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Sinnoh sprite revamp

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Blade's Avatarhypermode-12.pngBlade
Blade's Avatar
I'm actually a bit saddened by the changes. I love a majority of them, but my all time favorite Pokemon Lucario/Riolu just went through an absolute 180 from how I used to love them. The blue eyes of the Riolu was what made it so unique and beautiful, the neon green on the cape of the Mega Lucario made it constract hugely against the black. The Albino Riolu change, I can live with. Still preferred the old look, but the Melan just made me really, really sad. That being said, I do very much appreciate all the hard work that was put in by everyone who worked on the new sprites. The Sinnoh dex is a LOT of pokemon to go through and recolor for 2 different types on every single pokemon and to know future generations will be changed is interesting. I am just hoping that maybe next time we could get teaser images of a few of the changes so the population could lay in opinions or maybe add ideas that weren't thought of before.
cornndawg's Avatarcornndawg
cornndawg's Avatar
i don't have any melans yet myself, but looking at the diffs between the old and new sprites on the wiki, i do like most of the old palettes better. these new melans look a bit... stained? and although the sprites don't look too similar to each other, the palettes aren't great and are kinda homogenous. not to mention the new ones are starkly different to the old ones. the new albino arceus looks no different from a normal one too. that being said, new albino porygon is adorable and the new melan manaphy is faaaabulous. and new melan roserade is certainly a vast improvement. maybe there could be some way to implement "legacy" sprites, so that the spriting efforts don't go to waste, the people who like the new ones won't have them taken away and the people who like the old ones can get them back? maybe some kind of item that reverts a mon to its old sprite? that could also be used for mons that have had their shiny palettes changed over generations (armaldo's underbelly went from bright ruby to pale red, charizard was lavender with green wings and fire in gen 2, typhlosion was originally black with purple flames, shiny raichu used to be yellow with silver accents, etc.) so i can have a shiny typhlosion with purple fire. though since i'm still sorta new and working my way around the site (and nowhere near finished reading the news archives) maybe they already said that won't be happening? just tossing ideas out there that might work idk.
avatar is a screenshot from loomian legacy
FloydLeech's AvatarFloydLeech
FloydLeech's Avatar
I agree with others that an item or something similar might be a nice compromise going forward. An item or maybe just simply an option to "turn back on" (for lack of better words) a solitary pokemons old coloration/sprite (like, if I have an albino shaymin and a melan porygon, if i wanted to have new porygon but old shaymin i could "turn on" the old sprite for one and leave the other). Itd be remiss to say there isn't a lot of effort in redoing sprites and colors, but i would really love if we could have the new and the old, since there are people who like the new and people who like the old. And it would be wasteful to tell them to get rid of the new sprites altogether. So i think just a little extra coding to allow individual turnback to old sprites could fix this problem for the future? Of course coding is far more difficult than that makes it seem, but I don't want my efforts in hunting to go to waste, and i don't want the mods time to be wasted either. Please, please consider this or being more open with users about your sprite recolor decisions, thank you
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ofMontreal's AvatarofMontreal
ofMontreal's Avatar
I agree with the others on the palette changes, it's..jarring. I feel especially bad for those who hunted melans just for their palette. I understand updating and refining the sprites, but I do wish the colors stayed the same. I know it takes a lot of effort and I appreciate the effort the artists put in, but it just makes me nervous to think about the next sprite update. I think some clarity and community input would be nice for the next one.
SaltyUwU's AvatarSaltyUwU
SaltyUwU's Avatar
Would it be possible for the staff to add the new sprites once they've completed a certain about of the region? Such as every 1/3 or 1/4 of it finished. It would be easier to get community feedback and choose which colors to use on the rest of/next part of the region. Of course not everyone will be happy but this could help with the ones saying things like most of the melans being certain colors.
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Mirica199's AvatarMirica199
Mirica199's Avatar
I'm gonna throw my two cents in and say that most, if not all of the new Sinnoh Albino's look better than the old ones not trying to offend any artists, they all did a great job! I mentioned this in Sprite Discovery but the old Sinnoh Albino's were pretty much the same creamish color for most of them, it looked nice but seeing all of them have the same cream color just felt a bit stale and not really that unique now that the new Albino's have come out they all look so much better! they all actually feel unique and different now, not just having the same color for most of them! so in short I'm happy the Sinnoh Albino's got changed, I did like the old ones, but they needed an upgrade and I can say the art staff did a great job
new to forums, still learning I like to talk about magical animals called Pokemon can get emotional easily but that's ok since I love you all anyway my icon is from Pokemon Cafe Mix btw! Such a cute game~
ICEBÜNN's Avatarhypermode-12.pngICEBÜNN
ICEBÜNN's Avatar
Just want to drop in some of my own positive remarks. Not here to debate about the sprites, just want to talk about the ones I really like. I love the new Roserade line colors. I’ve wanted to hunt it ever since I saw the melan colors in 2016, but somehow I love this one even more?


The colors are a v I B E
Personally, the old albino form was a little too washed-out for me to enjoy looking at. It’s harder to get a decent look at the old one, this design feels much more crisp and cleaned. c: Also, THE LUXRAY COLORS!! It makes me wish I hadn’t delta’d my old melan. The green looks really pretty on it. Can’t decide if I like the new or old one better, but they both look quite good. Other favorite changes are the Cherubi line, Buneary line (the colors and sprites look so much crisper wow), Rotom (that outline tho), most of the legends, and ESPECIALLY the lake trio! I think the lake trio designs are an especially pleasing improvement. There wasn’t anything wrong with the old designs, the color scheme just feels a lot better to look at here. The albinos are my favorite, the slightly added saturation looks really nice and crisp. I do really like the uniqueness of the old ones, but the new melan colors are nice too. I can see how people would get upset over the old melan designs being changed, but I still think that these designs are amazing and I love them too. ^-^ People may or may not agree with me, to each their own after all. I can understand the upset of having a melan’s color changed didn’t like when my purple Seviper turned into blues and greens some years ago. I’m just voicing my praise for the new designs ^-^ Overall they look very nice and clean.
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Saa's AvatarSaa
Saa's Avatar
Aaaa I just noticed the new melan Shaymin! I really disliked the old one's colors but the new one looks fantastic and now I actually have a melan legendary that I want to hunt (oh no lol.) AND the new sprite for the Mega Lucario looks great, the old one was really bland and you could barely tell it was a Mega. Sadly, a lot of the albinos look really bright which isn't great. I've always loved that albinos are really pastel/pale and the brighter ones looks weird but some of them (like Shaymin) still look good and are a lot crisper and easier to see their small details like eyes! I'm just heartbroken about albino Turtwig. T-T


Special Evolution Item

(item.png: 0)

A peculiar stone that prevents a Pokémon from evolving when held.

Sells for 250

Lv. 100 — +6,355,029
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Sour food
Happiness 27%
Bold nature
Clear Gummi

Clear Gummi


(item.png: 0)

A food item that raises a Pokémon's IQ. Ice-types like it the most.

Sells for 800

Lv. 100 — +1,421,977
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Any food
Happiness 27%
Serious nature
Pink Gummi

Pink Gummi


(item.png: 0)

A food item that raises a Pokémon's IQ. Poison-types like it the most.

Sells for 800

Lv. 100 — +2,068,550
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Spicy food
Happiness 27%
Lonely nature
Black Gummi

Black Gummi


(item.png: 0)

A food item that raises a Pokémon's IQ. Dark-types like it the most.

Sells for 800

Lv. 100 — +2,854,036
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Sour food
Happiness 27%
Bold nature
Blue Gummi

Blue Gummi


(item.png: 0)

A food item that raises a Pokémon's IQ. Water-types like it the most.

Sells for 800

Lv. 100 — +1,749,526
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Sweet food
Happiness 27%
Jolly nature
Purple Gummi

Purple Gummi


(item.png: 0)

A food item that raises a Pokémon's IQ. Ghost-types like it the most.

Sells for 800

Lv. 2 — Locked
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Any food
Happiness 27%
Hardy nature
Orange Gummi

Orange Gummi


(item.png: 0)

A food item that raises a Pokémon's IQ. Fighting-types like it the most.

Sells for 800

Lv. 1 — Locked
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Sweet food
Happiness 27%
Naïve nature
Brown Gummi

Brown Gummi


(item.png: 0)

A food item that raises a Pokémon's IQ. Ground-types like it the most.

Sells for 800

Lv. 1 — Locked
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Bitter food
Happiness 27%
Gentle nature
Wonder Gummi

Wonder Gummi


(item.png: 0)

A food item that raises a Pokémon's IQ. Fairy-types like it the most.

Sells for 800

Lv. 100 — +1,094,231
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Dry food
Happiness 27%
Quiet nature
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Lamniforma's AvatarLamniforma
Lamniforma's Avatar
I have the same issue with this update as with the newest gen's albino and melan colours, especially albino colours. They're too colourful. Isn't an albino about not having colour? As someone else has mentioned, these just are alt shinies, and that's not what they're supposed to be.
Amure's AvatarAmure
Amure's Avatar
I've been skimming over the wiki to see the new colours. There's some where I like the old ones better, and some where I like the new ones more, but that's just life. So far from my skimming, I can say I'm a big fan of melan Purugly. Mantyke also stood out to me, something about the way the eyes stand out well against the darker colours just looks nice. I kinda miss the red eyes on most of the old albinos, but oh well. Some of them feel less like "albino" and more like "pastel", but I'm not really complaining. I like the blues used in a lot of the new ones.
Avatar doodled by me. Responses will be slow.

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