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Chronicles of Gaia (RP)

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Hikari's AvatarHikari
Hikari's Avatar
The two blue-haired mages had walked on in silence for quite some time, the only notable sound being the crunching of snow beneath their feet. Rikazu had never let go of Mizuki's wrist after all; surprisingly enough the younger female hadn't even protested. Perhaps she was just still too distracted by the thought of Kuja being in some kind of trouble, or perhaps she'd been thinking about what he told her. Either way, the lack of hostility towards him was refreshing. "It shouldn't be much further now, but do keep your eyes open, it really wouldn't surprise me if there were more monsters lurking in the area", Rikazu spoke. It had already been a miracle that nothing had attacked them so far. Lynn had been wandering about Mt. Ebott on her own for quite a while now, deeply lost in thought after having chatted with one of the Monsters in the area. She was surprised that they'd offered to listen to her worries, despite only just having met. Though despite having voiced said worries, the female redhead was still feeling insecure. Not paying much attention to where she was going, it didn't take long for Lynn to bump into someone - a male with purple hair. Labrador had just been on his way to leave after having managed to speak with Toré. "Oh, I'm sorry!" Lynn spoke swiftly. Labrador didn't seem very bothered by the female having bumped into him, instead offering her a kind smile. "That's quite alright." 'No doubt she's still thinking about her purpose in this group and how to get home', Labrador thought to himself. "You seem like you have something on your mind. Do you need someone to talk to? I think I can help you figure out what it is you want." Lynn seemed quite startled by his words. "I--what? How did you..? Never mind...err, well..." She was unsure what to think of this male. Though...he seemed rather harmless. Way to start a conversation though...he was definitely strange. Then again, most people in this place seemed quite kind and willing to help, though he didn't exactly seem like one of the Monsters living here. "I've already spoken to someone else about this too, but...I guess it wouldn't hurt to hear another opinion, since I'm still feeling uncertain..."
Image is official art from Dissidia: Final Fantasy.
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
What had been a horrifically one-sided fight in the hall had now evened out a bit, though the Cloak disguising the Goat as just some random figure had remained intact for now, this 'Human' was going by it's own Script, one that had been torn up and replaced with the Goat's twisted version, the second the 'Vapor' had manifested fully, the Second Act began, as the Vapor showed sentience by lunging at the exposed Soul... it vanished, leaving only the fabric behind to confuse it for a moment, Toré having performed an extremely localised 'Reset' of his own to change his position in space but without changing his Time Markers, a Soul not his was floating in his open Palm, "And to think, way back when, you were such a pain in the rear, missing something?" The 'Vapor' lunged again, this time looking much more like a solid mass than a Gaseous being, only to be dodged, the Soul torn from it's hosts body taking it upon itself to absorb into the Goat's relevant Gland, speaking from a Stalactite as he watched from above, "I feel like if I can kill you for good this time, I'll be able to close the book on this Chapter, and quite frankly, I'm done playing around with you, you were amusing to mess with like this, but I think I'd best wrap this up before any other idiots decide they want to 'Help'." Meanwhile, Bora was busy choking the life out of the Jester, brute strength and superior experience over this 'Kefka' moron had proved well within his favour against some silly Mage, after having thoroughly savaged the clown, he threw the disfigured body to the ground, on the precipice between the next life, "Go to your last refuge, stay there, by the time the Musical Instrument gets there, he'll actually be able to go toe-to-toe with you, next time however... there will be no pity for your Ilk, git!" and with that, Bora left the room, an overly large Boulder of Ki levitating in a Palm, brimming with destructive power as he looked around on the floor for the fool who'd disobeyed orders.
Hikari's AvatarHikari
Hikari's Avatar
When the group arrived at the farm safely, Rikazu had finally relinquished his hold on Mizuki's wrist. Although the blue-haired mage had feigned ignorance about the farm before, it wasn't his first time here. This time though... "Right, I'll go inspect the crops, see what exactly it is we're looking at here", he mentioned. "If you two feel up to it, perhaps you could lend a hand here on the farm while you wait." And with that, Rikazu was off, his way quickly made towards said crops and the farmer attending to them. "Benny", he gave a small, acknowledging nod to the farmer, before gazing at the beans in front of him. "So, this is what they're like when they're fully grown..." He raised an eyebrow as he knelt down to look at them more closely. "They really don't look ripe at all, huh?" "It's been a while, Rikazu", the farmer responded. "They're ready to be harvested. Try one if you wish, you look like you could really use it." Rikazu nodded, carefully picking one of the beans and eating it. The first thing that surprised him was the taste, definitely not like a bean at all. The second thing was how quickly it filled his stomach, and lastly how quickly it refilled his energy. "That's amazing." 'No wonder Celere made us check these out...though it's no good, I don't think these will help me lift the kid's curse either...but maybe...' Rockna had set Kuja back on the ground, away from where Bora and Kefka had been fighting. The silver-haired Genome let out a pained groan, though it was soon replaced by a small smile. "Mizuki asked you to come?" he paused. "How is she doing? ...Must be having the time of her life with Rikazu around." "They're...well, they got into quite the explosive fight earlier, but they seem to be working through it slowly, with some help from Aislin", Rockna responded. "The rest you should ask her when you see her again. I need to head back." "Leaving so soon? Can't you at least heal me before you go?" Kuja asked. "Not a chance. Use the healing items you're trying to hide", Rockna smiled mischievously before teleporting off again.
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
The fight in the Hall had now truly picked up pace, the Goat was still yet to make any offensive action, though his evasive actions had become far more chaotic and spur of the moment due to the nature of what he was mentally referring to as 'The Corruption', though his apparent storing of power went completely unnoticed by said Red Mass, "Yeesh, is one Soul really that much to you? You sad sad tra-" a Blow finally landed upon Toré, blood splattering all over the floor as an eye was blinded, though he seemed more amused by it then anything else, "eightythree thousand nine hundred and twenty two, that's how long it took you to get any meaningful damage off on me, how many times have I killed your host however?" - The next attack was casually parried, "So I lost sight in one eye, temporary setback, I don't particular need the regular senses anyway, and it'll be healed once I'm done regardless." several more resets from the mass ensued, each one rendering it weaker and weaker, "Time to go, be peaceful about it." the stored power had reached its' peak, and the Goat was burning up, almost literally, crossing his arms, and thanking this world for holding the same seat of power for his vocation back home, flames began to spread throughout the hall at a rapid pace, soon the entire space filled with nothing but the savage fire... which continued to spread, burning away all trace of this Corruption, hitting a head at the open top of the Mountain, so noticable in fact that some in the coastal towns assumed it had become an active Volcano again. - "Spent... Worth every second of it to finally close the book on that chapter, certainly won't be doing anything like that once I leave Ebott though... I'll probably lose the sheer power I had here once I leave the premises." he had to think for a moment, it was tempting to remain here... but he had a bit of a job to do... "Eh, go back, get this Eye healed, and the interrogate the Soul that the Corruption was using as a host, yeah... Ewf... Man I havn't felt so strangely exhausted but invigorated like that in... forever... Kind of addicting, but nah." with one last look at the scorched remains of the Hall he was leaving behind, the Goat walked off, a relieved Air about him.
Aysu Llyr's AvatarAysu Llyr
Aysu Llyr's Avatar
Kudret ducked his head in silent apology, going over the information given. A rocky outcropping with hot springs sounded an ideal place to stop and rest, though it was likely they would continue after the morning came. Still, what she then said to Celere only confirmed that it was very possible for one of his teammates to die before they reunited with the others. He hoped whoever was at the farm could hurry. Aislin looked around the farm in interest. She could see rows upon rows of the beans they were sent to check out, but what surprised her was what they were. They looked pretty darn similar to those weird beans in the Saiyan universe.. Could they really? After a moment, Aislin shook her head, dismissing the thought. Maybe she should do some farm work, it would at least pass the time. "Hey Mizuki? Wanna do some farm work with me?" she asked, wondering if it was okay to leave the light mage alone, even if temporarily. ...Nah, probably not.
Avatar is made by Nightfury28. My Ponysona, Remembrance.
Hikari's AvatarHikari
Hikari's Avatar
The unease that Mizuki had been feeling had slowly but surely lessened, leaving her wondering if Rockna had found Kuja and helped him. The thought still seemed a bit odd to the girl, as she was pretty sure that her sister had always hated the silver-haired mage. At the same time though, the unease about what Rikazu had told her remained, and her head was hurting from properly trying to process all of it. "Huh, farm work...?" she finally spoke, a look of mild curiosity on her face as she looked around. When had they even arrived at the farm? Had she been that out of it? "Um...I don't think I've ever done farm work before, I'm...not really sure what I can do to help. Have you done this before, Aislin?" The farmer gave a light chuckle at Rikazu's response to eating the bean, before motioning towards several other fields. "We've managed to grow some mutated kinds as well, come along, I'll show you", he mentioned as he started walking. The first field he showed the blue-haired mage was filled with white beans. "These ones are especially useful if you plan on being on this continent for a long time. While they do provide some minor healing, their main purpose is, in simple terms, to provide your body with the necessary resistance against the cold temperatures." Next up was the field filled with blue beans. "These ones won't provide any physical healing, but they do instantly restore your Mana." Rikazu grinned as he said that. "Well, that is useful." Another field was filled with yellow beans. "These have more of a regenerative function, speeding up the body's natural healing process. They also help reduce the damage you take for a while." The blue-haired mage was making mental notes of each of the beans he'd been told about so far. Most of these would be extremely helpful to the group if he was allowed to take some of them with him. The only drawback was how quickly they filled the stomach, using several in a row wouldn't be easy. There were two more fields to be shown, filled with red and purple beans respectively. The red beans, Benny explained, would enhance one's strength for a limited amount of time, and were the easiest of the beans to digest, which in turn meant that the effects also lasted shorter. The purple beans though caught Rikazu's attention the most; the beans provided an antidote against several man-made poisons, and for the ones they couldn't directly cure, they could still be used as a rather crucial ingredient in the antidote. Those would certainly prove to be useful in a fight against Seth.
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
A loud crash could be heard from outside the small house this Kitsune had constructed for itself, complimented by obligatory swearing and some harsh comments about 'Long Distance Teleportations', judging by the leg stuck in a wall and the angry remark about people building in stupid places, it could only have been one person that had shown up, indeed, with the Kitsune snapping their fingers and the section of wall vanishing, the other could enter unimpeded, the beyond dirty lab coat being the only thing on their person. Seyr had managed to lock on to this world after several years of finding the right co-ordinates, and immediately gave the other kitsune a sharp smack on the back of the head, "Right intentions, bad methods, next time, if there is one, give the comrades a warning of what you're about to do." something was off with her, one of the sleeves sagged, empty of any limb, "My apologies for my Dream-States actions and naivety, and for this youngsters rash idiocy." she took a seat, glaring at the other for a few moments before softening her gaze, "The Bushy tail look does not suit you." Bora had spotted Kuja on the floor, and waltzed over to the downed idiot, giving him a swift kick to the Ribs, "Move, we're done here, if you're not out of the blast radius in five minutes, you go up in flames with the rest of the place." and with that, he was gone, taking a very careful path to the exit, the gargantuan orb of Ki he carried wobbling precariously as he wove through the rubble on the upper floors.
Aysu Llyr's AvatarAysu Llyr
Aysu Llyr's Avatar
"Well, no," Aislin admitted, "But I've read some stuff, and seen some stuff, and I think I can figure more out by looking around." She gestured toward the barn then. "Shall we go there first?" Did she need to explain more? Aislin didn't think so, but then she tends to jump to conclusions a lot faster than most people seem to. Maybe she should talk to the mages a bit more tonight, maybe explain to them what she told Carbuncle. It'd be a relief to be able to talk about this sort of thing with others... Kudret jumped and barely refrained from cursing aloud when the crash was heard, and had to clamp his mouth shut at both the sight of his wayward friend and the sight of the wall disappearing. Yes, he had indeed seen people who were missing limbs before, it was not a problem there. It was the wall that got to him. Kudret swiftly ducked his head to not show his thoughts on his face once more while saying quietly, "Hello again Seyr." He flicked a glance at Celere, then back to his paws; nope, she definitely didn't look much better than when he had essentially dragged her in the first time. This was deeply worrying...
Hikari's AvatarHikari
Hikari's Avatar
((Having a bit of a writer's block issue going, gdi brain stop being so difficult please)) Kuja winced at the kick to the ribs, cursing mentally as the Saiyan left. Oh how he already hated that brute. Still, this was no time to be lying around; the silver-haired mage had no intention of going up in flames anytime soon. Downing another potion he'd kept hidden, he soon got onto his feet and moving away as quickly as his body would allow it. This wouldn't do...he had to get stronger if he wanted to stand a chance against Kefka next time. "Right, yeah...that place may have some tools to use", Mizuki nodded as Aislin spoke. It couldn't hurt to look around a bit, and perhaps they could even ask someone if they were unsure what to do. The fields here somewhat reminded her of the time Kuja had taken her to visit the village of Dali, though she hadn't seen much of the farms there. After all, Kuja's destination there had been underground. Letting out a sigh, her gaze had soon drifted off to Rikazu's location, still feeling confused over everything he'd said. Had he been to this place before? "What is it about him...that made you decide that you could trust him?" The question left her lips before she'd even realized it. ...Perhaps part of her really did want to trust the old man again.
Aysu Llyr's AvatarAysu Llyr
Aysu Llyr's Avatar
Aislin had begun walking when the question reached her ears. She grimaced slightly and muttered, "Introspection this early in the morning?" Then she gave the question a serious thought. ...She'll need to ramble a bit first, it seems. "First off, please don't interrupt me while I'm rambling? I'm trying to find the answer but that means I have to search for it." Aislin fell silent for a time, running her mind through her memories, tracing it back to the point where she had begun to see it being different. "I think it started back when we first met. I knew of Kuja from that alternate timeline I watched, it was essentially the same thing that you went through, but he was different from what I knew. That timeline didn't seem to have you or Rikazu in it, so the Kuja I met here was different, and that intrigued me. What could have happened to change that? No sooner asked than answered, as I watched the argument surround the both of you after the Lich fight." Aislin was now absently pacing back and forth, quite literally thinking out loud as she herself sought the answer to the question. "What had happened between the two of you on that journey caused a place to where Kuja was a lot more open with others and himself, even showing emotion was a big thing as I don't have much control over that myself... Anyway, during our travels I took a liking to the both of you. I wanted to help you out somehow, heck I wanted to help everyone out. You are, all of you, are so different from what I'm used to, and I... I wanted to trust you all, more than I did then, and to do that I needed to change myself along the way." Yeesh, this was starting to turn away from the question. Back on track. "The interactions between you two... well, I probably shouldn't say my conclusion out loud without him around, but he really, truly cares about you. You matter to him in a way that's different from everyone else in the group. And then we met Rikazu, and he was again different and yet, somehow similar too." Okay, now she was getting into touchy territory, better watch her words here... "The way the two of you spoke with him told me you were familiar with him, and that let me place him in a sort of part of my mind that says, 'This one matters. Pay attention.' I saw him as someone much more familiar with this world, and a lot more powerful than all of us, but then we went shopping and I learned even more about him. It uh, probably helped some that I was mostly laughing at his antics during that King's game we played that night. Tried not to let it show too much, sorry. Anyway... that whole thing with Hades showed he could be responible for things that weren't his fault, and showed he had secrets of his own which I could relate to. It also showed that I should try to keep him around because a: he made things interesting, and b: I could learn more about Chemists and how to help the group as a whole. That part's really important now, you know?" She fell silent for a bit, slowing to a stop, before starting again. "My next big interaction with him was after the facility, after Leviathan in fact. I knew what we were doing with his bag was wrong, but I was curious too, and still saw him as one of the more powerful in the group. Seeing him come in dead tired was... kind of worrying in implications, so I tried to help him too. I knew it could break whatever trust you had in me to tell him you had the pendant, but it was his bag and he had a right to know, and he had mentioned holding back his Trance, and that was how I had learned about all of that. He trusted me with that knowledge, because I didn't try to lie to him." Aislin glanced back at Mizuki finally, noticing that she was still there after all of that, but she wasn't quite done just yet. "The three of you can all relate to each other, but as the outsider I could see what held you all back from being open to each other, and everything that's happened since then has shown me one really important thing." Aha, now she's found the answer. Aislin finally turned and walked back over to Mizuki, taking one of her hands between hers. "Mizuki, what you, Rikazu, Rowan, everyone has been showing me all along is that it's okay to be myself here. I can trust you all and not have to expect some kind of eventual betrayal happen. I can, I'm allowed, even expected to help, and that's... that's big. That's like the greatest chance ever to happen to me and I just, I want you all to be okay too. You're all important to me now, and I want to help, I want to trust. You know?" Finally, finally Aislin could stop talking. She had indeed found the answer to why everything was so important now, although now she had tears running down her face along with a smile. She took one hand away to try and wipe her eyes. "Ah geez, I shouldn't be crying from this. Sorry, Mizuki. Sorry Carbuncle." She kept the smile on though. "The answer to your question is, because I did my best to be truthful and honest to him back then, he's decided to place his trust in me. And, I can trust him in return. I can trust him, and you, and yes, even Kuja, and if I go any further I'll be repeating myself." Aislin was certainly in a joyful mood this morning, if the small laughter in the last few words were any indication.

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