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If we stacked 'rus in any specific groups favor then it is no longer a fair mechanic.
I have also noticed that some people are getting pokerus each day. Try to pick people who have not been picked in a while. People may think that the Pokerus is broken if the same people get it every day.
Sciana's AvatarSciana
Sciana's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by LisaKaze2016

I have also noticed that some people are getting pokerus each day. Try to pick people who have not been picked in a while. People may think that the Pokerus is broken if the same people get it every day.
The same people get it frequently because they click their butts off to get it... Try to click each and every rus hosts' fields if you can and you'll probably find yourself getting it. It may help to preemptively click users you know get rus frequently as well. Put effort into getting pokerus and you will get it. I can confirm that literally the only times I've gotten rus was when i was actively massclicking any and all rus hosts, and I usually had to go through several hosts before getting it myself.
Sweet Heart

Sweet Heart


(item.png: 0)

A heart-shaped chocolate given to you by someone who cares about you! Feed to a Pokémon to boost Happiness by 20.

Sells for 1

Lv. 100 — +46,634,386
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Bitter food
Happiness MAX
Gentle nature
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I just want to say that saying "the same people get it" is like watching people jump in to a pool and acknowledging they got wet. Of course they got wet. They jumped in to the pool. You'd get wet too, if you jumped in to the pool - rather than dipping your toes in and complaining that everyone got more wet than you. Any argument against the 'rus "picking people" literally boils down to, "How very dare they put effort in and get rewarded". If you want the 'rus as a reward, I recommend putting the effort in, same as them. Even then, remember that the 'rus is a chance, no matter what. There are a lot of people competing for it.
Sorry I did not mean to complain I was just frustrated. [post merge] I think the site is fine but the shelter can be a little laggy at times I dont like going and searching for pokemon when it lags and shows me no pokemon at all. -Constantine edit.
I didn't know where else to put this, but this seemed like a good spot. I know MCW 24 (aka- 2 years) is coming up, and while I'm guessing there might be a big thing since it's another year and last year there was a bigger thing too, I'm not really looking forward to it. I mean, whatever it is, I'm sure I'll complete it, even with working most all day and then sleeping all weekend, but it's just another "oh go click a buncha pokemon and you'll get another stone"... I'm hoping maybe we can see several different event types in the future? MCWs can still be in the mix, but maybe not have one every month, ya know? Maybe three or four different types of events that just change things up a little, I dunno. Then again, I'm a weird person who likes change, especially when things fall into a constant routine.
Call me "Padfoot" please. They/them. Avatar done by panpixel Flarotis design by PFQ
MD6999's AvatarMD6999
MD6999's Avatar
As someone who played the old PF and just recently began playing PFQ, in my opinion, gems are the best thing that could've happened to this site. Before, clicking got your eggs hatched faster and nabbed you a few extra credits, but in general it was very hard to "make it" without paying money. However, with gems, you get a legitimate very good reward for hatching those eggs, giving new users who put a lot effort into the game the oppurtunity to grow larger faster. However, collecting all the gems is very difficult, leading to many people still getting and trading ZC for gems. It's a great system that really widens the trading market for everyone andI personally love it.
That was the aim so if we're accomplishing that, then that's great! However, we're aware that we always have room to improve - so if anyone has any suggestions on how they think we could potentially improve the system(s) we have, then we're more than open to said suggestions.
Um I dont feel I deserve my rank I feel more like a rookie than a E superior.
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I just thought of this now as I was reading over the Tournament Annoucnement thread, and is more of a meta-suggestion than a suggestion so I thought it would be more appropriate to post it here: Perhaps announcements of new features should all have a FAQ section (maybe reserve the second post for it?) where any questions/clarifications that are often asked by users could go. This would (hopefully) lower the amount of duplicate questions on the thread. This is motivated by the amount of questions that I saw asked over and over again - and answered each time - on that tournament thread in particular, but probably applies to all changes/new feature announcements.
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