will not stack anymore, but thats not really the concern here. unless these updates also make it so you no longer have to be given a pokemon by the OT, the OT bonus will no longer be applied at all once sold to a new player because it will be recalculated when they are paired again, thus guaranteeing a percentage change from what it was originally labeled as. (unless i am the OT of one of the pokemon in the pair, which will not be the case for any pair ive already created before these changes happen.)
Prf X's AvatarPrf X
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QUOTE originally posted by Xygallix

QUOTE originally posted by leporidae

QUOTE originally posted by Xygallix

Shops can still pair up pokemon with two OTs, the same nature and species (or similar in the case of things like tinkatink). So... All pre-existing pairs will have new compatibility, but there could still be a real advantage to selling pairs, it's just that most currently existing pairs won't be as maximised as before. Even now shops routinely sell pairs of differing levels e.t.c and that does make pairs sub-optimal. If anything it may drive more business for shops short term as chances are a few users will decide to look into their existing pairs a bit more.
as i understand it (though i could be wrong), the OT bonus is only applied when given a pokemon directly from the OT, not just two pokemon having a different OTs in general. if i make a pair with two different OTs, and then sell said pair to a new player, the OT bonus will no longer apply when the percentage is recalculated, as i am not the OT of either pokemon in the pair.
I'm 99% sure it doesn't matter whether you are the OT of one or not. It says one of the OT's "can" be you for the OT bonus, not that one has to be you. I think it's just that at the moment pairs could get the OT bonus twice (if both OTs are different to each other and to the person pairing) but after this update pairs will only get the OT bonus once, so as long as one pokemon has an OT other than yours, the pair gets the full available bonus. I really hope that makes sense, I'm struggling to find better wording for it.
As I read it RN the code look at the user & both Pokemon's OT to see if they are all different & after the update it will only look at the Pokemon' OT Edit to add: OT is lock when traded
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we're only human after all
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Yeah, I'd hope they're lifting that part of the requirement, but honestly I'm not sure if they are or not - pretty sure it wouldn't affect the pair I'm using currently (the nature part would though), but if compatabilities are now being fully recalculated each time there's a good chance it *would* affect some other pairs I own, including a fluxio pair I've used in the past
Xygallix's Avatarhypermode-12.pngXygallix
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QUOTE originally posted by leporidae

taken directly from this guide "Pokemon must come from two different Original Trainers and be traded to you by those trainers." i understand OT bonus will not stack anymore, but thats not really the concern here. unless these updates also make it so you no longer have to be given a pokemon by the OT, the OT bonus will no longer be applied at all once sold to a new player because it will be recalculated when they are paired again, thus guaranteeing a percentage change from what it was originally labeled as. (unless i am the OT of one of the pokemon in the pair, which will not be the case for any pair ive already created before these changes happen.)
The thing is that by those trainers isn't entirely accurate. Not directly by those trainers anyway. I paired the paras pair I'm currently breeding, but I'm not sure I've ever interacted with the OTs. Both were traded to me by others. At the moment all that really matters is that both pokemon have different OT's to each other and to the person pairing them. The guide you linked does explain that if you go through their examples of how it all works.

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