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Chronicles of Gaia (RP)

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Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
"You too Kudret, despite out of the count for a couple of hundred years, I do remember what happened with my... younger idiocy, if you'll excuse me though..." Standing up from her seat, wobbling slightly as she clearly tried to put an arm down that was no longer there, she sauntered over to Celere, bending and putting an almost medical gaze on her chest, "Back room, with me, now, I give you a few hours without immediate precautions taken." - The half-breed had not been paying attention, the colour was completely gone from her face and just getting to her feet to obey vague orders that barely hit her ears drained it further, the collapsing forward straight into the singular arm said it all, she was weak, incredibly so, and the incoherent muttering a clear indication of her delusion. - "Right... be right back, after I do what patching up I can." carefully taking Celere to a back room, Seyr took great care in removing the articles of clothing preventing easy access to above Celere's heart, the area in question was blackened, and partially caved in, "Well I almost mistook this for a Xenomorph infestation, nasty buggers, let's see how hard I can push my magic with this power creep in effect..." Healing the injuries was simple, but took time, largely due to the Disease that was afflicting the organ, the next part took longer, time magic in play as the Kitsune struggled with making a lasting Slow Effect that wouldn't slow the actual organ down, "And done, no cure, and certainly not a lasting solution, but it'll do for now, now, no over-exertion, I know you can still hear me in there, so just play along aight." Taking her 'Patient' back into the main room, clothed once more, it was gingerly she placed her back down on the seat, "Sorry about that, needed to make sure she doesn't kick the bucket just yet, we can't stick around for too long, so Kudret, gonna need to ask the favour that you carry her until she wakes back up, that alright?" Having made his way back to the main chamber, Toré again looked around at the souls here, just... taking it all in, no deaths, just survivors, completely unlike the first time... "Heh, job well done, where would Sherfey be?" his left hand went to his head for a moment, the headache was giving him serious grief, hopefully it was just the pain receptors around his eye, as if on cue, the Spider Monster was down from her perch, a set of hands on his face, questions being asked about what the hell had done this to him, these questions would get no answers for the time being, "Just taking care of an old rotting chapter, nothing to be concerned over anymore, but uh... could you fix this? Please?" the green glow around his face was enough of a confirmation to the healing of the prior blinded eye, another change in the timeline that could only mean a better time down the road. ((Will be editing one or two more parts in later, kinda came up against a brick wall when trying to think of another Characters input))
Aysu Llyr's AvatarAysu Llyr
Aysu Llyr's Avatar
Kudret only watched as the two left for the back room, alert for when they would come back. The 'influence' of his instincts told him that the leadership had changed in Seyr's favor, nevermind the sudden 'weakness' of being one-armed. He took care to stand and place his bag and weapons in an appropriate position for long distances, suddenly grateful he had yet to find or grab a shield. Kudret looked back at the two when Seyr spoke once more and nodded in confirmation. "Of course Seyr, whenever you're ready to go." The position of his possessions meant he would be doing a bridal carry, but that didn't matter to Kudret at the moment. What did was that he would still be traveling with both his companions, not alone like he -even for a moment -had feared.
Avatar is made by Nightfury28. My Ponysona, Remembrance.
Hikari's AvatarHikari
Hikari's Avatar
Mizuki had only nodded, quietly listening to Aislin as she tried to find the answer to her question. She momentarily wondered if having asked that was the right thing to do, but she quickly shrugged it off. As Mizuki listened, the expression on her face changed several times, ranging from confusion when Aislin spoke about the alternate timeline, to a blush when speaking about Kuja caring about her, though most of the while it was curiosity that showed. Seeing the smile on Aislin's face as she finished 'rambling' though and took her hand...somehow it made the blue-haired girl smile too. "You don't need to apologize, I'm happy that you feel that way. And I'm glad that I met you, and everyone else too of course..." She took some time processing what had been said. "It actually came as a surprise to me that he'd been in this world longer, and it didn't make much sense to me either...I mean, I saw him in Memoria shortly before ending up here so...it's odd, you know? And somehow...in the short time you've known him, it feels like you've learned more about him than he's ever told me...I wonder why that is? Does he...not trust me, either? Is that why he never tells me things?" she paused for a moment, trying to shake off the odd feeling she felt. After a moment, she spoke again. "Wait, you told him about me having taken the pendant? ...He didn't let on that he knew when I talked to him...I mean, I told him I took it and everything, but...I guess he didn't want to make things awkward between us, huh?" Rikazu had finished up his conversation with Benny, and had been on his way back to the girls, though he stopped walking when he overheard the two of them talking. Not wanting to let them know he was listening in, he pretended to be inspecting another field nearby, though there was a slightly amused look on his face. For someone who acted like she hated him, he sure was Mizuki's 'topic of the day' quite regularly. Still, he couldn't deny that he at the very least appreciated the fact that Aislin trusted him, and the Chemist bit reminded him that he still had to take her on a tour to find some new herbs. Perhaps there'd still be an opportunity to do that before they returned to the checkpoint.
Image is official art from Dissidia: Final Fantasy.
Morzone's AvatarMorzone
Morzone's Avatar
Rowan immediately spotted Tore upon his return from the hall. The angel himself had only delivered the monster he'd been helping a short time ago and had been planning to return to aid his friend, but it seemed Tore had finished up nice and cleanly without him. "Probably would have been pretty useless if I'd gone anyway, with my power right now." He mumbled, shaking his head and reminding himself that he could go back to getting into dangerous situations he couldn't handle. If there was one thing odd about the whole thing, it was the overwhelming sense of Deja-vu he'd gotten walking back from the hall and bringing the monster to where they could be healed. As far as he could recall he'd never been in a similar situation before, so he simply couldn't place why it had felt so familiar. It was as if he'd repeatedly walked that path many times over but had somehow forgotten he'd ever been there before. Maybe Tore would have an explanation for it, the magic system in this place seemed to work the same way it had wherever he'd come from. The angel walked over to where Tore was getting healed. "You alright there, Tore? After seeing what happened to your friend I helped back a moment ago I thought you were in for a real battle, but you seem to have finished up fairly quickly."
laura was snooping. After ensuring none of the villagers were left in that animal pen of a town, she'd made her way around until she'd eventually discovered a way into the massive structure that spanned the area. She had no doubt Bora was off fighting somewhere else in the place, probably cleaning up after some mess Kuja had made. The guy seemed pretty set on whatever grudges he'd had before coming to this world. Well, not that she could really talk. That angel wasn't even close to being off of her hit list after all. As Laura wandered through the place, poking her head into random doors in hopes of finding something good, she suddenly stumbled across a strange room. It looked like some kind of testing bay. The set up was relatively circular, a series of pylons around markings on a raised platform. Something about the whole thing seemed oddly familiar, like she'd seen someone describe something similar before. Though, more than the odd design, what caught her attention more was the scent of burnt flesh. Clearly whatever they'd been testing here had required live people and had not gone well. Thankfully the smell seemed to be the only human thing that was lingering around, so she went to take a closer look. This proved mostly fruitless, as nothing up close to the pylons or the markings stood out to her. She redirected her attention to the control bay on the opposite side of the room. Perhaps a clue was there. At first glance, it appeared to be nothing but an overly complicated dashboard of controls, measuring devices, and information feeds. At second glance, it still just seemed like an overly complicated dashboard of controls, measuring devices, and information feeds. The siren was just turning away in disappointment when a smaller device caught her eye. It was smaller, and by looks appeared to be fairly central to whatever they were trying to test with the larger set up. Some kind of information was probably taken from whatever was in this smaller machine and fed into the larger one. With a mischievous smile, the Siren wasted no time in dismantling the smaller machine. but upon cracking it open, she found nothing but a small tablet. What was so special about some block? Picking it up and looking over, Laura couldn't help but feel somewhat shocked. The tablet -which she'd at first thought was just made out of black stone- had a strange depth to it. Like she was looking down a deep well, or into the dark night sky, the stone tablet tricked her eyes into feeling as if viewing something far away through the tiny window that was the tablet. But she was holding it- it felt as solid as a block of anything else. Whatever it was, she was taking it with her. "Could have used some heavier clothes to hide this under." She sighed. Typical luck of hers, but there was nothing to do about it. She was trying to appear more trustworthy right now anyway, no point in hiding secret treasures in that case. Tucking the black tablet under her arm, she headed back the way she'd come. Eventually reaching the outside once again, she sat herself at the town center and looked over her find while she waited for the others to finish with their business.
Avatar was created for me, the sprite in the avatar was made by WriterRaven
Score: 0
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
Toré turned his good eye towards Rowan, puzzled for a moment, as far as he was aware, the 'Resets' had been confined to Judgement Hall... Perhaps since Rowan would've been close enough, he'd have been affected by them? "Sherfey, how long was it since I left to go tackle the age-old problem?" 'Five Hours and twenty-eight minutes' was the Response he got, well that all but confirmed, at most it would've taken half an hour to return unimpeded, maybe forty-five minutes if slowed down... "Drop her off Rowan and I'll go over the details of why it seemed to take no time for you once I have my sight back in this eye, it's... complicated to a degree and I'd rather not be scratching at this thing while explaining." Sherfey was doing the best she could, and truth be told sight had returned to the Eye, just not completely as of his statement. "Still got my old clothes? No doubt they're gonna be tight as hell but it beats only having a Lab Coat to my name, and those things are not good for the cold." The Kitsune held out her hand expectantly, but was already talking to the other in the room, "As for you, Onyx was it? Scorched Earth Policy, you know why." turning her attention back to Kudret, she waited patiently enough, "Gonna have to use that Statuette as well soon, I'll be needing the boost for what's to come, funny, I seem to recall my younger Dream State resenting having to use those, how time changes people." Bora calmly walked out, the gargantuan Orb starting to bubble and swell at the seams, it was about ready to blow, "Ah, done with your pilfering of the place? Normally punishment would be inbound for the activity but, if I'm honest, not entirely sure I care about Morals and all that junk when it comes to characters like the idiot up top, I'll pretend nothing happened." the pure-blooded's foot started tapping, "Five Minutes Kazoo, if you aint by them, you go up with the rest of the popsicle stand there."
Morzone's AvatarMorzone
Morzone's Avatar
"Right, Right." The angel responded, doing as he was told, then taking a seat on some rocks a short distance away. he tried to remember when he'd first gotten the strange sense of deja vu. To the best of his memory, it was just as he was helping the monster to leave the hall. Maybe as he'd been going through the doorway? He couldn't pin point it, but judging by Tore's response there was clearly a reason behind it.
Laura shrugged and smiled slightly. "It just seemed like a waste, you know? So many secrets in that place and it's all going to get blown up." She stared at her newfound treasure again. Every time she looked at it she was seized with a desire to go through it somehow, like it were a doorway. It bothered her, it was a such a strange sensation for something so stubbornly solid. "How for is it to the place where we'll meet up with the other groups?" She inquired, wondering if she'd get a chance to hide her item before they met up with the others.
Aysu Llyr's AvatarAysu Llyr
Aysu Llyr's Avatar
Kudret almost absently nodded his answer, already taking them out and draping them over Seyr's outstretched hand. He was slightly tempted to try helping her into them, but for the moment he had to reposition the bag again before he dared do anything else. The beastman took the few steps required to stand near Celere, reday to pick her up once the signal was received. Aislin chuckled at Mizuki's own brand of musing, managing to finally wipe away the rest of the tears. "Oh he didn't? You're probably right, he just didn't want it to be awkward." Speaking of... Aislin waved to Rikazu and called, "You coming over here or what?" grinning at the end of the question.
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
Seyr tried to change into her old clothes right there and then, turning her back to Kudret without a care in the world, the trousers went on fine enough, as suspected, they were slightly too small, but they fit for now, the second she tried to tug the shirt down however, a ripping sound emanated, the back of the fabric tearing apart, "Well, that's embarrassing..." appearing to poke at her chest, the shirt was discarded to the floor, the Lab Coat thrown back over herself to cover her... 'Modesties', "Well this will have to do, let's get a move on, don't know about you, but I could use a bath that isn't Life-Support fluids, when was the last time any of us actually washed?" turning her back on Kudret once more, she raised a hand and made a beckoning motion, time was of the essence for more than one reason. Toré had taken a sitting position, his good eye closed as exercises were performed to test the sight in the healed eye, he was thinking, this 'Lorica', he couldn't help but notice the naming similarities, and now he had time to think on it, more and more pieces were falling into place, pieces that try as he might, he couldn't disprove or ignore, absentmindedly were the words muttered to himself, "Must've been one hell of a woman to change my mind on that, not important, there are more pressing issues at hand." there was a set of raised eyes from Sherfey, who knew full well the relation between prince and boss monster, "Anyways, thanks Sherfey, I'll find a way to pay it off eventually, can't stick around unfortunately." getting to his feet, aching as the adrenaline wore off, the Goat walked off in the direction Rowan had went, still thinking to himself. Ama had remained out of the way and silent during the entire proceedings, the Blue-Green lifeblood of the planet having seeped from the ground and covered her numerous wounds, giving her an odd watery sheen that glowed with an almost nuclear essence, "Not much time left, still can't say a damn thing to any of these people about what'll happen, if this blasted Contract wasn't in effect, Rikazu'd be the first person to tell, best he of all people be ready to rein his emotions in, Gramma, you'd best be sticking to your end of the deal, if anything happens to my team, place in the Deity Hierarchy be damned, you're next."
Hikari's AvatarHikari
Hikari's Avatar
Getting up from the bed had been agonizingly slow for Iliya, the pain in her chest area turning more intense as she moved. The fabric was seeped in a red liquid, her robe torn where Seth's blade had slashed her. Seth clearly hadn't even bothered to heal her wound in the slightest; in fact, the poison he'd been using on her was preventing any kind of healing magic she tried to use on it. Using her Baculus to keep her upright, she kept her distance from Seth. "R-ready..." Kuja had wasted no time getting out, moving as quickly as his body would allow it, keeping in mind the 'five minutes' that Bora had mentioned. The silver-haired mage was still frustrated, though he'd have to leave things be for now. Rikazu let out a small chuckle when Aislin called out to him. So she'd noticed he was listening, huh? Well, that was fine. "Right, right", he mused, walking over to them. "So, Benny said it's fine if we take some of these beans as samples. Some of them sound like they'd be real useful to us in the long run." He thought for a moment before speaking again. "Well, if you girls still want to help out here, we still have some spare time to do so, otherwise...I think there are some useful herbs in the vicinity that we could go look for while we make our way to the checkpoint."
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
Bora had been counting the minutes internally, though the final thirty seconds were quite audible, it was fortunate that Kuja appeared and got out of the way by the point where only Nine Seconds Remained, as the Full-Blooded Saiyan got bored and threw the Boulder of Ki at the Facility, the impact and subsequent explosion sparked a chain reaction, the smoke and flames making quite "Show of Fireworks, I suggest you walk away at a brisk pace, unless for some reason you two WANT to be caught in the explosion once the fuses burn down." hands behind his head, Bora sauntered off, completely incapable of caring about his subordinates. Ama got to her feet, stretching a little with a distinct growl, "I need a diversion from all of this, nothing in my Contract states I can't kill something that's a threat to my objective, and the insufferable Momma's Boy is likely lurking around outside, waiting for an opportune moment to strike, yeah... they'll do juuuuust fine for some stress relief." going back to a slack position, the Feral sat back down, cross-legged and in a meditative position, nothing for it but to wait for them to be ready to leave.

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