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MissWillow's Avatarhypermode-12.pngMissWillow
MissWillow's Avatar
I have some free fields!
Username: Slilexa Do you prefer PMs or do you have a shop?: Shop! is heavily preferred, but PMs are okay Where are your free fields located?: Bottom of fields What are your free fields named/labeled as? FREE fakes What types do you have in your free fields? E/V Is there a limit?: No limit Other: -
  • Shop
  • Type Race
Summons, S/A/Ds, Z-Crystals, BPs, +much more!
Was previously known as Slilexa but I changed my name! My Type Race Score is 0
BBCode/CSS: Firefly (ALeafOnTheWind) Graphics: Fay (Fallure) Commissioner: Slilexa For use by the commissioner only
Featherie's AvatarFeatherie
Featherie's Avatar
I have some free fields!
Username: Featherie Do you prefer PMs or do you have a shop?: I am ok with either, but I have a shop as well! Where are your free fields located?: Bottom 6! What are your free fields named/labeled as? "([Flavor]) Free Fields!" What types do you have in your free fields? Assortment of Normal, Exclusive, Variant, and Legendary pokemon sorted by flavor preference! Is there a limit?: 5 at a time, but you can ask for more after they're sent! Other: See rules in my shop =]
Ozprey's AvatarOzprey
Ozprey's Avatar
I have some free fields!
Username:Ozprey Do you prefer PMs or do you have a shop?: Either works! here is my shop: https://pokefarm.com/forum/thread/357743/Ozprey-s-IV-Eevee-Shop-plus-shinies-And-items/post/6584440 Where are your free fields located?: the first four fields, and the last 5. What are your free fields named/labeled as? anything with overflow, or free in the name. What types do you have in your free fields? N/E/V/L/D (plus the occasional shiny or albino) Is there a limit?: no more than two legendaries, deltas or shinies a day so everyone can have some, other than that go nuts. absolutely hog wild. Other: please be aware that i still only have the ability to trade 5 pokemon at a time, so if you ask for like 50 It Will Take Time. and please send me the link to what pokemon you want if you want specific ones so i don't make a mistake.
profile and shop images by me
Lile's AvatarLile
Lile's Avatar
I have some free fields!
Username: lile Do you prefer PMs or do you have a shop?: PMs please! Where are your free fields located?: right after the first 3 fields What are your free fields named/labeled as? they should all have free somewhere in the name What types do you have in your free fields? N/E/V, but it depends Is there a limit?: no but i only have 5 trade slots. i can do it in spurts though Other: please send links or at least what field if i have a hoard (currently chatot and amaura) feel free to ask for some even if its not labeled free.

SpøøkyÅsh's AvatarSpøøkyÅsh
SpøøkyÅsh's Avatar
I have some free fields!
Username: SpookyAsh Do you prefer PMs or do you have a shop?: PMs, please! Where are your free fields located?: All my fields are free except the My Babies, GIFTS, and Hisuean Zorua fields! What are your free fields named/labeled as? They're named by Types! Fire, water, grass, all that. What types do you have in your free fields? Just normals, stuff you can fill your dex with. Is there a limit?: Nope! I need to get rid of some Mons. So please, take more than one! ^^ Other: Just pm me saying you want any Pokemon I have in there (preferably with links) and I'll send em over!
Profile pic from 2022 PokeFarm Q Advent Calendar event. Please click thru my fields ^^ /nf 【◕.◕】 They/It
Vampiress88's Avatarhypermode-12.pngVampiress88
Vampiress88's Avatar
It has come to my attention that there are a LOT of inactive people, whether having quiet, gone hiatus or RL stuff has come up. Thanks to Kang for taking the time to go through the list and note down who has been inactive for over 7 days, who is quitting, and also name changes. I have removed quite a few inactive people s well as PMed them informing them they have been removed and can register again if they come back, as well as adjust any name changes accordingly. I don't have much time to be going through the list constantly and updating everything when someone forgets to PM me saying 'Hey, i'm quitting' or 'Hey i'm going on a holiday so I wont be online for a while' or even letting me know they've changed their username. I understand that RL happens, I have a toddler as well as work. So I completely understand when something happens. But please try to let me know if you are going to be offline for a while, I can adjust it to state you are on hiatus instead of having to remove you along with a bunch of other people who forget to update. But to finalize things up. For the people removed from the list for inactivity, thank you for being apart of the community and helping with having free pokemon for people to ask for. You are amazing for helping for the time you've been on PFQ. And secondly, please remember to try and let me know if you're going offline for a while. It only takes a few seconds to send a PM saying 'Not gunna be on for a while'.
Dragonfly99's AvatarDragonfly99
Dragonfly99's Avatar
Username: Dragonfly99 Do you prefer PMs or do you have a shop?: PMs, I don't have a shop Where are your free fields located?: In between my field titled 'Party' and my field titled 'Evolve' What are your free fields named/labeled as? Free 1, Free 2, and Free 3. What types do you have in your free fields? Normal, Variant, sometimes exclusives, and the occasional legendary. Is there a limit?: Nope! I need to get rid of some Pokemon. I'm fine with people taking more than one! Other: I can only send 5 at a time, so if you ask for more than that, please be patient! And though links would be preferred, you don't have to use them.
I have some free fields!
Username: TheQuirkyNinja Do you prefer PMs or do you have a shop?: PM or post in my Shop. Where are your free fields located?: First two, and last one. What are your free fields named/labeled as? Farewell Fields, Free. What types do you have in your free fields? Normal in first two, Legends in last one. Is there a limit?: No limit Other: ~



Thunder Stones and Cornn Berries
thunderstone.png 1620 of 2,222 thunderstone.png
"Why?" they asked me.
cornnberry.png 17425 of 22,222 cornnberry.png
So I replied, "Why is the greatest question of life, yet I can answer it easily. I simply wanted to."
summon_deo.png 202 of 300 summon_deo.png Buying/Swapping in Shop summon_deo.png
Also Buying/Swapping in shop: summon_xer.png summon_tpg.png summon_yve.png
HeckingOlive's AvatarHeckingOlive
HeckingOlive's Avatar
I have some free fields!
Username: WerewolfFlower Do you prefer PMs or do you have a shop?: PM Where are your free fields located?: Bottom What are your free fields named/labeled as? Yeet What types do you have in your free fields? Normal Is there a limit? No Limit: Other:
Vampiress88's Avatarhypermode-12.pngVampiress88
Vampiress88's Avatar
Hey guys! This is just a friendly reminder to remember to keep me updated of any changes. Such as username changes, contact method you want (PMs/Shop), if you have changed the location of your free fields, or if you've set a limit, etc. It's pretty simple to do also! 2 steps basically. 1 is to open the user list, CTRL+F and search your name and click on your post to edit it accordingly. And 2 is to shoot me a PM if something on your listing needs to be updated to match your post. Also don't worry about inactivity through December! You're more than welcome to let me know so I can put you down as hiatus for the month, but it's understandable with Christmas coming up that some or most of us will be running around like headless chickens trying to get gifts sorted or buying stuff for dinner and may not have enough time to be on PFQ. Hope everyone is doing well and looking forward for Christmas!

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