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Niet [Adam]'s Avatarhypermode-12.pngNiet [Adam]
Niet [Adam]'s Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by MinniHowl

Just wanna point out that you only need to do 1500 (party) interactions now to reach level 10 for the egg timer.
For context, it used to be 5,000 interactions total.
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KuroKishu3's AvatarKuroKishu3
KuroKishu3's Avatar
Our fields will never be clicked without Pokérus now
Remember to hydrate and take breaks from the screen. Have meds to take, homework? Device to charge or a pet to feed? Probably do that too.
Terabbit's Avatarhypermode-12.pngTerabbit
Terabbit's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by KizuKisho

Our fields will never be clicked without Pokérus now
Unless you have a massively impressive field of S&Sd pokemon chances are you werent mass clicked that often to begin with.
Background drawn by DestinySquared on twitter OCs belong to myself and axelbby based off Mass Effect F2U code by Gumshoe Icon by me

QUOTE originally posted by Terabbit

QUOTE originally posted by KizuKisho

Our fields will never be clicked without Pokérus now
Unless you have a massively impressive field of S&Sd pokemon chances are you werent mass clicked that often to begin with.
Actually, I've seen people with only a few pokemon in their fields get massclicked purely because it was a nice little break from all the fields with 4k and 5k mons^^ Also, while I personally don't like the party clicking part of it, I've kinda realized now that I just gotta do 1.5k party clicks (CSS helps a lot with that, by the way-) and then I can get right back to massclicking. And of course, you can always go to users online, then when you get to that page you can go to the settings, set the number of people on the page to 50 instead of 10, and the sort method to interactions sent (^) that way, you get to clickback and you fill the egg timer fast!! (Like I said, the CSS is a HUGE help)
avatar art done by me so-
QueenDM's AvatarQueenDM
QueenDM's Avatar
It took me a few minutes and conversations with others to realize what this update did and why it bothered me so much; accessibility. Yes, 5k clicks is a lot. But with some CSS I could hit up one person's fields and only have to click two buttons repeatedly to make it work because of keyboard shortcuts. At 1.5k clicks limited to parties, it's harder for people with any issues related to the hands to make the max now. Tendinitis or other wrist issues are a big one here. The site has become less accessible than it was for people with disabilities, for the sake of promoting party clicks when honestly as far as I know that was never an issue. Perhaps this was something that wasn't taken into account, but it should be. And the fact that the total interaction counter no longer matters to the egg timer because the egg timer only counts party clicks is annoying as well. Without checking the egg timer now I have no way to tell how close I am to maxing it out because the interaction counter doesn't differentiate between total clicks and party clicks.
As someone who usually does field clicks because I found it easier to click flavour sorted stacks (and also get loads of interaction points), I can’t exactly say I like the party click update, but I’ll give it a chance. I should be able to get used to it over some time ;-; (even though I find it a bit more troublesome right now because my internet tends to be a bit slow when loading so many people’s parties)
Crowvict's Avatarhypermode-12.pngCrowvict
Crowvict's Avatar
Referring to this part of the thread, sorry no idea how to quote it. Q: Will we need to make new accounts? A: Yes, this website will be functioning on a completely different database. Will we be able to keep our same username? Or will we have to hope someone does not sign up with the name we are using here? (I highly doubt anyone would take someone else's current username but eh, questions)
Avatar art was done by PrismPaws on Twitter. Character's belong to Me.
Teaques's AvatarTeaques
Teaques's Avatar
I'm very happy about the egg timer change and I'm surprised that people haven't taken it well. I thought it was very clever. There was a need to add some incentive to party clicking, but I myself couldn't think past the obvious and arguably less effective "double IP" ideas. Maybe I'm just used to party stacking CSS so party clicks are about as easy, if not easier, than field clicks for me. This is why I see this update as pure benefit. Parties are going to get clicked now even if you don't have pokerus, and it's easier to max egg timer too. What is there to dislike? Party stacking CSS also solves accessibility problem. I may agree that not everyone uses/knows how to use CSS so maybe it should be coded in instead of being the user's responsibility to find and add that CSS. I also agree with Terabbit on this:

QUOTE originally posted by Terabbit

Unless you have a massively impressive field of S&Sd pokemon chances are you werent mass clicked that often to begin with.
I believe that only a few well-known users, those who are very present on the forums or are active melan/rus hunters, are getting regular clicks on their fields. And these people will continue getting clicks simply because they are clicked by other active users who won't stop at 1.5k interactions per day. Fields are still there to help us hatch batches, farm IP and so on. For less known players it's rus or nothing. I have about 3k S&S pokemon but my fields never, never ever get clicked. But at least I will have my party clicked now, so I'm happy. ETA: Before the update, you could open a single person's fields and just rush through them to max your egg timer. The only person benefitting from it would be you and maybe the person you are clicking, unless they are from massclick lists and their pokemon are already max level. Now thanks to this update, you max your egg timer and you help both yourself and everyone else. You don't waste your clicks on click-dump fields anymore. You help others with the same amount of effort. That's brilliant and that's how it should be in an interaction-based game
avatar drawn by me
Trebor's Avatarhypermode-12.pngTrebor
Trebor's Avatar
Re: suggestion 4 (Egg Timer overhaul) being approved a long time ago and now implemented. I just read through both related suggestion threads and all the comments therein and found Overwhelming opposition to this suggestion. Other than the original poster of each thread, and Garthic stepping in I believe I saw only a single other poster who was clearly in Support of the suggestion. All the rest were opposed or strongly opposed, with a core set of reasons for opposition (some of which are being raised here again). (Note: I did not look at all the upvotes each position received, but what I did see was not in favour). Also, this suggestion was made right after the feature was implemented, so changing it then, even against the prevailing view, would not have Anywhere near the impact it is having now. Users being used to the now scrapped system for over two years. I do not know where the Support for this suggestion was/is to get it approved in the first place - nor how it became a priority to implement now/as part of the first set post-shelving (the reboot). Answers to that would be beneficial to my understanding - of this, and possibly other things going forward.
Special dragon.png delta collector Team v-fairy.png
Twinkle Tackle (Fairy)
: 0 pts Current Shiny Hunt 0/231 animated sprite courtesy of blitzydragon (formerly Bryianna88)
Terabbit's Avatarhypermode-12.pngTerabbit
Terabbit's Avatar
I know im posting on this thread a lot but the egg timer is working!!! For the first time ever my mutual interactions are higher than my interaction sent. (I have about 750 combined users clicked today and almost 400 clicked me back and 350 didnt) this is HUGE. I love this update (For reference i usually only get 1/3rd returned party clicks)

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