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Single post in Chronicles of Gaia (RP)

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Hikari's AvatarHikari
Hikari's Avatar
The two blue-haired mages had walked on in silence for quite some time, the only notable sound being the crunching of snow beneath their feet. Rikazu had never let go of Mizuki's wrist after all; surprisingly enough the younger female hadn't even protested. Perhaps she was just still too distracted by the thought of Kuja being in some kind of trouble, or perhaps she'd been thinking about what he told her. Either way, the lack of hostility towards him was refreshing. "It shouldn't be much further now, but do keep your eyes open, it really wouldn't surprise me if there were more monsters lurking in the area", Rikazu spoke. It had already been a miracle that nothing had attacked them so far. Lynn had been wandering about Mt. Ebott on her own for quite a while now, deeply lost in thought after having chatted with one of the Monsters in the area. She was surprised that they'd offered to listen to her worries, despite only just having met. Though despite having voiced said worries, the female redhead was still feeling insecure. Not paying much attention to where she was going, it didn't take long for Lynn to bump into someone - a male with purple hair. Labrador had just been on his way to leave after having managed to speak with Toré. "Oh, I'm sorry!" Lynn spoke swiftly. Labrador didn't seem very bothered by the female having bumped into him, instead offering her a kind smile. "That's quite alright." 'No doubt she's still thinking about her purpose in this group and how to get home', Labrador thought to himself. "You seem like you have something on your mind. Do you need someone to talk to? I think I can help you figure out what it is you want." Lynn seemed quite startled by his words. "I--what? How did you..? Never mind...err, well..." She was unsure what to think of this male. Though...he seemed rather harmless. Way to start a conversation though...he was definitely strange. Then again, most people in this place seemed quite kind and willing to help, though he didn't exactly seem like one of the Monsters living here. "I've already spoken to someone else about this too, but...I guess it wouldn't hurt to hear another opinion, since I'm still feeling uncertain..."
Image is official art from Dissidia: Final Fantasy.
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