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Single post in Chronicles of Gaia (RP)

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Hikari's AvatarHikari
Hikari's Avatar
When the group arrived at the farm safely, Rikazu had finally relinquished his hold on Mizuki's wrist. Although the blue-haired mage had feigned ignorance about the farm before, it wasn't his first time here. This time though... "Right, I'll go inspect the crops, see what exactly it is we're looking at here", he mentioned. "If you two feel up to it, perhaps you could lend a hand here on the farm while you wait." And with that, Rikazu was off, his way quickly made towards said crops and the farmer attending to them. "Benny", he gave a small, acknowledging nod to the farmer, before gazing at the beans in front of him. "So, this is what they're like when they're fully grown..." He raised an eyebrow as he knelt down to look at them more closely. "They really don't look ripe at all, huh?" "It's been a while, Rikazu", the farmer responded. "They're ready to be harvested. Try one if you wish, you look like you could really use it." Rikazu nodded, carefully picking one of the beans and eating it. The first thing that surprised him was the taste, definitely not like a bean at all. The second thing was how quickly it filled his stomach, and lastly how quickly it refilled his energy. "That's amazing." 'No wonder Celere made us check these out...though it's no good, I don't think these will help me lift the kid's curse either...but maybe...' Rockna had set Kuja back on the ground, away from where Bora and Kefka had been fighting. The silver-haired Genome let out a pained groan, though it was soon replaced by a small smile. "Mizuki asked you to come?" he paused. "How is she doing? ...Must be having the time of her life with Rikazu around." "They're...well, they got into quite the explosive fight earlier, but they seem to be working through it slowly, with some help from Aislin", Rockna responded. "The rest you should ask her when you see her again. I need to head back." "Leaving so soon? Can't you at least heal me before you go?" Kuja asked. "Not a chance. Use the healing items you're trying to hide", Rockna smiled mischievously before teleporting off again.
Image is official art from Dissidia: Final Fantasy.
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