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Chronicles of Gaia (RP)

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Aysu Llyr's AvatarAysu Llyr
Aysu Llyr's Avatar
Kudret jolted once more when Mizuki's body vanished for a second and then reappeared again. He had to try and calm himself down so that he could answer the girl, though Diemia playing an old memory of calming music helped some. He still gripped his collar fur for comfort as he replied, "No, I'm not mad Mizuki, just..." he took another deep breath and let out a shaky smile, "Just relieved you're safe," he finished. Kudret then answered her next statement with, "Well, um, this place we're in is kind of off-planet, so we have all our powers back. Which apparently includes teleportation..." he trailed off, and then shook his head and offered a hand to her. "Shall we head back to the room? I haven't really explored this place myself, so we'd probably get lost if we tried it now." *The ears,* Diemia reminded him, and he nodded subconsciously before mentioning, "You can play with my ears and fur if you really want to. I'm used to it from both my siblings and an old classmate of mine." Taika's explanation for that was simply she had enjoyed both the softness and how it made him and Ida relax, but Kudret privately felt Taika mostly did it for her to relax too. She was like that at times, offering explanations but not really telling the truth; she was a lot like Aislin in that sense. Kahlua looked towards the mirror for a moment, wodnering what kind of magic exactly was needed to use mirrors as transportation. Communication was one thing, but still... He shook his head, deciding not to ask about it. After eyeing the hybri-Rowan, for a moment to see if he was going to say anything, he decided to head over to that cloaked figure with the fox ears. The person- female, he noted- certainly cut an impressive figure. Stopping near her and what looked to be a fox, he asked, "Who and what are you? I'm Kahlua, a poison cat." Given how Ama had reacted to him, he felt safe in thinking that no one here actually knew what a poison cat was. He was also equally sure that he couldn't possibly be the strangest creature here, as Ama had implied the 'group' was much larger than what he has seen so far.
Avatar is made by Nightfury28. My Ponysona, Remembrance.
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
The second Celere finished charging the attack she intended to use, she immediately knew that mistakes were, in fact, made, too late to back out of it and the raw energies focused on such a central point, it was launch or explode herself whilst taking out the vast majority of her surroundings, as powerful as Rikazu's Magics were, she highly doubted nothing would be damaged by it, pointing the two fingers at the neck of one of the dragons, no words were shouted out, the spiralling beam of death launched rapidly, whether or not the attack pierced and did any damage however was something she would not get to see, ejected from this world with a small pile of ash being the only trace she'd ever been there, the crack of her head on the back wall as she flew backwards with equal force to what she'd just used was about as abrupt as you could get, random mumbling coming from the dishevelled body that was limply twitching as her senses caught up to her back in the Tower. There were others in the tower, coming and going as they went about their lives or jobs, some would no doubt be familiar to some people, a younger version an Alexandrian General for example briefly struck up conversation with Ama about some issues involving a 'cage' before being dismissed over it, another was just a boring old human, no powers, no abilities, just an indomitable will to survive, they were seen crawling out of a Mirror that was on the verge of shattering before walking off to log the issues in that world, so on and so forth, perhaps some would see other versions of themselves, like the various imbeciles that Ama briefly exclaimed 'Damned Gregs, sod off somewhere already...' who made way too much noise with each other.
Hikari's AvatarHikari
Hikari's Avatar
"I-I'm sorry for worrying you..." Mizuki let out in a whisper. It was awfully clear that the girl really shouldn't be awake, yet she continued to force herself to be awake. She listened to Kudret's words and looked at him with slight confusion. "Wait...all our powers are back? Nono...no...that's not..." While most probably appreciated having their powers back, Mizuki was nothing but terrified by the mere thought of it. She took a deep breath to try and relax, and then nodded to Kudret. "Yeah...we should probably head back", she mentioned as she took Kudret's hand. Getting to her feet was another added problem though, she couldn't find the strength to get back up. She also couldn't help but feel embarrassed again when Kudret mentioned he didn't mind her playing with his ears and fur. "I-I just...I don't know what came over me...it just...looks so fluffy", the last part was added in a whisper, the childish feelings kept pushing their way back into her mind... ((Ugh, I give up on my brain right now, exhaustion is making it exceedingly difficult to come up with something for the rest of my characters...I'll get working on it and possibly edit it in or something, or otherwise go for it in my next post. Just wanted to get something posted at least.))
Image is official art from Dissidia: Final Fantasy.
Morzone's AvatarMorzone
Morzone's Avatar
The cat-person's question took Rowanby surprise, he'd never some across anyone who didn't know what his species was before. Given the number of realities his people had visited over the millennia, the chances had to be extra ordinarily low. Interesting, he would be the very first impression his people would make on this person. The idea almost made Rowan smile. "I'm what most cultures call an 'Angel,' and My name is Rowan Summers. I'm surprised you've never heard of us before. I suppose I get to ask who -and what- you are now." He replied.
The Laura-Dragon grappled with the real one, attempting to keep it from crashing around as much as possible while the others were preparing their attacks. The combined assault appeared to be working, even as more acidic blood rained down from the various injuries. Still, this was a definite behemoth they were fighting and it was going to take a well placed, over-charged attack to take it down quickly. Laura wasn't sure how long it would take for Celere to launch the attack she was clearly charging up, but she did know how to give the Saiyan a nice easy target. With a eath-shaking roar Laura-dragon lunged at the real one, as though to jump on it and pin the beast to the ground. Except that as she jumped, her form began to shrink. What was a moment ago a second behemoth was now a Large Pterodactyl, Soaring straight past the dragon's head and into the air above it. The real dragon, which had been preparing to counter being jumped on, roaed in anger and confusion as the second dragon suddenly disappeared just as fast as it had arrived. Even the small eyes of a plague dragon could follow Laura's transformation however, and the monster's attention stayed on the Siren as she flew up into the air. The dragon's head and neck rose, attempting to bite the dinosaur out of the air, completely distracted from what was going on below. Had she been in a form capable of smiling, Laura would have done so. With its neck stretched so far upward, the large gash on its shoulder was now wide open an unguarded, an unbelievably juicy target, just as she'd planned. What she had not planned on, was The sudden spout of Poisonous Gas the dragon launched as it realized it could not directly sink its teeth into her large leathery wings. The deadly purple clouds blasted past her as Laura attempted to dodge around without inhaling, giving her no time to check on what the others were doing. Thankfully shooting it upward meant it would be a decent delay before it fell back down to cover the ground. Suddenly Celere's attack blasted forth, easily striking the wounded shoulder and piercing right through the beast's upper body before spiraling away into the distance. Somewhere far off a large portion of the cavern's ceiling would probably collapse, but that had no relevance to where they were right now. Acidic Blood rained down in torrents as the Dragon shrieked and roared in pain, flailing its body before collapsing completely against one of Rikazu's Shields. Dust and poisonous gas Swirled as the behemoth fell, and continued to do so as the Beast struggled. However it was quite apparent that while the Dragon thrashed its legs and tail, spewed feeble puffs of gas from its mouth, it was too injured to stand and take up the fight again.
Avatar was created for me, the sprite in the avatar was made by WriterRaven
Score: 0
Aysu Llyr's AvatarAysu Llyr
Aysu Llyr's Avatar
Having noticed the fox-woman seem more intent on examining the goings-on around them than spotting the cat approaching her, Kahlua decided to head back to Rowan and see if the not-a-hybrid would answer his question. No sooner thought than done, as upon walking back he got his answer. Kahlua mulled over that one for a bit. Had he heard of an 'angel' before? ...No. Not even from the mainland's religions had there been any mentions of angels. "Well then Rowan, I suppose I should say 'nice to meet you'." Oddly there was no negative tone in that sentence, just a simple acknowledgement of social niceties. "I am Kahlua Pirennicus, and my species is a poison cat." He brought up his hand to showcase his claws. "My kind are venomous through using our claws to inject poison." Kahlua left out the fact that his particular poison didn't exactly act like poison. They didn't need to know that just yet. Kudret only sighed and smiled slightly at Mizuki's attempt at standing. He should have realized she wouldn't be in any condition to move. The beastman knelt and, after checking his position, coaxed Mizuki to grabbing his neck so he could hoist her up and begin carrying her, piggyback style. He took care not to move his head too much when he glanced back to check on her, aware his mane could make it difficult to breathe. "We'll head back now, alright? I know the way from here to the room we were in before." *Cub...* 'It's fine Diemia. I don't mind. She's a good person.' *...Very well.* Aislin watched the battle between the two dragons with trepidation, knowing full well she was outmatched. The next events seemed to happen almost in slow motion for Aislin, but she did manage to get out of the way entirely when the plague dragon went down, practically hiding against the far side of the buildings and blasting it with the far-range electrical bolts from both her lance and one she had found discarded from near the beginning of the fight. It was only matter of time now.
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
At some point, after the twitching of the redhead in the back ceased, someone quite clearly a White Mage from some world popped out of a Mirror, everything singed and parts of his hair still on fire, you had to wonder why the hell he carried so many Katana on him, perhaps a collector? This was summarily thrown out when he looked around, nipping small flames out as he walked over to what he assumed was a corpse, and drew one such Blade from the large multi-holster on hip, a small muttered chant later and a pink-red glow emanating before said blade crumbled into nothing, and he was gone, not a single other word said. Celere, groaning, put herself into a sitting position, mildly rubbing the spot on her head where she'd collided with the wall, feeling a crusty substance wipe away as she did so, after a few more moments, she got to her feet and wandered off, decidedly hungry and in desperate need of some kind of shower, she would not be returning for several hours, even though the Tower had an infinite supply of resources and sustenance, be damned if she wouldn't try to make the Infinite nothing, as more of her Mother's half started coming to the surface, other aspects grew, including a rather ridiculous appetite and stomach capacity.
Hikari's AvatarHikari
Hikari's Avatar
Mizuki held onto Kudret as well as her current strength would allow her, too tired to protest against the plan. "Thanks...and I'm sorry...for being so much trouble..." As they made their way back to the room, the blue-haired girl in her childish mood once again couldn't quite help herself; Kudret's ears were just so close in reach...and so fluffy-looking...She once again reached out with her hand, carefully touching his ear with a childish yet playful smile on her face. Rikazu watched as Celere attacked the Dragon before getting blown away by the blast herself, and paid close attention as the Dragon collapsed against his shield. The blue-haired mage immediately focused his magic on that very shield, ensuring it wouldn't be destroyed by the impact. At the same time, he continued firing blasts of magic at the plague dragon, wanting it dead as quickly as possible. Lynn too had been firing magic at the dragon from a distance, not wanting to get anywhere near the poisonous Gas. Her Persona Otohime, on the other hand, didn't mind getting near the Dragon at all. As a spirit, she was immune to the poisonous gas after all, and she shot several more lightning strikes towards the dragon. As more time went by, Kuja had started to spend a lot of time with one member of Ayanami's group in particular; the man named Katsuragi. He was starting to feel quite sure that this man was the so-called traitor among Ayanami's group, though his suspicions were mostly based on the fact that he was the only one who was kind to the child, and the only one other than Ayanami who she seemed to trust. And then there was one other reason why... "You want to know why he's so interested in keeping that child with him? ...No, it's probably best if you see for yourself, it won't do any good if I tell you. If you walk in now, you'll see", Katsuragi had told him. Kuja hadn't even asked him a question, the man just seemed to know. "Go on, just make sure you have a good enough excuse for barging in." The words had certainly intrigued Kuja, and he was quite certain that this man would be his ally in rescuing the girl when the time came. Kuja had walked into the room after that, soon taking notice of Ayanami sitting on the sofa in the room. The young girl was lying on the sofa next to him, and Kuja's eyes narrowed at what he saw. Through some form of magic, Ayanami's hand had reached into the girl's chest, though Kuja had no idea what exactly he was doing; all he could tell was that the girl seemed to be in agony. "You're not supposed to be here", Ayanami spoke coldly as he noticed Kuja's presence. "What are you doing?" Kuja asked, not quite caring that he 'wasn't supposed to be there'. Ayanami took some time to answer the male, though soon decided he trusted him enough to be honest. "Probing her soul for memories."
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
Ama settled on a few blueprints for items she needed for various odds and ends she had to complete, "Right then, DC, CT, ESV, XG, I-T, BoF, G7B, whatever that world is and... 'home' I guess, hrm… Well whenever they get back I'll get it loaded up and ready to go, heh, oh how funny this is going to be at the end, I actually end up being the reason the Highwind vanished from the face of the earth... Glorious." standing, and stretching herself with an audible cracking coming from the base of her spine from being sat for too long, she turned and mentioned to those still around, "Holler when they get out, and someone ask Aislin if she wants in on a Grand Tour that probably involves hefty kleptomania, leave Rikazu be, if he still needs to vent, I got a world for him to cut loose in." and with that said, she left to go check on the Goat, of whom she'd noticed had yet to even so much as move from his spot, either he sucked at first aid or had knocked himself clean out cold.
Morzone's AvatarMorzone
Morzone's Avatar
"Now I would say 'A pleasure to meet you, Kahlua.' " Rowan responded as he leaned forward slightly to examine the paw the Cat had held up. It was a curious thing to look at, the way the paw and claws were structured for everyday usage as well as for combat purposes. They resembled some of the Anima species he'd encountered before, though none of them had ever been able to inject venom through claws. Usually it was through the teeth. "What does your poison do to the people you inject it into? Is it Lethal?" The angel asked, letting some of his thoughts to manifest into words.
Laura circled above the dragon for a moment, viewing the others as Rikazu buffed his protection on the building and Lynn fired off more attacks. it would only take a few more moments before the beast was dead. Before that however, Laura had things to do. The poisonous gas the Dragon had spewed into the air was falling back to the ground, so she needed to hurry. Flapping her large leathery wings she attempted to push some of he gas away, but it had limited success. Oh well, she'd just have to do what she could. Holding her breath just to be safe she flew downwards, circling until she spotted Aislin's position on the ground. The Siren landed beside her, quickly extending her illusion to include a humanoid version of herself riding atop her Pterodactyl self. "Before this ends I'll show you something, but we'll have to be quick about it." She told Aislin, gesturing for her to climb onto the Pterodactyl as well. (The Dragon will Be defeated and everyone will finish/exit the side-mission at the end of my next post, so if anyone wants to keep their Laser-Spear or their Shock-launcher make sure you have it on you!)
Aysu Llyr's AvatarAysu Llyr
Aysu Llyr's Avatar
Kudret had to actively strain his reactions to make sure his ear didn't try to flick the hand away. It was simply an instinct that was never outgrown, no matter how often it happened. He could hear Diemia laughing at him, but the beastman did his best to ignore the rhino. Kudret worked his way back to the original room that they had been in before, and opened the door, rather pleased to find the (now much smaller) area of ice tat signaled he had gotten it right. Kudret walked over to the bed and with a bit of maneuvering settled them both in a seated position upon it. Kahlua wrestled with a momentary debate and promptly decided it was no real use keeping it secret. The cat shrugged in answer, splaying his hand upward a little to let Rowan better examine it. "It depends on species for the relative intensity of the poison, but whether or not it's harmful depends on the individual. Mine is not; it acts more like an ailment-healer," a slight grin revealed a couple of teeth, "though it is colored toxic green." Kahlua tacked on as an afterthought, "As for species, poison cats are very venomous, though no match for the reptilian species." He paused for a moment, and then pushed forward with, "Can you use those wings or are they just vestigial? I don't think I've seen them even twitch yet." Kahlua had to admit being rather curious about this. What exactly was Rowan going through that forced him to deny a part of himself? Aislin glanced up at the sound of wings flapping to see Laura come flying down, and let off on her electric attacks. Oh, wait, this was it! Laura was... was going to uphold her own end of the deal. Aislin would have to make sure she paid attention. She glanced down at her current weaponry and after a half-second debate, dropped the bazooka and strapped the two spears to her satchel. Keeping a tight grip on everything to make sure they wouldn't be lost, she clambered onto the pterodactyl and seated herself behind the fake Laura. "Ready," she said aloud, suddenly full of nervous anticipation. What would she find that she could use to get rid of that dream, to safeguard it from ever happening? What would she learn here that could help her understand? Aislin was only certain of one thing: she was definitely changing her mind about Laura. The siren didn't exactly have to do all this, just to get her to talk, after all. ((Toré gets a spear too.))

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