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timid's Avatartimid
timid's Avatar
I'm suuuuper biased but I've officially changed my mind, I love K. Vulpix as a pokemon now- The power of PFQ, changing one's mind on a pokemon just from the quality of its special sprites. <3 But honestly, the albino and melan are some of my personal favorite colors so I'm quite pleased, though you cant please everyone. Side note, darkening the frills on melan Vaporeon solved whatever problem my eyes had with it when I first saw it, so shout out to that too.
Napstablook sprite by Toby Fox. Question mark from default pfq icon. Thrown together by me.
Nightmøn's AvatarNightmøn
Nightmøn's Avatar
Well, I'm gonna go in a random rent because I've just notice something. Albinos eevee is a bit too blue. Ya know the main gimmick with eevee right? Well funfact, in paint, if you mix the color of their three original evolition together (I have sleep five hours, I can finally correct this) you'll get brown! Shiny eevee still use the same idea, with even more white. So I think albino eevee need a more neutral color. More greyish preferably. Since none of their color, including melanist, use a color who is a primary color. And funfact2, the original eeveelution (Jolteon, vaporeon and flareon) have "primary color"
not the true one, but still
while their shiny have secondary color! So this is not a random choice of color as we may think. (Even if I think they should take the same color palette, but on the others eeveelution) but that's just random rambling, the others color for albino and melan eeveelution are quite good, the original eeveelution seems to actually have a kind of colorswap too!
My first language is french! So sorry in advance for misunderstanding xD Profile picture made by myself! Gacha for DCP!
FireFox Leafy's AvatarFireFox Leafy
FireFox Leafy's Avatar
*happy cries in Vulpix* Ok, so I’ve always been proud of how well my delta albino and melan Vulpix’s color schemes went with their aura. But when the previous update rolled around—the aura didn’t look very good on them anymore, and I was pretty crushed. But now...I think they go together even better than before! I still feel like the current color of mega albino Ninetales’ flames aren’t the best fit for it, but the green is a definite improvement over the orange. I can live with it. Especially since the rest of the sprite is absolutely gorgeous! Also, I think the albino Vaporeon’s update looks significantly better that what it looked like before! There was just something about the old ones colors that made it look kind of sickly to me; now it’s pretty snazzy-looking ‘mon!
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spacebees's Avatarspacebees
spacebees's Avatar
Thoughts: I looove the blue on the new Albino Vulpix, though I can imagine people getting upset because it's such a large change. Little bit torn on the change from green to orange for the melans' accents, though. They both look nice, but the green flames on the mega felt more spooky and ethereal. Also a fan of the new albinos for Vaporeon and Leafeon. Don't much care for the shade of green on the melan Vaporeons, but I'll live; melan Leafeon is a big change but I think it's going to grow on me ;)
Mirzam's Avatarhypermode-12.pngMirzam
Mirzam's Avatar
I think the colors on the new melan Kanto Vulpix work a lot better. Thanks :) Now I just need to get me one of those new albino Leafeon, what a cutie! (Edit to add: is it me or is m k vulpix's mini sprite not updated yet? I have one in my first field and its tails still seem teal. I don't think it's my cache but I want to be sure)
New albinos are much improved! Loving all the new colours, seems to suit the design well ^^
poison.png0 points Mouse's Midnight Market! S/A/M sales, boxboxes, gem swaps, summon sales & more Avatar art by me
LavenderHues's AvatarLavenderHues
LavenderHues's Avatar
It’s half past midnight where I am right now so I’m exhausted but I can’t go to bed without posting here. The new melan Kanto Vulpix is gorgeous and I’m extremely happy that they’re purple now. They look like a little grape scented bean and I absolutely love them. Thank you SO much for updating them! ;W ; I also love the new Kanto Vulpix (and Ninetales too) albino colors! They look icy but also mystical, like a little ghost! Very, very cute! The browns on the Alolan Melans and Melan Kanto/mega melan Ninetales are lovely, but my heart is absolutely won by the rosy pink used for the Alolan Albinos. They’re so delicate and beautiful! So, to sum it all up before my brain is reduced to goo from this melatonin, I am absolutely thrilled with the changes. Thank you so much art staff for all you do! You’re amazing! <3
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Sea Crown hoard progress until I can restart my hunt!
murfijs's Avatarmurfijs
murfijs's Avatar
thanks for the new melan and albino sprites for vulpix line :D im happy you fixed them UwU
Joshua Kiryu's AvatarJoshua Kiryu
Joshua Kiryu's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Nightmøn

Ya know the main gimmick with eevee right? Well funfact, in paint, if you mix all color together (without counting black and white obviously) you'll get brown! Shiny eevee still use the same idea, with even more white. So I think albino eevee need a more neutral color. More greyish preferably.
Brown is dark orange. And we're not using pigments, this is digital art. Besides, that's incorrect. If you mix all primary colors you approach gray/black as more of the light spectrum is absorbed. If you get brown then it means there's an excess of red.
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Nightmøn's AvatarNightmøn
Nightmøn's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Psychøkin

QUOTE originally posted by Nightmøn

Ya know the main gimmick with eevee right? Well funfact, in paint, if you mix all color together (without counting black and white obviously) you'll get brown! Shiny eevee still use the same idea, with even more white. So I think albino eevee need a more neutral color. More greyish preferably.
Brown is dark orange. And we're not using pigments, this is digital art. Besides, that's incorrect. If you mix all primary colors you approach gray/black as more of the light spectrum is absorbed. If you get brown then it means there's an excess of red.
I... just basically say that I think albino eevee is too blue? I never say that you *have* to use pigment? Also you DO get brown, I even use two method to show it you can't get gray if you don't have black or white. (Yea by "all color" I was meaning the color of the eeveelution, I have trouble to not forget to say the most important thing.) Eevee was thinked with only three-five eeveelution before Game Freak saw that Pokémon was that so much popular that they get to actually continue with the licence. Maybe it was just a coincidence that the three eeveelutiond color = brown, but still. Eevee shouldn't have a primary color as their albino since even the shiny and the melan doesn't.

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