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(Spoilers)(13+) Space Flareon Gets into Yet Another Fandom

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remember when pokemon Black and white actually let you change the difficulty? yea lets bring that back. I'd make a fangame of my own if i knew how to code (and if nintendo would smash my kneecaps for attempting to do so) so heres some ideas: Reguardless of difficulty, you can toggle whether moves type effectiveness will show against a pokemon you have seen before Easy: Pokemon levels are overall lowered, No trainers will have held items, Trainer Ai is lower, as well as the amount of potions an important trainer will use in battle. Trainers overall have less pokemon/ weaker ones. Good for people just entering the franchise Normal: Pokemon levels are normal, Important trainers have held items, Trainer AI is unchanged. Trainers have their default amount of potions to use in battle. Trainers will have the average amount of pokemon. Hard: Pokemon are higher level (also includes wild pokemon). Important trainers will have more pokemon and/or stronger ones. Trainers will have higher AI and important trainers will have more items on their pokemon and more potions. Challenging: Similar to hard, but with a twist. Along with pokemon being stronger, EVERY enemy pokemon now has an item (except wild pokemon, which will have their regular chance to hold a specific item). Every pokemon except wild pokemon will also be EV trained, and the strength of this will increase as you progress through the game. Important trainers will always have 6 pokemon. Trainer AI is higher, and trainers will have more potions Nuzlocke mode (toggle): Standart Nuzlocke rules will apply once you obtain pokeballs. Pokemon other than the first one on a route can be caught, but will not appear in the PC. Shiny clause and Dupes clause will also be available to toggle once this option is selected You will be unable to choose a new difficulty once you select one, so players will have to choose wisely
Avatar drawn by me. Summon image and description by me, while code by aud.rey, for my use only!

Universal Beacon

Summon Item (: 0)
A small orb that acts as a beacon. Inside various galaxies are visible. Using it will alert SpacialDimension, wherever they may be.
I honestly find it pretty amazing how you can go from dying from a boss to doing it damageless just from learning how to dodge it's attacks through practice. that being said... so i did a damageless run against the final boss of kirby and the forgotten land...
Follow up to Jirachi's meme post. I literally only thought of that because this happened to me while I was in the shower, and my brain was still on the topic of Kirby and the Forgotten Land, so it tied those two things together to create a caption for a meme thank you Jirachi for tying the meme together, btw
ok so i knew the powered up toy hammer was strong, but JESUS CRIST. This thing took an arena boss and brought it down below a quarter health IN A SINGLE HAMMER FLIP. not to mention sending midbosses into another dimention alltogether.
Wait, are you guys clicking around randomly to complete your eggsweeper maps? cause this is how i usually do them fun fact that I may or may not have told you before: I learned how to play minesweeper thanks to this minigame when it first came out.
OH MY GOD SPLATOON 3 RELEASE DATE 9/9/22!!! i was just thinking about the game yesterday, too! I'm so excited!!
that awkward moment when your oc is similar and has THE SAME NAME as another persons OC, even though you did not mean to make them that way If I had a nickel for every time that happened, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but its weird that it happened twice.
ok but hear me out. Feral kirby? (Both of these were drawn by me) ignore the grey line in the last image, the canvas cut off oh yea, I also gave animal kirby a tail (even though it isn't in the originals) because I feel its a crime not to.
folks i present to you, feral kirby, the sequel (Drawn by me)
Im about to riot one of the fruit gummy packs i oppened had ALL GRAPE FLAVOR (except for one apple). IT SAYS "MIXED FRUITS" RIGHT ON THE PACK WHAT ABOUT THAT IS MIXED?! And if you couldn't tell already, grape is my least favorite flavor.

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