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Chronicles of Gaia (RP)

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Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
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Seyr was a few feet away, her third tail finally having given up trying to stay upright, falling down to rest with the other two, her own bodies mana reserves severely depleted, she could hear someone or something talking, and groaned as she pushed herself out of the snow, slowly pushing herself into a sitting position, looking out at her handiwork, "Hoo hoo, yeah I'm not using that again, not until I actually have it refined it down to something I can fully control, scarring a planet is something I didn't think I had in me..." a ways away the crater caused by the magics was crackling, streaks of red magical energy flitting about, lashing the interior of said crater, the sky above was considerably clearer than outside of the perimeter, the clicking from a gauge in her arm had stopped a few minutes ago, indicating no further risk from that kind of poisoning at least, she suddenly remembered that there had been something that had showed up at the start of her battle, "Hey! You still around? Gods I hope I didn't kill an off-worlder who never got a chance to do anything..." --- Celere had finished doing what could only be described as 'asserting her dominance' over the individual who had so rudely entered her property, and returned to Sagau, "Sorry about that, loudmouth's taken of, anything I can help with now or did that kill the mood so to speak?" her head flicked in two directions, one a scowl, the other a neutral expression, "Hrm, someone went overboard on something, whatever it was drained them of their already limited energy, not Rikazu though, Rikazu typically doesn't drain his Physical Energies to overkill something..." she realised she'd spoken aloud, "Ah but that's none of my business, need to be here in the now not who knows where."
LordKrenner's AvatarLordKrenner
LordKrenner's Avatar
“Y-yes, I’m still right here.” Calls Kirze, “I just addressed you as well, the name’s Kirze. Look over, is this scarf unmarked? I couldn’t bear for something to happen to this. Textiles require the most controlled environment to survive a thousand years, and for it to be destroyed now…” ~~~~~~~~~ Sagau looks up as he extracts the butter from the oven. “There was a bit of something bothering me.” He admits, finishing the mixture originally set aside, and beginning to pour it over the butter. “Do you know of Gauredei?” He finishes the preparation of the food, pouring the peaches on top and sprinkling the cinnamon. Finally, as he places it in the oven, he looks deeply into Celere’s eyes, “Better yet, do you know what could scare a god into perhaps… acting against one another? You did know me from somewhere, didn’t you? You’re the only clue to how I was torn from the will of Shadei-Urr. My arrival on this world was premeditated and I intend to find out why.”
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
Seyr turned her head and then quickly snapped it back to the front facing position, her neck was murder at the moment, "Seems fine to me, I'll introduce when I'm able to get back to town, little too drained at the moment, it'll probably be a few hours before I can even get to my feet, let alone walk." and now she had an itch she couldn't scratch, great, a strained noise escaped her throat, seemingly a mix between sweet release and frustration, "On the plus side, won't have to worry about any future inventions being sabotaged into exploding again, really didn't appreciate having to recover from half my body being missing when I first got here, Roke really held that grudge from the mages academy... idiotic fool, it's not like I can control what I am." --- The Saiyan's head turned, eyes squinted into a position of trying to remember if she had heard the name before, there were similar names but not that one in particular, then the second question, she could answer that but... she doubted it was the answer they were looking for, as for the third, she wasn't too sure about that, well she could answer the questions in order and go from there, "I've heard similar names before, but I doubt it's the same person you're referring to, most 'Garuda' or 'Gawrudai' so probably not." she paused, considering how to word the second answer, "Gods sometimes go rogue, could be any number of reasons, sometimes dissatisfaction with their position, could be feeling threatened by another deity, they're too sure of their power and seek to take a step up on the hierarchy, age is another factor, could simply be hitting the age where their minds are degrading, could simply be that's how they are and felt like being an ass about it, could be any number of reasons big or small, those called Deities aren't that dissimilar from the mortals of their realms when you start to think about it..." She had a finger to her mouth at the end of that line, thinking, where did she recognise Sagau from... it certainly wasn't anywhere from where she came from, "It's not from when I was running away from death, where do I know you from? The memory is beyond hazy, I almost hesitate to even call it a memory, this world has gone through cycles of things happening before so maybe you were in a previous cycle and this is a fragment of a prior cycle coming through..." her hand moved from below her mouth to her forehead, massaging the sides of it, "I don't know where or how I know you but somewhere in here" she tapped the side of her skull, "theres something which says I do, hrm, sorry don't think I can be of much help there at the moment, unless the memories I had in the previous cycles suddenly are forced upon me I just don't have enough here to answer that."
LordKrenner's AvatarLordKrenner
LordKrenner's Avatar
“… I guess there’s nothing to connect, then,” says Sagau, pulling over a chair. “I feel… cold, not being connected to Shadei-Urr. But maybe dueling all those prettyboys in the trial place really does give me some power back.” He holds one paw forward and tries to snap, the way that used to let him light a flame. ~~~~~~~~~ “If you’d like, I could let you sit on my back, I am rather mobile enough,” offers Kirze, carefully stepping forward. “An inventor, huh? A good friend of mine used to be one…”
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
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"There is likely something there, but it's just... completely out of reach in it's entirety." she heard the snap, and watched as the intended effect clearly didn't happen, "Light." the thing Sagau was trying to get to light did so, "Training outside of those chambers would do you some good, not my kind of training, more going back to basics and refiguring out how your abilities work and all that jazz, as for that, well... being 'Master of the House' has perks, the place listens to me and does what I ask when needed, I just don't get to abuse that power here, all things within reason you know?" --- "Heh, nah I need to rest, got nothing in the tank and besides, something'll be happening soon that needs me to remain right here, in this spot, and not be moving much, if I were to shift too far from here theres a good chance I don't wake up from it, so yeah just sit tight and wait it out, besides, I highly doubt anything is even going to think about coming near here for a couple hundred years, while the wound is fresh and the scarring settles, the planet is... not going to be friendly to things that would seek it further harm, that's on me, and I've got deep regrets for that one." the itch intensified, any moment now the effect would happen, apparently the Kitsune cutting that tie and displaying new magics was enough to get her deities' attention, she had to scoff aloud at that one.
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
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Celere hung around for a bit, assisting Sagau where she could and occasionally issuing single word commands aloud to the house whenever something didn't quite happen the way Sagau wanted, she did this to keep her mind empty, away from the constant thinking she'd devolved into, this peace time, the forced state of not constantly moving from one thing to the next, sure, it was good, and something she didn't know how badly she needed, but her mind constantly whirring away had consequences, and this break no matter how small, was appreciated, "Oop, well I'll leave you to it Sagau, need to go check in on someone upstairs, try not to burn the place down k?" and with that, she walked back upstairs, quietly slipping into the child's room as they stirred awake, "Well then Nim, you doing any better today?" *Wish this kid would tell me their name properly, I'll continue calling them the wrong thing until they do.* sooner or later they'd have to open up a little to her...
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
Meanwhile Seyr had slumped back down into a laying position in the snow, her breathing had become a bit irregular, she knew why, exhaustion from both physical and magical avenues tended to completely mess with a persons natural rhythms, the itch had transcended into the most irritating pulse, all she needed to do was close her eyes and she'd be forced to meet with those individuals again... mentally the kitsune sighed *fine... let's just get this over with...* despite how heavy her eyelids were, it took a supreme effort to actually close them, once the lids connected, a light orb, shaky as it was, left her body and shot off somewhere, when her eyes opened again, she saw only two of her species deities in front of her on this astral-like plane, "Huh, guess the rest are either too angered or busy with something else, do let them know I do not apologise for the removal of a tail and have no intention of letting it regenerate, I'll make something quite clear here; I have no intention of ever letting myself grow a tenth, I quite like my life as a mortal and intend to stay as one." there was a scowl on her incorporeal form here, one of the other two fox-people in front of her had a sympathetic look, the other just shrugged, "So, lets get this over with, I have a physical body to get back to and things to do, don't particularly want to run the risk of said physical body being moved either, it's not like I control my souls ascent up here or anything." ------- Celere sat there in silence for a few moments before standing up, going over to the door, and bringing in a small case, proceeding to speak once more, "Well anyway, those rags Bora put you in, while good for the time, won't be doing you any good, neither will you being cooped up in here and refusing to do anything, I don't know what hell has caused you to be like this but it'll be ending in a few hours, you're a child, yet you clearly have never had a childhood, I'll be leaving this here, go through, change your clothes, and we'll go from there." if playing the girls game wasn't going to get anywhere, then Celere would simply shift the field, she'd tried giving the ball over, but it was being refused so she'd simply have to play the cards she was dealt with.
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
The orb came back down from the sky, slowing before slipping back into the Kitsune, anything else that had been said in that plane was between her, and her species' pantheon and would not be spoken of, the tail grew in underneath her body as her soul melded back with her physical form, a few moments later, she sat back up with a groggy groan, flesh hand pinching the bridge of her muzzle, "didn't even have the spine to show up, no matter, need to get back before people think I've left for good or something." as she got herself into a standing position, there was quiet seething noise as her body ached and screamed for rest, but she was otherwise fine, and mentally was saying rather colourful words at her body's reaction to being in this state, the sound of bones cracking in place could be heard as she stretched off the lethargy, then, without a word, she started leading this strange creature back towards Karston, best they end up there than out here where the smallest could probably kill them.
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
Lina less awoke and more 'came out of a trance', she'd spent the night in meditation as she found it to be a more efficient way of resting, this was likely due to her more draconic biology where sleep typically meant weakness and being an easy target, as she shifted she once more looked around the room she'd been given, though it was less of a room and more of a den than anything else, sure the door frame was still visible but everything else was far from it, the walls were rocky with glistening crystals and gem veins spotted about, a few rocks and boulders strewn around, a cracked open amethyst geode that'd been smoothed over and filled with a kind of glass was the only thing that could pass as a 'table', the workstations that were in place for her to work on her equipment looked out of place, but were still made out of stone and Amethyst, nothing in here was for 'human use', her head rolled backwards against her neck for a brief moment as she got her mind 'back in the game', "What to do today... perhaps I should peruse a fletchers or few, see if theres any unique ammunition I can acquire, yeah, I'll do that today for a few hours." up to her feet she got, a hand getting a crick out of her neck in the meantime, "Still surprised this is what I got when I asked for 'something that feels like home', guess it took after the majority dragon part of me, ah well, not complaining."
Aysu Llyr's AvatarAysu Llyr
Aysu Llyr's Avatar
Aislin woke sharply, eyes blown wide in surprise before they narrowed into annoyance. "Why," she grumbled, sitting up and pushing the covers back, "Why must it always be hyper-realistic to wake me up?" With a few more grumbles about how she didn't need to see that, she got herself situated for the morning. She glanced at the plushies for a long moment, considering, and then decided against it. Who knew how the house would react if she took something from it? Aislin descended the steps, sniffing the air upon scenting the cooking meal. She followed the smell into the kitchen, stepping to a place out of the way where she could watch whatever was left of the process. She couldn't help but announce her presence by asking Sagau, "Are those peaches I smell?"
Kahlua opened his eyes and took a deep breath, scenting the watery musk of swamp that emanated from an incense stick he had left burning the night before. He pushed away the memories of his childhood and stood, gearing up with the weapons he had purchased back in Midgar, along with a few throwing knives he had gotten more recently. Shouldering his pack, he took another look around what was now his room. On a small table stood the incense burner alongside a collection of other scents he could use, each evoking a memory of different places. The bookshelf that only stood two rows high was filled with ritual books, medicine books, and a few on geology. There was even one that he could possibly use to transform his bottled poison into an actual panacea; how he would get all the ingredients was another matter he was choosing not to think about. Kahlua looked down at the plush, faux fur rug beneath his feet and smiled slightly. Underneath the rug was a small circle that he could fill in with his own rituals whenever he needed to, using the chalk that resided in a desk drawer. Said desk currently had a book open, to which he closed before walking out the door.
Kudret worked at the metal carefully, doing his best to handle the etching as precisely as he could. He had slipped out early to a part time job he had taken as a way to gain access to a forge. Kudret had also forgone his armor this time, as last time he had worn it in here he had nearly given himself heat stroke. He completed the final letter and leaned back a little, surveying the whole word. It looked about as good as he was going to get with his paws compared to a human's hands. Kudret nodded to himself and cleaned away the metal shavings, clearing the area of other scraps of metal he could find as well. Why some of the apprentices were so messy was a mystery to him; then again, Taika had been the same way at times, citing pure laziness for the cause of her frequent negligence of cleaning her area. Ida had often pestered her into cleaning up, something one would not think the wolf would do at first glance. Kudret's ears pricked at the shout of his name and he started walking in that direction, carrying the now etched knife and its sheath for critique from the supervisor today.
Avatar is made by Nightfury28. My Ponysona, Remembrance.

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