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DLD #12 - Thoughts in which to delve

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Lunessca's AvatarLunessca
Lunessca's Avatar
As a casual player, I like the idea that more can be done without having to be incredibly active! I love PFQ, but I sometimes feel like if I'm not going to be very active, I'm not going to get anywhere, which is bit demotivating. Having Fakemon be more like the other regions would be amazing! Right now we have the little updates with Eben, and we have the Fakemon themselves, but I personally haven't seen much about the region they come from or things involving the region. Icluding the region plus fakemon more would be fun, like we'd all be a part of that region instead of just knowing it exists, if that makes sense? I'm not sure about removing field clicks, however. On one hand, I can't speak for anyone else, but mass-clicking is how I get a lot of my IP. On the other hand, mass clicking so much is something I burn out on very quickly. Maybe hiding the level 100s as well as the unlock feature suggested would be a good alternative? Or perhaps something like the 'water/harvest all' button in the garden per field? I don't have many ideas about this one, sorry. Overall, thank you for including us in the process of making PFNew! It's very interesting to see what goes into it. (I would also like Eggsweeper back, it's super fun, okay bye >->)
e.pngI'm a Searene Hoarder! Any you don't want can be sent to me at any time! Thank you for any help to my collection~ e.png
NegativeZero's AvatarNegativeZero
NegativeZero's Avatar
I love playing on the site, but I will say that it can get boring quick. If I could recomend anything; more lil minigames that help with stuff, that you can play and ether help your pokemon, or other things like that. Maybe a breeding minigame to help boost how the pokemon get along, rather than having to keep grinding until you get two that get along well. Maybe some kinda arcade where you can try to get more moeny, and have a more "offical" way to trade currencies back and forth as a sort of prize counter. I think things like that would be really cool and could help retention a little. Maybe a more "active" pokedex too? Like in pokemon go; being able to see the diffrent forms of pokemon if you have them. (Also Mega's not counting for pokedex percentage, that way every time a new mega comes out you gotta work more)
Rasarasa's AvatarRasarasa
Rasarasa's Avatar
I'm relatively new to this game but there's a few issues with this entire concept that'll likely make me stop playing entirely if this is forced onto the game. What I personally want is cool Pokemon variants and the current system allows me to get that relatively easily with a bit of work. With this new system, it seems I'll be forced to work at a slower rate with no way to increase the speed of how I operate at all. The biggest issues are these: 1. Will Shiny/Albino/Melan rates be raised to compensate for the slower gameplay that is compared to just quickly hatching your eggs going around clicking on people? 2. Will the Exp rates be raised accordingly to the lowered amounts of experience you'll be getting since you can no longer help hatch your eggs as efficiently with the Exp share? I do NOT use lucky eggs, so that meta does not apply to how I play the game. 3. I have other hobbies to do with my time, I will not be checking every hour because I feel like I need to do so to be most optimal with hatching my eggs. Forcing it to be more "casual" will be more stressful if my main objective will be hunting for variants. 4. How about the credit based system? You will be taking away the ability to get tens of thousands of credits a day from simply clicking, and even more so when you lower the amount of gems you'll be getting from hatching eggs. You would need to rework the shop system entirely to balance out current prices or rely on people to buy ZC for legendary items, assuming this is how its going to work. 5. Are there any other incentives for clickbacks other than just Exp and what would be the meager credit reward under current system? It becomes an extreme chore to click on something every single hour and I severely doubt many people will actually do that if there's no reason for them other than what we currently have: Exp and bad monetary rewards. 6. Will Dexing be made easier for any potentially new players? Especially with how legendaries are locked. What took me one month to complete with some assistance from the current system and how eagerly I worked towards it might take multiple months for someone else who joins during PFNew to do. 7. Will everything be reset to fit with this new system? Is there a reason for me to even play PFQ when I'll be forced to adjust to a new system I didn't sign up for a month ago? 8. Wishforge? It already takes ages to advance a badge, are you telling me it'll take even longer to get it afterwards? The only reason I ask this is because I'm still having a blast playing this game when I get those moods and have some acquaintances I wish to help. I would personally rather not play a game now only for it to morph into something I wont enjoy down the line with no alternative while I still wish to help those people, as well as having the desire to still obtain Melans down the line. tldr: I won't check every hour to click, with current rates and punishment for using boosts/removing boosts outright variant pokemon will be annoying to get, this seems like its punishing people who like to play actively, the credits system won't work with this properly, I'll be hatching 24 eggs a day at most instead of potentially hundreds, and legendaries will be annoying for new people to get. I'll probably respond with more questions I might have since I want to play THIS game for much longer. Yes I know this is under the assumption that it'll be ported with current systems in tact, but there has been no other solid outline offered for me to put that perspctive into other than currently PFQ mechanics with certain frankly useless features removed.
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Bladeporeon's AvatarBladeporeon
Bladeporeon's Avatar
Honestly I like most of these changes that are outlined. Most of the time, the meta I use for MCW (when I can participate in those) is "click some Mod or Artist fields fully. Congrats, you have the MCW reward." That's not very engaging, and it ensures that some (read: a vast majority of new users) people won't get any clicks at all. It's not fair and does need changing.
* Superhero Vaporeon at your service! Now with Slurpuff sidekick! * Avatar is of my NEW fursuit, made by Katsudoggo!
Shazi's Avatarhypermode-12.pngShazi
Shazi's Avatar
As has been stated quite a few times, PFQ will remain so long as people are active on the site
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Rasarasa's AvatarRasarasa
Rasarasa's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Shazi

As has been stated quite a few times, PFQ will remain so long as people are active on the site
Thanks, that's all I needed to hear. I'll gladly give PFNew a try. I'll try to throw out any cracks I might see that could hold it back as well as I hear more about its development.
Sharpy's AvatarSharpy
Sharpy's Avatar
Ya know, I have heard that quite a few times, but I'm still unsure if it is going to be an entirely separate site or an add-on to this site. I can't tell if Niet is going for a Pokefarm-esque site that cannot have transfers between this one, leaving it as-is, or if it's going to give people other options to use in PFQ while switching some other things up. Does that make sense? My brain is also unequipped to process things sometimes, so I'm sorry if it's already been said somewhere and I just never got it lol

psychic.png 0 psychic.png 💖
PFP by pinkskittypow!

BendyDemon's AvatarBendyDemon
BendyDemon's Avatar
I'm not picky and won't quit if some features are removed but maybe make fishing and the garden a tad more interesting, at least in the visual sense. Some pokemon related sites like Pokeheroes has games that are more interesting to look at,having little visuals like watering can and the soil changing color as it is watered but whatev's I still would come if only to increase my Impyre army..umm..I mean..city (heh..) I've only been here 8 years and seen a few changes and will see more and I coped with them all. Whatever you do Niet is fine by me. I like this place no matter what.
Bendy avatar is mine..I drew it. Name: Umachu Name: Wavelength Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
Rasarasa's AvatarRasarasa
Rasarasa's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Sharpy

Ya know, I have heard that quite a few times, but I'm still unsure if it is going to be an entirely separate site or an add-on to this site. I can't tell if Niet is going for a Pokefarm-esque site that cannot have transfers between this one, leaving it as-is, or if it's going to give people other options to use in PFQ while switching some other things up. Does that make sense? My brain is also unequipped to process things sometimes, so I'm sorry if it's already been said somewhere and I just never got it lol
I feel like this is an important enough of a part I didn't consider. If PFQ stays, will PFNew be linked to it somehow? I don't believe it'll be connected to PFQ in any major way, but how will it primarily get new people to hop from PFQ to PFNew to try it? These are mainly rhetorical questions and I don't expect too deep of a response, but if PFNew is fun how will others learn of its existence or be encouraged to play it when they're still on PFQ? I'm unsure of how the transition from PF1 to PFQ went but I have noticed that PF1 no longer exists. Considering how passionate Niet seems on this project I'd like to see how it pans out seeing how much I like PFQ, I'm curious mainly on the sustainability and plan for that. Possibly how much of PFQ will have redirects to it in the future it exists as well.
Niet [Adam]'s Avatarhypermode-12.pngNiet [Adam]
Niet [Adam]'s Avatar
When I say that all PFNew features will be balanced accordingly, I mean it. Fundamental gameplay needs to be decided early on because changing it later would be a nigh impossible task. Interactions don't give credits on PFNew, only interaction points. Credits will come from other places, currently the main source is quest rewards, but there'll be little weekly challenges you can do to earn more. PFNew is an entirely new game, just set in the same world as PFQ. And it will be a very different game. Some people might not like it and prefer PFQ, that's fine. Both games will continue to run so long as it makes sense to do so. It is not like PF1 to PFQ where PFQ was a direct upgrade of PF1, this is entirely separate. I'm not deleting features from PFQ. That would be stupid. I like to think I'm not stupid ;)
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