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Cryst's Avatarhypermode-12.pngCryst
Cryst's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by SlitherCain

...you are basically forced to get an already hard to obtain Ditto (unless you get someone to help you or reach Champion first for the free Ditto) and mass breed a ton of Unowns, at least FOURTEEN OF THEM to be precise...
you dont need ditto to breed unown.... you can breed unowns with each other. theres a whole forumla. here is a tool you can use to determine which unown letters will produce what. theres only 4 pumpkaboo sizes but theres what, 28 unown formes? it would be ridiculous to have a 1/28 chance of hatching the forme you want from one egg so thats why they're all separate. anyways i dont mean this to invalidate your complaints or anything, i mostly wanted to point out the calculator i linked cause i think a lot of people dont really know about it.
Cryst ✦ She/Her

JournalTrade Shop TR Score: 0 ✦ Hunt: 51/3185
Credits: icon + sig. code by me
SlitherCain's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSlitherCain
SlitherCain's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Cryst

QUOTE originally posted by SlitherCain

...you are basically forced to get an already hard to obtain Ditto (unless you get someone to help you or reach Champion first for the free Ditto) and mass breed a ton of Unowns, at least FOURTEEN OF THEM to be precise...
you dont need ditto to breed unown.... you can breed unowns with each other. theres a whole forumla. here is a tool you can use to determine which unown letters will produce what. theres only 4 pumpkaboo sizes but theres what, 28 unown formes? it would be ridiculous to have a 1/28 chance of hatching the forme you want from one egg so thats why they're all separate. anyways i dont mean this to invalidate your complaints or anything, i mostly wanted to point out the calculator i linked cause i think a lot of people dont really know about it.
Ah, I was actually unaware that Unown could breed with each other. That makes it a little more managable, I suppose it's just salt that unlike most of the other egg dex requirements where I can simply reset enough at the lab, you have to focus your breeding attention onto a mon with a ton of forms.
[Profile picture is from an early-game cutscene in Fire Emblem Engage]
R34CT's AvatarR34CT
R34CT's Avatar
I somehow completely missed the Mass-Click Weekend?? 😭😭 And a month that it's an egg too, that's the absolute worst. If I miss a megastone I don't care, missing totwms is kind of annoying, but missing the eggs always hurts. I missed Teddicursa last year and honestly I'm not completely over it. I have bot yet checked to see what egg I missed (better not be a variant of one of my faves...) Edit: Cacnea is one of my top faves this hurts so bad 😭😭😭 (actually crying unfort)
EstherGamer's Avatarhypermode-12.pngEstherGamer
EstherGamer's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by R34CT

I somehow completely missed the Mass-Click Weekend?? 😭😭 And a month that it's an egg too, that's the absolute worst. If I miss a megastone I don't care, missing totwms is kind of annoying, but missing the eggs always hurts. I missed Teddicursa last year and honestly I'm not completely over it. I have bot yet checked to see what egg I missed (better not be a variant of one of my faves...) Edit: Cacnea is one of my top faves this hurts so bad 😭😭😭 (actually crying unfort)
If you want I can try to breed mine, I would send it directly (due to personally being neutral on Cacnea and Pumpkaboo (I do like them, but they're not super high on the list for me)) but it's account-locked so I can't. I was personally really hoping it'd be a Petilil variant, kinda disappointed it wasn't
Avatar is an edited version of Sky Forme Shaymin's portrait from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, edited by me. (Sprites by me)
Like, putting Meltan as Tourney prize was...great but that completely dropped Scrap Metal prices on the Market. There goes my easy credit deposit T-T
Star | She/Her | Psychopath
summon_dce.png x 500 summon_jir.png x 500
Sells a variety of things!
Full credits here. PFP => Salty_Lightning on Pinterest Button => Kaelwolfur

QUOTE originally posted by EstherGamer

QUOTE originally posted by OlliverDaOneth

I spent over a month here and I STILL have yet to figure out how the other cramorant forms/ eiscue's ice face form is obtained. It wont even explain it on the wiki. someone help me with that pls, and have PFQ work on fixing the issue too.
Not sure about Eiscue (I think it's send on scour to the tundra though), but I'm pretty sure that for Cramorant you need to send it on a scour when it's tired, perhaps to ocean specifically?
omg thank you, ill make sure to get this done (and put this info into a note)
Hi, I have lots of pokémon I've hoarded upon my fields. I'd be happy to let you obtain any you find there. Just PM me and we'll get down to buisness. I'll also help evolve pokemon for you.
Bit upset over what the most recent addition brought. With the addition of the Data Volumes, the market price for box boxes, which used to be around 600k, went up by a whole 100k. I was hoping to buy one too for the 21 boxes, but once I got to 600k, that's when the market price changed. Box boxes were a good way for someone like me, who had a hard time saving up boxes, to get more.
Icon is from In Stars And Time!
EstherGamer's Avatarhypermode-12.pngEstherGamer
EstherGamer's Avatar
I'm 2 ZC away from getting a month of Hypermode because I messed up my math and I'm too lazy to look for a currency exchange thread to trade ten coins. I should definitely do that before the Type Race starts though because my chosen hunt for it this month is Valkind due to not having any shiny fighting type OCs I can think of right now, and hunting exclusives when your pair has a 50% breeding rate and is Gardevoir/Frayja (due to a lack of compatible exclusives for Frayja) is probably not a good idea without Hypermode...

QUOTE originally posted by EstherGamer

I'm 2 ZC away from getting a month of Hypermode because I messed up my math and I'm too lazy to look for a currency exchange thread to trade ten coins. I should definitely do that before the Type Race starts though because my chosen hunt for it this month is Valkind due to not having any shiny fighting type OCs I can think of right now, and hunting exclusives when your pair has a 50% breeding rate and is Gardevoir/Frayja (due to a lack of compatible exclusives for Frayja) is probably not a good idea without Hypermode...
Do you still need the 2 ZC? I have 7 ZC left.
EstherGamer's Avatarhypermode-12.pngEstherGamer
EstherGamer's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by MetropolitanKei

QUOTE originally posted by EstherGamer

I'm 2 ZC away from getting a month of Hypermode because I messed up my math and I'm too lazy to look for a currency exchange thread to trade ten coins. I should definitely do that before the Type Race starts though because my chosen hunt for it this month is Valkind due to not having any shiny fighting type OCs I can think of right now, and hunting exclusives when your pair has a 50% breeding rate and is Gardevoir/Frayja (due to a lack of compatible exclusives for Frayja) is probably not a good idea without Hypermode...
Do you still need the 2 ZC? I have 7 ZC left.
Someone gifted me some already, actually!

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