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Proposal to Rename Albino and Melanistic Pokemon

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QUOTE originally posted by sojussimblr

I suppose the worry I have for Obsidian and its ilk (yeah, including my own damn suggestion in that) is that it might still set the expectation that there's vividity in the color scheme that may not exist? After all, that's what set this discussion off in the first place, that the melans aren't as vibrant as they used to be, and Obsidian is quite vibrant in certain cuts, sorta like an oil slick
Black is the most common color of obsidian. However, it can also be brown, tan, or green. Rarely, obsidian can be blue, red, orange, or yellow. I don't know about ya'll but this sounds exactly like the current color scheme of melans right now. I don't know what you're gonna find that literally fits the descriptions of almost all of the melans they've been making lol I think Obsidian is a really good bet since it allows the usage of other colors, but also implies that they will be darker in stature maybe with some brighter highlights.
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Trebor's Avatarhypermode-12.pngTrebor
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For the dark(er) pokemon, why not "Relaxed"? Directly out of Canon Contests/Dress-up Competitions - meaning is understood to be the opposite of 'Bright' in regards to dress up accessories, i.e. 'Dark' accessories. Relaxed, in Game = Dark
Yes, I know it sounds stupid, and doesn't convey 'Dark' to anyone, BUT IT IS CANON. So why is Anything else even being considered?
<edit> And hey, it may even get more users to enter Some contests
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Damiel's AvatarDamiel
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Yeah I would be afraid that naming them obsidian and opalescent would put new expectations for them to look specifically black/white and/or gem-like.... it wouldn’t really help the issue with the names, it would just add a new layer of issue to it honestly. Same with Pastel, people would expect all albino pokemon to be pastel and a lot of them are... way too bright or white colored to be pastel. A lot of Pokémon are based off of animals/plants so I feel melanistic and albinism make the most sense if we’re going to go with biology across pokemon. (Though... pokemon are fictional creatures so even that can be combatted lol) I’d say that the PFQ staff do what is easiest for them as a name change imo won’t solve the issue, it may just add a layer of more issues as people readjust to what the new names mean. Though some of the names I’ve seen are cool tbh. :P Also relaxed is a nature Xd

QUOTE originally posted by Lamniforma

It's nice to see people's suggestions to rename the terms get heard out. Here's what I like: albinos -> pastels melans -> enigmas Pastel feels like an obvious choice to me. Our "albinos" have a big pastel colour vibe. Enigma means both dark and mysterious, and they're dark + rare, so I that's why I think it'd work.
I love this! My vote is for these!
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QUOTE originally posted by InsaneHysteria

QUOTE originally posted by sojussimblr

I suppose the worry I have for Obsidian and its ilk (yeah, including my own damn suggestion in that) is that it might still set the expectation that there's vividity in the color scheme that may not exist? After all, that's what set this discussion off in the first place, that the melans aren't as vibrant as they used to be, and Obsidian is quite vibrant in certain cuts, sorta like an oil slick
Black is the most common color of obsidian. However, it can also be brown, tan, or green. Rarely, obsidian can be blue, red, orange, or yellow. I don't know about ya'll but this sounds exactly like the current color scheme of melans right now. I don't know what you're gonna find that literally fits the descriptions of almost all of the melans they've been making lol I think Obsidian is a really good bet since it allows the usage of other colors, but also implies that they will be darker in stature maybe with some brighter highlights.
My thoughts exactly when I suggested it! Yes, perhaps the names Melan and Albino don't need changed, and nobody will ever be able to please everyone, as is life... but you are on the money more or less. If melan had to be anything else, Obsidian just feels right, as it's about as literal as it gets for thr color combination I feel!
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MossDragon's Avatarhypermode-12.pngMossDragon
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Pastel sounds nice, but I feel like that may end up causing the same problem Albino does and people asking why some have more muted colors than others, Leucistic on the other hand is more accurate if going by that. Same for Obsidian, people will assume it's just as dark as Melans, if not darker, regardless of it coming in different shades. But as some have already said, somebody's going to find a way to compare how it's not an accurate word or Pokemon being too light or dark for it. I'm fine for PFNew getting new names for Albinos and Melans, but maybe leave those names on PFQ? Maybe it could be tied to lore of PFNew to drive in a point that it's a different world/region and they gave different names for Albinos and Melans without being influenced by PFQ's world or something.
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Iggyzilla tm's AvatarIggyzilla tm
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I suppose that would be the only major concern I feel here. I'm honestly indifferent to a name change or not, but I have a feeling regardless of the change, not everyone will like it still. >_> I'm personally fine with whatever, but the idea of having "new names" if needed in PFNew lore does sound like the more plausible suggestion I think?
My vote personally would be to just keep the old names. People who have been using the site for a while know what they are, I'm not really understanding where the disconnect is or what people aren't understanding personally. I can see how at first it could be confusing to new users, but it is so widely used on the site and common that I don't see how someone would be confused for very long.
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QUOTE originally posted by Clairefairy

But all of that being said I could possibly suggest albinos being called “pastels” or something along the lines of that. But doing so may cause for some sprites to be redone if they do not fall into the category of being high value and low saturation. I’m not too big on art terms so I am unsure what the opposite or pastel would be. Possibly “chroma”?
It's probably just me, but I don't think "chroma" is a good idea. In french, a shiny pokémon is a "pokémon chromatique". I can easily just say "chroma" instead of the entire word to talk about a shiny, so having "chroma" for melanistic/albino Pokémon (I don't know for which you proposed chroma tbh) will be very confusing for me, because that word is for shiny in my case '-' If someone say they have a chroma pokémon, I'll assume they have a shiny, not a melan/albino.
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Alchemi's AvatarAlchemi
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I think I prefer the names the way they are. Not all albino creatures are pure white, albinos in real life are actually just very pale, just like the albino Pokemon on here. Same with melanistic animals and people. I once knew a pair of siblings who were albino, neither of them had pure white hair or red eyes. Instead, their white hair had hints of banana yellow (Especially at the tips, though the yellow was much more prominent in the younger sister) and they both had blue eyes. Saying that all albinos are pure white is a huge generalization, and a lot of the names that are being proposed, for example 'luminous' and 'radiant' actually imply 'glowing', not 'pale'. I think that would cause more confusion, not fix it. Not to diss anyone, I love your work on the site, but I feel like I should say this: Don't fix what isn't broken. It's not your fault people don't educate themselves. You shouldn't waste all your hard work to pander to the ignorant. Also, Stygian has to do with death and the underworld in Greek mythology, and if melans were called that in real life then... the actual meaning MAY get a little jumbled. But please don't take what I say personally, I'm just a rando on the internet =3
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