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(Spoilers)(13+) Space Flareon Gets into Yet Another Fandom

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Me: "This game was easy, I dont see why people had trouble with it" (Extra Hard mode unlocks) "Oh no." (Theres a time objective now, as well as more obstacles) "OH NO."
Avatar drawn by me. Summon image and description by me, while code by aud.rey, for my use only!

Universal Beacon

Summon Item (: 0)
A small orb that acts as a beacon. Inside various galaxies are visible. Using it will alert SpacialDimension, wherever they may be.
...I need a vacation. Yes I know I just had spring break and that should be enough, right? WRONG. After today, I literally just want to melt in my chair. I visited my grandma's house, and I THOUGHT it was going to be a short lunch. Boy was I wrong. This turned into an ALL DAY AFFAIR. And this normally wouldn't be a problem, except for one thing. One of my aunts also visited, and she brought some friend (I think) and 2 KIDS. TWO. TWO OF THE LITTLE GREMLINS. And they were constantly running around. Oh, it gets EVEN WORSE. While one of the kids knew what a videogame was, the other didn't. At first they just watched me play, trying to give me "tips" and telling me to go certain directions even though there was an invisible wall blocking me. I guess they got tired of me not really listening, so they took my switch and tried to play the game themselves(they were very bad at it). I just let them do her thing, cause I assumed they would get bored after a while. Right? right..? Nope, they kept hogging my switch while I sat there patiently watching them play. And then they wanted me to access a DIFFERENT game, but most of the games on my switch needed cartridges to be played. Oh, but were not done with this story yet! I'm not sure if it was allergies or something, but BOTH the kids were coughing (although one was clearly closer to me as they were playing the game). I didn't see this happen, but my mom also claimed they rubbed their runny nose on my COAT. DEAR GOD. After we got home, me and my mom desperately sanitized my stuff, and I took a shower, including my face (they touched my face). It was pure torture. Now this next even didn't affect me as much, as I was having a separate dinner, but I don't think I could leave it out of this rant. When we were having dinner, the kids were picking through the salad. With their hands. And they didn't wash them. My dad had two helpings of salad, unknowingly, and he only found out about the kids picking through the salad while we were in the car driving home. ..I don't really like kids.
where did all the riolu eggs go.
I finished all of the wings of fire books that I had, and now I gotta wait to buy more (The Lost Continent ones as well as the prequel for Darkstalker and the graphic novels)

QUOTE originally posted by Nyan-chan

what is the meaning of ayo
If used at the beginning of a sentence or before a question (such as "ayo can you help me with this?" it means "hey" but if just used by itself and is said like a question (such as "ayo???") it means "excuse me" or "what", and it is often used when someone says something unexpected or weird this has been lessons in internet slang with SpacialDimension. Join us in the next episode, which will probably be never.
what kind of wacky weather is this to have snow in april. what the heck? (and no, i don't usually get snow where i live, or at least not enough to cause delays)
why are angry and irritable characters so fun to design they're chilling one second, and then another they just explode into anger-
ah crap i forgot how much the BW and BW2 soundtrack SLAPS im literally bouncing in my seat. Im glad Pokemon Black and White was my first game. What a great way to enter the series.
Sometimes I hyperfiziate on my sanitized splatoon Ocs. And sometimes I am normal.
Bruh my first game of eggsweeper my starting tile was literally just ONE SINGULAR TILE (1 mine somewhere in the vicinity). And so then i clicked off of it because screw that and then I IMMEDIATELY hit an Exeggcute. At least I can retry immediately, but DANG. i got the custom sprite the next round, so its ok :)

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