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LilypadLife's AvatarLilypadLife
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(Just my opinion, please don't take this to heart. Was reading the discussion, and just wanted to add my own take- I apologize if I sound rude or anything of that tone, that is not my intent...) Personally, I am okay with the current system in place for TR. Nothing is built perfectly, and the system might be a little flawed. But for an event that circles its users and the community, I feel that leadership voting might be the right option for the current system. Since we, as a team, work together to achieve the end goal of the race, shouldn't we be able to choose our leader? I do understand that the voting parts of the system may feel swayed. People might choose the "most efficient" leader or those with higher experience, and that can be very frustrating. However, I do think that everyone has a fair chance at being leader with the confidence to guide your team to victory! To @Timid-Decidueye, I apologize if this discussion may have been overwhelming in response, and I am sorry. I don't believe that anybody was trying to make this discussion out of malicious intent or aiming anything towards you. I apologize on behalf of everyone here if that is the case. I'm glad though that you have the courage to speak up about this, as not many people would do so! getting an opinion heard is a strength, and I admire that! Thank you :) Edit: and thank you Mochi for letting us know. Everyone has their own opinions on how they play the game.
Signature art by TheWildSalem! My avatar was made by Cledanio! ♥︎
SeshieLover's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSeshieLover
SeshieLover's Avatar
I would just like to say to Timid that i am sorry if any of my post came accross as an attack or rude to you. I genuinly loved our debating on the topic of the voting system for the type race. You brought your point of view, gave ideas to do it a differant way and had a very good dissucion over all. I even tought of a way to maybe get more users involved in the tr over all because of this whole thing. The only part that lost me was when you said "no goverment at all". The whole conversation even if the vote was rng is for a govering postion. So if you think this game should have no goverment structure at all then that would be eliminating the type race leader postion. If you meant that statement in a differant way then i believe many of use do not underatand what you were trying to say. I do/did see how our post after your "no government at all" post do come off as rude and more attacking to you. i believe we are all just trying to think of any way to make not having any government in a game make sense. i like what scavergers said 3 post up. My pms are also open if you wish to talk more privetly about any of this. I do genuinly love that you are willing to have an open convertion about something and not just to complain and have nothing useful to say. You may not have been on the winning end of this debate but that isn't a bad thing when you brought value to it.
My type racenormal.png791. My trade thread can be found here
summon_sui.png × 154 / 500 ---value at 20zc-will buy or swap
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pvnkbøy's Avatarpvnkbøy
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I'm working on scraping together the mental energy to reword what I'd said since I know it came off ... completely wrong from how I intended it to. A clearer version will be posted once I feel mentally well enough to even begin to try and tackle it

Sonora - 16 - hoot/owl

"You weren't quite as bold. Smarter, sharpr, brighter than the rest . . . Now you're sixteen, broke and burning out in style" -gifted kid burnout . Tom O'Donovan TH
Sweet Apple

Sweet Apple

Evolution Item

(item.png: 0)

A peculiar apple that can make a certain species of Pokémon evolve. It's exceptionally sweet.

Sells for 1,000

Lv. 14 — 787 / 1,018
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Sweet food
Happiness MAX
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QUOTE originally posted by Timid-Decidueye

I'm working on scraping together the mental energy to reword what I'd said since I know it came off ... completely wrong from how I intended it to. A clearer version will be posted once I feel mentally well enough to even begin to try and tackle it
I hope you're doing well, I know communication can be hard even at the best of times, so please take care. I am looking forward to reading a clearer version if you do deide to post it though!
summon_cob.png 59 / 200
Not actively buying. Or actively doing anything in general.
code by skiddo; banner by mochafox; sprite by pfq; bg is official
pvnkbøy's Avatarpvnkbøy
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alrighty folks, I have way too much energy in my system, so I thought I'd let it out by reiterating what exactly I meant. (this will be looked at by others, just so I don't start another argument :3) What I wanted to say is not what came out in writing; so for the absolute confusion and chaos I caused, I do sincerely apologize. What I do believe the TR voting system should be is anonymous, and the reason I feel this way is because, as Niet stated, it's a popularity contest. Which, in my personal opinion, is wrong. There are little kids on this site, not just teenagers and adults. Kids under 13. Kids (including teenagers) learn what is right/wrong based on what they see and hear from a day-to-day basis, this is fact. What teenagers and little kids especially don't need to see is a popularity contest on a game they most likely play everyday. It teaches them that "Oh, the whole world is based on popularity"; which, to some extent, is true. But, going into Middle School, High School, or College with the idea that "in order for people to like me, I have to be popular" is very detrimental to someone's mental health, especially kids. Now, yes, you can become more "popular" on site by interacting on forums or in the discord, but the that shouldn't be the go-to, and I'm a little disturbed by popularity contests, and people - especially adults - encouraging them for these reasons. Now, in order to keep everyone happy, a solution COULD be: while setting up and voting is in order, everyone's posts are anonymous; that way, it's not based off of who's popular or not! Afterwards, the posts can be un-anonymized and whatnot. That way, the people who like voting can be happy, and, people like me, who don't like popularity contests, can also be happy! (And, to the ones who apologized after Mochi said something, I am not mad or angry with you guys at all. In fact, I believed in what you guys were saying.) If, after you read this post, you still don't agree with me, then you can come to me via PMs; I don't bite, I promise.
SeshieLover's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSeshieLover
SeshieLover's Avatar
While i don't have any issues with how things currently are i do think it would be a better way to vote anonymuosly. How every i see no way for this to be done for type race leader and be completely anonymuos. A name is a hat doesn't work for a vote like this so everyone still needs to make a post. with a post comes a template and other things to make you into like you telling us who you are and what makes you a good choice to vote for. With that if you make your template everyone knows who you are as you must sign your work same would go for if someone made the template for you to use it would need to say who can use it. So not anonymuos at all as those are rules that the site cant break as they are real world laws that come into play and the site could be shut down. If say the admins had a set number of templates to be used and nobody could make there own and made it a rule you can't say who you are then we might as well just go with whoever posts for leader first like it used to be as nobody would be able to do much personalizing to the post. To make something like this completely anonymuos would take a lot of changing to many things with type race leader. You would probably also have to add other new things to the requirments for being leader. One i can think of that i myself would want, is that you need to be at least x rank or your account needs to be x days old as i wouldn't want someone who just made an accout last week for the site to be my leader as they haven't been playing on the site long enough to even know yet if they are going to play until the type race is over. They could do day one of the race and quit playing the site i wouldn't want someone that new to be a type race leader personaly. That last bit also comes from the fact that this whole convo got started because someone who made their accout on the 3rd of this month posted "voting sucks" and left it at that. I don't even think they are playing they haven't posted anything else and they don't even know what the type race is being as how this is the first one they would take part in. I honestly think that was a troll account but idk. I have something to say about this being a kids game too. I am almost 30 now and pokemon may be meant as a kids game but the vast majority of people who play pokemon these days are not kids. the adverage age range for people i see playing any pokemon related games are between 25-45 and most of the kids i see who play are our kids that we are bringing into the world of pokemon. I am not saying no new kids find the pokemon games or that it's nit a kids game just a larger number of pokemon fans are adults not kids. I do also recognise how kids who are here and playing might have that view of some things with this game. Tell me this though don't kids normaly have adults or older kids leading younger ones? isn's this also why we have age limits in place? for tr leader you must be at least 15 as this is an age we view kids to be old enough and to have enough knowledge and experience to be able to lead adults and other kids properly with this type of thing. You have very valid points on what you are saying but no site/game can make it perfect for everyone of every age group. Things need to changed to benifit the many not the few when it comes to games. If you change every little thing in a game that 1-2 people don't like that 50-100 people do like then you will lose more then you will gain. Sorry probably put more into this whole post then was needed at all. If someone could find away to make an anonymuos voting system work for something like this i would be down for it but i don't see a way for it to work effectivly atm.
I do think it would be a little hard to make it actually anonymous haha, honestly if i put my thread i usually put my own art on it! that would certainly give me away at least hah
Chris - he/him - 22 Trade shop - Art shop - Journal normal.png TYPE RACE SCORE: 7,183 | Icon official card art (edited by me)
pvnkbøy's Avatarpvnkbøy
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Glad to see ya again, Seshie! But, I would like to point out a few more things! Yes, kids being lead by adults is, in fact, how real life works, which makes it a lot worse that the popularity contest is being glorified by adults whom children are supposed to follow! Another thing to note, is that a handful of players, are, yes, over the age of 18! That's going to be in any game you play, of course! But, we still do have to keep in mind that there are players who are under the age of 18 that range to about 8-10! I've seen quite a few myself while clicking, because in their trainer card, they'll link their parents account! Children of all ages love Pokemon, and, often times, parents who grew up with pokemon will have children who love pokemon who wander into this site, but not the parents! Last thing to share, 15 year olds are still children! I'll be completely honest, I won't 100% call someone an adult until they're 25 (which, again, is when the prefrontal cortex is fully developed!). So, to say that the game is primarily based for adults who played/watched Pokemon, but have rules set in place for kids is a little strange for my brain to understand!
Hey, Chris! Looking back at it, there are a lot of people who add their own art and do their own templates, which can give off who they are almost immediately, which is actually very cool in my personal opinion! So, that would 100% be a con to having it anonymous :( and, to say that you can only use templates given to you and use none of your own art would be ... I don't know how to put it into actual words other than wrong.
Tala-chan's Avatarhypermode-12.pngTala-chan
Tala-chan's Avatar
I definitely get the point better now, ty for the follow up post, Timid ^^ Adding onto what others said, especially Chris above - Trying to enforce a set of rules for people to not post an application that doesn't in some way show who it is, would be severely limiting to people and in general hard to enforce. Sure, someone can put their name in the og post after they're accepted, but it would lose some personality in a way as well when they can't make it fully theirs (with introductions and all). Also, say that people could recognize how someone types - that breaks anonymity rules to a degree as well, and there's no way to really help that other than coming across as bland. I know quite a few that would not wish to have their internet voice and personality stifled, and it might actually prevent people from posting if there's stringent guidelines in place. I do understand what you're saying, and agree that it would make it more 'fair' to those that aren't 'popular', but I'm just not sure it's feasible. I also see you responded back to Chris, and see my main point I stand by. Stifling in any way is not right at all, and unfortunately it happens no matter any direction we go with this.
Score: 45694
Original by LycanKai, new by NassiLove, icon by Pokefarm
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pvnkbøy's Avatarpvnkbøy
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Hey, Tala! Hope you're feeling okay! <3 Yeah, looking at both cons and pros of making TR voting anon defeats the purpose of people using their own art or their own templates. Which, is a really nice thing about TR, imo. Absolutely, there are certain people, like me, who have a ... recognizable (?) form of typing (I think that's how you would phrase that, haha!)! Looking at the cons and pros, again, of having anonymity in TR also brings light to the issue of some people trying to avoid a certain player, and if it's anon, you may not realize that the person you vote for is a player you're trying to avoid!
Unfortunately, I have no others ideas at the present moment other than the anon voting system. Having a friendly introduction could perhaps give away who the person was, even without stating a name, due to - as you mentioned - how people type! Another issue I just realized, is that the ones who code would have to put more effort into anonymizing the name and avatar of the poster until voting was done; and I don't want there to be more stress on mods/admin than there already is.
I would also like to say something in regards to the whole "no form of government" thing I said. That ... is not what I meant in the slightest, I was very much sleep deprived as I wrote that and my thoughts were not turning into the right words. What I rewrote is what I had originally meant to say, so I apologize if people were still confused on the "government" aspect of what I wrote!

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