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Type Race Announcements

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Mikkü's Avatarhypermode-12.pngMikkü
Mikkü's Avatar
Lycan - Yes, everyone may be using the same template but there are other things you can look at. Someone using proper grammar and not shortening words could be something others look at. I don't know if you looked, but a few users have also put in some good words like how their excited, what their looking forward to, etc. Sure, what you're saying about nothing stopping it from happening again may be true (for the most part, as this is at mod discretion) - there have been instances of personal emergencies pulling people away, sometimes things DO happen, but my point is being made about someone blatantly stating in the start of the thread that they would be too busy to host but their hosting anyways. Now if someone puts that, I can easily avoid it by not voting for them. I am literally talking about in team instances, I'm saying if that person on your team that hosted didn't do a good job, don't vote for them again if they post again. The thread voted on and chosen sooner, is a mistake. There are threads still being made now. How early should we do it? What if not everything has a thread? It gets automated to sally. There are times it's not convient to do this due to holidays. Right now Christmas/New Years is just ending, people are around their families. 5 Days to make the thread, get it all settled and have more people sign up is fine. The issue lies with days of the month not lining up in a way where it gives us a lot of time.
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F2U code by Gumshoe Edited by me with permission Further credits in "About Me"
Tabunne's AvatarTabunne
Tabunne's Avatar
This thread turned into a measuring contest nightmare lmao But honestly, literally who the heck cares about popularity? It's internet points on a pokemon fan site, it's not that deep. What does it matter anyway? What's so bad about an updated and well maintained thread for people like me that like to participate in the type race? I'd rather have the same people host a good thread than people who neglect it or use 1337 speak or something annoying. And if someone does a bad job, it should be noted so they can't just start a new bad thread the next month. Type race team members can put that to a vote too. It's such a simple solution, nothing to whine about. I tried hosting once on top of a 40 hour/week job, going to med school, AND a second retail job and though I was kept busy and didn't do the best job imo, sorry team ghost I still made an effort and time to update and keep things running as smooth as possible. Being busy doesn't always equate to a bad host job, its how everything is handled. I'm also happy and nervous to hear about the automatic thread generator. Last month my team didnt get a thread until the race had started, so I REALLY missed out on prep time. Will it be perfect off the bat? No, but thats okay because who honestly expects a new automated thing to be perfect on the first try? It would be nice to pass ownership of an automated thread to someone who wants to host, however.
arbor's Avatararbor
arbor's Avatar
my team's thread was deleted partway through the race last month for "unspecified reasons" O-O so i'm happy that this will hopefully lead to more solid threads. and i think overall the user base here is pretty nice and if someone wants to host it and says in their thread "i've never hosted before but i'm excited to try", then people will probably give them a chance. if not then, you know, whatever, you don't get bonus points for hosting and you can still be as active as you want in the thread.
arbor ☼ journalflying.png: 985 “The tides are in our veins, we still mirror the stars, life is your child, but there is in me, older and harder than life and more impartial, the eye that watched before there was an ocean.”
Background from freepik.com F2U code by Gumshoe

QUOTE originally posted by Niet

Well that, and the fact that it's very unlikely to have mods spread out across all teams. If a mod wants to play in the Type Race, it'd be on their own team, after all.
Realized my post was kinda unclear, that's what I get for posting so late at night xD I realized that, yes, it'd be on their own team. I meant like "If mod A is on team Normal, they run Team Normal's thread, mod B is on team Fire, they run Team Fire's thread". But true, there's the chance that there may be multiple mods per team and that some teams may not have any.
Avatar credits: Melan Plusle & Minun Galaxy avatar made by Sharpy, (for my use only)
GLJordan's AvatarGLJordan
GLJordan's Avatar
honestly I tried hosting a thread a thread once and it was such a horrible experience that I deleted it before the race ended and vowed to never do it again. and while the rules to everything have change since then I still have no deseire to. I did however start making my own click list which I do share in my type race threads since. so you can make your own mark and maybe it wil lead to you hosting one day.
v-ground.png 0
Thunderjaw's AvatarThunderjaw
Thunderjaw's Avatar
Considering on how the last month's type race for me and my team, I think this is a welcome change. Though I do need to admit I was afraid of the system hosting a team as well, simply because it can't be updated but that has been adressed I guess :) Also: While I get the deal of making this a 'populairity contest' I do also need to admit I the making of the thread is just not for everyone and while I understand new users to the Type Race want to make the thread, a lot of them just don't realize the pressure it can give updating the thread non-stop. Even during the race, you might need to update the list daily, there's always people joining in before and during the type race. Populairity matters, sure, but this is not because of 'hey it's my friend' it's more that some users just do the Type Race (threads) longer and have more experience with what it actually takes to host a thread ^^ Personally I don't care who host the thread, as long as it's someone who updates the post regularly and knows what their doing :)
Useful links: Journal: The Thunderclaw Follow me on these too if you'd like to know me! Youtube: CommandoReptilio Twitch: CommandoReptilio Instagram: GeckoCommander
art by Shadowfeathers of Thunderjaws OC Steve, edited by MossDragon for Thunderjaw's use only
Sharpy's AvatarSharpy
Sharpy's Avatar
Just wanted to hop in and say I stan everyone who doesn't have their knickers in a wad over this lol. TR threads have never been that big of deal, and just because something is changing does not, in any way, mean it's bad, even on paper. Truthfully, I'm excited for this change. Like one other user said, it's essentially just keeping the breeding pairs, mascots, and click list updated to help the team, along with a morale-boost here and there. This isn't a high school, so even if someone "more popular" ends up winning the thread every month, who cares? They're keeping the TR thread alive and well, so huzzah, the job is done. I rarely actually comment on these things, but man, people got exceptionally mad for really no reason. :/ Thank you, Niet, and all the staff of Pokefarm, for trying to help us out! I'm so glad this site has a functioning and active mod team, as many places like this don't nowadays~

psychic.png 0 psychic.png 💖
PFP by pinkskittypow!

Karista 033's Avatarhypermode-12.pngKarista 033
Karista 033's Avatar
So... I don't understand why everyone is so obsessed with the "popularity contest" thing, when most teams only had one person submit a type race thread to begin with. My thread was chosen by default, as no one else on my team made a thread. I'm excited to host for the first time. I also don't feel that well known in the community, but I still thought "Why not? What's the worst that can happen?" Even if I didn't get voted this time, there's still next month and the month after. Honestly, I don't think I would have been discouraged if I hadn't won the vote, and I feel that a lot of the community feels the same. If you don't win this month, you can always try again. :)
June 2024 Team Water banner by MochaFox. Get a banner for your team here: Type Race Templates Type Race Points: 3188 Art Credits on Profile Page. My shop -- Kari's Shopping Center
LycanKai's AvatarLycanKai
LycanKai's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Sharpy

Just wanted to hop in and say I stan everyone who doesn't have their knickers in a wad over this lol. TR threads have never been that big of deal, and just because something is changing does not, in any way, mean it's bad, even on paper. Truthfully, I'm excited for this change. Like one other user said, it's essentially just keeping the breeding pairs, mascots, and click list updated to help the team, along with a morale-boost here and there. This isn't a high school, so even if someone "more popular" ends up winning the thread every month, who cares? They're keeping the TR thread alive and well, so huzzah, the job is done. I rarely actually comment on these things, but man, people got exceptionally mad for really no reason. :/ Thank you, Niet, and all the staff of Pokefarm, for trying to help us out! I'm so glad this site has a functioning and active mod team, as many places like this don't nowadays~
I got """exceptionally mad""" because Niet insulted me for no reason. Which is funny, because I wasn't even mad, I was just giving feedback, and pointing out that he was being rude. I also appreciate how this thread has turned into everyone attacking me for daring to care about a feature of this website. Clearly I should've just said "this is an amazing change and you're a genius, Niet." I sincerely apologize for ever caring about this game enough to give feedback.
♥ In Need of Braves -- List in Journal ♥
Score: 0
Button and score badge made by me. Art/Code can be found in my journal!
I regret reading through this thread, but here we are, so may as well share my thoughts. Popularity contests aren't really a thing when the voting is anonymous. Like, you gain nothing from voting for a popular person, so there's no reason you would, unless their thread is actually better coded. Popularity contests happen because people try to get the attention of popular people, which an anonymous poll doesn't provide. The voting system will help weed out low effort threads (when there's more than one made, of course) Anyone can copy-paste a template, but demonstrating you can modify and update it is super important to help your team! People will vote for the easiest to use, most up to date threads. They gain nothing from voting for a popular person's thread if it's badly made- and again, it's anonymous, there's zero gain for a voter to favour someone over someone else. TL;DR: Give features a chance before assuming how stuff will work. Feedback is great but.. nothing has actually happened yet.
poison.png0 points Mouse's Midnight Market! S/A/M sales, boxboxes, gem swaps, summon sales & more Avatar art by me

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