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With the story events I think its really hit or miss for everyone. Not everyone's going to vibe with a certain story to be honest. I've really vibes with all but two of them. And only one is more my own fault. I didn't vibe to well with eggsweeper. But that's just because I'm terrible at minesweeper and anything like it. The other was a Valentine's day story event. When love soup first debuted. The task of gathering five big mushrooms almost seemed impossible because that event made there prices in the mp skyrocket to nearly the mils. Not to mention it was an item you could rarely find in chests and no were else. So it just seemed kinda impossible to complete. So more friendly/easyish stories might be better if they were brought back because I loved how they made the site a bit more unique and gave us better lore to the site in general.
avatar from Christmas 2022 advent calendar

Dream pokes

m.pngr.pngz.pngn.pngt.png6.pngf.png6.pngj.pngj.pngu.png m.pngf.pngx.png5.pngz.pngf.pngo.pngn.png7.pngv.png8.pngb.png

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Sprigatito 0S / 0A / 0M
Niet [Adam]'s Avatarhypermode-12.pngNiet [Adam]
Niet [Adam]'s Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by AgentMaineMeta

The task of gathering five big mushrooms almost seemed impossible because that event made there prices in the mp skyrocket to nearly the mils. Not to mention it was an item you could rarely find in chests and no were else. So it just seemed kinda impossible to complete.
But... I made them a more common drop in the Forest Scour Area and dropped hints in the story dialogue that you should look there... Anyway. I appreciate the feedback so far, and Remster raises an interesting point. I'm gonna disagree with it, of course, but that's because I'm trying to design a multiplayer experience and Remster prefers going solo. That's fine but it does mean we're gonna disagree on the design of some things. I'll keep it in mind for future stuff. It's always going to be the case that story events will be a bit of a railroad in that you "have to" follow the plot of the event whether you want to or not. Whether or not you or your character are actually friendly or sociable, I'd like to think you're at least polite enough to go along with helping others once in a while. No one is that heartless, right? Another big issue is this dilemma: - Reward a new Variant: now you must complete the event or lose Arceus Rank until you get it some other way. - Reward is a CS: no gameplay reason to go for it since it doesn't affect completion in any way and is just a collectable, so what's the point? Basically the only way to have there be a point to taking part is by punishing you for not doing it, which seems wrong. Any ideas?
Clip from Pokémon anime, re-lined by me
Featured story: Injustice Feedback welcome!
Mikkü's Avatarhypermode-12.pngMikkü
Mikkü's Avatar
I actually really loved getting a CS from it, it seems like the stories always fit that so if I'm required to do a story whatever I get from it I would at least like for it to be related to the story personally You could perhaps offer people choices at the end - a CS - Some currency - some items (Z Crystals, Large Gems, Summons, Mega Stones, ETC) I also think offering a new egg is fine as long as its breedable directly after the event similar to new variant releases, otherwise yeah people will get upset but realistically people will be upset either way. (Though yeah if you do another unhappiness one people will probably be very upset lol) (Also, as a side note dropping hints isn't always the best sometimes you have to be direct/clear as not everyones first language is English and there are some kids on this site so they just might not get it right away/if at all) Knowing that perhaps there can be different versions of difficulty to a story. Easy/Medium/Hard but that of course would require more work. I'm not really sure I care what is given overall, as long as it fits and is tied into the story in some way if I have to play the story out tbh
------------------- pechaberry.pngpechaberry.pngpechaberry.pngpechaberry.pngpechaberry.pngpechaberry.png -------------------
F2U code by Gumshoe Edited by me with permission Further credits in "About Me"
ÕwÕgQd4's AvatarÕwÕgQd4
ÕwÕgQd4's Avatar
i hope i can get this cupidueye
all pairs needed for project EZ are collected, ready to start anytime
Xufiie's AvatarXufiie
Xufiie's Avatar
An event to remind me I'm forever alone, awesome! xD Jokes aside, I don't think I've been here long enough to experience these "story events", so I'm all for it. At the end of the day, if I'm not enjoying it, I just won't participate and just do my daily activites.

QUOTE originally posted by Xufiie

An event to remind me I'm forever alone, awesome! xD Jokes aside, I don't think I've been here long enough to experience these "story events", so I'm all for it. At the end of the day, if I'm not enjoying it, I just won't participate and just do my daily activites.
@Xulfiie If you have no friends for the event, I can be your friend! Its fun meeting new people in the game!
avatar by me| f2u https://pokefarm.com/upload/Platinum_Angel/SHARKIE_ANIMATIONS.png (old icon) NEW ICON: From Advent Calendar 2019
Remster's AvatarRemster
Remster's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Niet

I appreciate the feedback so far, and Remster raises an interesting point. I'm gonna disagree with it, of course, but that's because I'm trying to design a multiplayer experience and Remster prefers going solo. That's fine but it does mean we're gonna disagree on the design of some things. I'll keep it in mind for future stuff. It's always going to be the case that story events will be a bit of a railroad in that you "have to" follow the plot of the event whether you want to or not. Whether or not you or your character are actually friendly or sociable, I'd like to think you're at least polite enough to go along with helping others once in a while. No one is that heartless, right? Another big issue is this dilemma: - Reward a new Variant: now you must complete the event or lose Arceus Rank until you get it some other way. - Reward is a CS: no gameplay reason to go for it since it doesn't affect completion in any way and is just a collectable, so what's the point? Basically the only way to have there be a point to taking part is by punishing you for not doing it, which seems wrong. Any ideas?
It's true it's kinda my fault to play at a multiplayer experience when I prefer to play solo most of the time xD But in the end I'm just a nobody, I don't even expect anyone to agree with my point of view, but just wanted to share it to let other see a different way of seeing things, even if it's "not a good one". Also, gonna disappoint a lot on this one, but irl I'll help someone I don't care about only if I can benefit from it in a way '-' If I can't gain anything, I'll avoid to help as much as possible, and if I do it it's because I do it against my will. Call me horrible for that if you want, but I have to deal with my own problems first (life has not been nice with me since I'm a child and now I have to deal with stuff like anger issues or not being social, but I digress), and I don't want to waste any energy for something that will not help me back. In a game, it really depends because I tend to be more social online. Like I can still help a user without wanting anything in return even if that player is a pure stranger (I mean, I did big raffles for months and I was actually LOSING stuff lol), but for the game itself there's still the issue of : if I don't care about the characters and I can't get something from them, I'll probably not bother to help to not waste my time. That's why I said I was doing the stories for the prizes. If there was no prizes, I wouldn't bother checking them if they existed. And, I'm picky with stories, too ^^' If right from the start the interest isn't there, there's little to no chance I'll want to know the rest. Everyone have their own tastes, I'm not saying the stories of the story quests are bad, just that it's not my cup of tea. As long as there's people enjoying them, I think you should find your strength in this to continue to do what you want with the quests :) I'll not spit at you if I don't like the story itself xD I'll just keep my issues for myself because that's a me thing. I'm not good with words anyway, there's a risk I say something in a rude way without even wanting to be rude at all u_u' Oh, and for that part "I'd like to think you're at least polite enough to go along with helping others once in a while. No one is that heartless, right?", maybe I can be in rare occasion with real people, but that OC that I represent with the PFQ character isn't AT ALL, she's incredibly selfish, so I feel trapped xD For the rewards, I'm good with CS. I like to collect stuff (that's why I'm playing this game in the first place), so I want all the CS too even if they don't count in the dex. But the reward could also be rare items, like, a box box box for exemple (but the quest's difficulty must be high enough to justify such a reward let's be real). Maybe they could be different reward tiers ? Like, when you reach 1/3 of the story, you get the easy prize, etc etc... ? Tbh only thing I'm asking for the difficulty is not costly stuff and not too difficult minigames :S I remember a minigame, I think we were playing against Kinaster, I don't even know how I managed to beat it, I didn't understand the rules. Tho, it was because of the language barrier, so no matter what I just couldn't understand them :/ Sorry for the long post, that's a common issue I have lol
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Avatar by me He is one of my most precious OC, you are NOT ALLOWED to use it ! ~~ I'm French and not bilingual, but I try my best, so don't be too mad at me if my english is not very good, please :3
Priority summon_thu.png
33 | summon_hup.png
36 | summon_tko.png
26 ----- summon_zap.png summon_sui.png summon_hoo.png summon_kyo.png summon_ray.png summon_deo.png summon_gir.png summon_dar.png summon_zek.png summon_kyu.png summon_yve.png summon_bag.png summon_zer.png summon_zac.png summon_zam.png summon_ete.png summon_gza.png summon_gmo.png summon_zar.png summon_cal.png summon_w-c.png summon_c-p.png summon_t-l.png summon_c-y.png summon_oki.png summon_mun.png summon_fez.png summon_tpg.png summon_ogr.png
Thunderjaw's AvatarThunderjaw
Thunderjaw's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Niet

Another big issue is this dilemma: - Reward a new Variant: now you must complete the event or lose Arceus Rank until you get it some other way. - Reward is a CS: no gameplay reason to go for it since it doesn't affect completion in any way and is just a collectable, so what's the point? Basically the only way to have there be a point to taking part is by punishing you for not doing it, which seems wrong. Any ideas?
Anout exclusives: What about making it longer to redeem? Say people got a few weeks for it and they can take it as slow as they prefer? And say you miss out, maybe make it available for breeding? (I'm just grabbing an example here btw) I think the main issue we have with the tourneys often is that it takes a lot of time out of us and sometimes people have more of an adventage in the tournaments. Usually with the story quests everyone has the same adventage, everyone can do it (in theory). Sure the prices might inflate but I have seen users help eachother if someone really was struggeling ^^ I just love the stories so Im just brainstorming here
Useful links: Journal: The Thunderclaw Follow me on these too if you'd like to know me! Youtube: CommandoReptilio Twitch: CommandoReptilio Instagram: GeckoCommander
art by Shadowfeathers of Thunderjaws OC Steve, edited by MossDragon for Thunderjaw's use only
topmarks's Avatartopmarks
topmarks's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Niet

Another big issue is this dilemma: - Reward a new Variant: now you must complete the event or lose Arceus Rank until you get it some other way. - Reward is a CS: no gameplay reason to go for it since it doesn't affect completion in any way and is just a collectable, so what's the point? Basically the only way to have there be a point to taking part is by punishing you for not doing it, which seems wrong. Any ideas?
apply dm logic: start with deciding how you want players to respond to your event, then design the event around that desired response. are players supposed to be able to skip it if they don't want to participate? or do you want all players to be obliged to participate? if mandatory, then introducing new pokemon to push players out of arceus rank makes sense. i don't think it's a good idea, but if it's your goal, the system works. if optional, going for a prize that doesn't cost players their rank seems the obvious choice. if these problems arise by having the prize be a pokemon, why not make it something else? there are a lot of options for item or money prizes. failing all of that, what about tokens to spend in the prize shop? that feels like the most flexible "you choose your prize" prize without just giving out straight currency.
LúnàWølf98's AvatarLúnàWølf98
LúnàWølf98's Avatar
This event is nice, but I will admit I was hoping for a new event as I like variety. Maybe an option to vote for what event happens a few weeks to month before the event takes place?
Buying the following summons: summon_ent.png
Fire Fang
for 100k cr/20 zc summon_sui.png
Ice Fang
for 100k cr/20 zc summon_rai.png
Thunder Fang
for 100k cr/20 zc summon_zac.png
Rusted Sword
for 125k cr/25 zc summon_zam.png
Rusted Shield
for 125k cr/25 zc Buying Sweet/Jolly pokemon! PM with offer! *Credit* PFP created for my use only by BananaLizard

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