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PokéFarm "Reboot"

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Gallevoir's Avatarhypermode-12.pngGallevoir
Gallevoir's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Finnfern

QUOTE originally posted by Duckbug

QUOTE originally posted by CheekyMoomoo

When does it end? How many times can you reboot a game?
Pokémon has had 31 (going on 33) games, all with the same core gameplay elements, which required you to restart rather than build on the progress of the last game. You were saying?
Yes, but original Pokemon games don't require you to get the dex entry of the pokemon you want to transfer over. original pokemon doesn't have 1000+ pokemon either...
It's got 800 or so, so it's pretty much almost there. I see your point, though
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QUOTE originally posted by Duckbug

QUOTE originally posted by CheekyMoomoo

When does it end? How many times can you reboot a game?
Pokémon has had 31 (going on 33) games, all with the same core gameplay elements, which required you to restart rather than build on the progress of the last game. You were saying?
How on earth is that comparable to this situation? At least you could always keep your old saves on older games and for the most part trade freely between games. They were new game experiences, not reboots of the same original game with redesigned menus.
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Gallagher's AvatarGallagher
Gallagher's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by StellaDaneb

Very unpopular opinion: I honestly dont think we should be allowed to transfer anything. Pokemon, items, currency, profiles. If we are able to just tranfer everything, we will have some of the same issues we have here. I remember when it cost nearly 200 gp to buy a shiny starter. Now you can get it for 50 gp. The reboot will be a good thing
I don't necessarily disagree. If it was a total reboot, it would still be upsetting, as all game/website closures are, but just like all game/website closures, there could be a grand old "everything is pointless" party until the new game happens, then the people that are gonna stay can hop on over and the ones that won't can drop. This middle ground is what makes things especially upsetting to me. It's trying to retain specific kinds of transfers that will mostly benefit specific kinds of players and may very well have long term effects on the game that cannot be accounted for, such as an upset to the economy or the overall rarity of certain Pokemon. If we're interested in wiping the slate clean here, then it needs to ACTUALLY be wiped clean. Otherwise, it seems like a lot more consideration needs to be put towards how the current plans will affect players aside from those with serious Shiny/Albino/Melan collections. There's lots of reasons to play this game, and it feels like only one is really benefitting from the current plans for transfers.
YouGoeKha's AvatarYouGoeKha
YouGoeKha's Avatar
First of all. I would not mind that much to start over filling the dex again and would be open for something new. It is also fine, if we are able to transfer Pokemon over. So thats okay too, since nothing is lost. However, what bothers me is the following:

QUOTE originally posted by Niet

Items and currency may be a little harder, so I can't 100% confirm whether they will be transferrable just yet, but I will see what I can do.
I understood that it is not 100% sure yet. But it basically says, that we might loose everything besides the Pokemon we will be able to transfer. What about ZC, which people spend money on? What about key items like the Shiny Charm (Box) or the Shelter Pass ★, which are hard to get, if you do not spend real money? What about Summons people collected over a long time for a Legend hunt? Personally I just started to collect some for a Mewtwo hunt. Probably won't do it now anymore now! So to sum this up shortly, I would be up for something new, even if it would mean to fill up the dex again (even though it took a very long time to get there). But there has to be a guarantee, that we will not loose everything else. Either those things should also be transferrable (like Pokemon). Or at least those should be convertable in ZC (or whatever currency there will be), which gives us the possibility to get those things back instantly on the reboot. Otherwise all the progress from months or even years would just feel like a waste of time.
KilalaMikal's Avatarhypermode-12.pngKilalaMikal
KilalaMikal's Avatar
I'm both excited and worried about this. I know it's still only in early development, and I know that Niet is working on maybe bringing items over. My biggest question is what about our ZC? I spent extra money at tax time just to get a full year's worth of hypermode, a shiny charm box, shiny charms, and a year's worth of uber charms. I spent a significant amount of real life cash on these things, and if nothing else compensation for these items would be more motivation to play on the new site. I worked so hard to get Arceus rank and maintain it, along with my wishforge badges that I'm working on. And a trinket of some sort to commemorate that hard work on the new site would be amazing. Especially with everything that's been invested into pfq. I'm hopeful for the new site, tho. I want it to be just as addicting as this site is for me. I want it to have the same amazing sense of community that I've come to adore here. And I know that I'll eventually come around to the new site, just like I eventually did to pfq from pf1.
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Lv. 89 — Locked
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Bitter food
Happiness MAX
Sassy nature
Lv. 63 — 4,854 / 12,097
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Any food
Happiness 27%
Quirky nature
Pfp by Me She/her or they/them. Call me Mika, Kil, Kila, Kilala, or Mikal. Send me jokes, puns, and memes! Funny things recieved: 13
Helly25's AvatarHelly25
Helly25's Avatar
I am super happy I never invested any money up to this point, I was planning to buy a year's worth of Hypermode but I definitely don't feel motivated to anymore.. :(
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Corviknight's AvatarCorviknight
Corviknight's Avatar
Wow. This is... completely unexpected to me. I do and don't understand the necessity of a fresh start. The market is so horrible that there's only a couple reliable ways to make money, and there's really no way to reverse this at this point in time without a either a huge nerf in special odds or a complete restart. However, this is the second time this has happened-- the first was understandable as PF1 had an extremely different interface and lacked a lot of features and whatnot that we have today. For this next PF, I'm not really seeing an objective improvement in layout thus far, although I suppose that's subject to opinion. What's most worrying is the potential of a large change in gameplay that seems to be promised heavily, as myself and others enjoy this site for its mindless clicking, I think. Quests are nice every once and a while, but a heavy reliance on them for gameplay would not be appealing to me personally, as I usually don't care to read through them. Now, I know that's just my opinion, but I'd wager many others hold similar opinions if they've stuck around for this long. So between having to restart with account fundamentals (ie. Pokedex, badges, items) for a second time and a complete shift in gameplay, I'm somewhat hesitant to be positive about the creation of this reboot. However, I think that if the economy is handled more delicately, that could be actually worthwhile in creating a more enjoyable experience for starters and veterans alike.
official project sekai art; icon is official TCG art
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Wrathion's AvatarWrathion
Wrathion's Avatar
So all the items myself and other people have spent real money on to get ahead and Melan hunt will just be useless after the reboot? I don't really like that part. At least my Pokemon will be transferable but I've invested a lot of time and money to be able to hunt well and that's going to be wasted eventually.
Terabbit's Avatarhypermode-12.pngTerabbit
Terabbit's Avatar
Im not going to lie. A little bit sad. The reboot of pf1 to pfq Is why i left the first time not sure how to feel about this.
Background drawn by DestinySquared on twitter OCs belong to myself and axelbby based off Mass Effect F2U code by Gumshoe Icon by me

QUOTE originally posted by Leomon2004

The only thing that bothers me is the transfering stuff over. In order for me to transfer say a Shiny Charizard over I have to hatch a Shiny Charmander and level it up. Whats the point of transfering if in order to transfer you need to obtain the same Pokémon in the new site?
Wrong. Just get a normal Charizard~

QUOTE originally posted by seji

Wait, what about the people with the 1k+ chains? Are they just going to break? Are we keeping our hypermode?
In terms of the whole 'item transfer' thing, pending that there's no such issues, we're actively considering the idea of giving people a free "PR Memory stick" to transfer over to the reboot. Or something like that! tldr: There would be a way! --- Quick fire round! "All" means "all". Data doesn't work the way that a number of people seem to think it works. Many suggestions put forward will not work on a fundamental level. This will take considerably longer than a month. @Camwoodstock

QUOTE originally posted by First post

Even then, the current PFQ will be kept running for as long as it remains practical to do so, allowing you to finish any goals you had previously set before transferring over. And even when PFQ is eventually closed to make the Reboot the "only" version, all data will be kept forever until transferred. So don't panic :)
Please read the first post. If you think we're going to delete the purchases that people have made - you're wrong. Nobody's information is being "erased", it is simply new data - which can be added to. The present data is staying available for as long as possible, which is basically indefinite so long as it's not a loss for us to maintain it. And it doesn't cost us much to maintain it c: Items should be transferable but Niet doesn't want to say "100% yes" to everything when he hasn't got there yet, just in case he comes in to an issue that he can't resolve. If he comes across an issue he CAN resolve then he will do his best to do so. If he fails to fix the issue due to not knowing how to do it yet, he will revisit it at a later date when he knows more. Same goes for GP and Credits but they should be pretty much guaranteed. ZC, GP and Credits are basically just numbers - they are not comparable to items, which are significantly more complex, hence the potential issues. Especially considering each item does something different. Transfer is available permanently. Anyone saying otherwise is false. Transfer in the main games has been hidden behind completing the main story for quite a while (I'm not certain on this one but that is what Niet has said to me - if that's wrong, let me know so I can yell at him). There is no interest in "wiping the slate clean". But, I mean, if that's preferred then we could do that? I don't think it is preferred, though. Please either don't overreact or don't post. A lot of this is false conjecture and we've shut threads down for this before. Please don't make us have to do it again. Obviously asking questions is fine - but don't put forth something false as fact and then scream about it - because you would be wrong to be doing that.

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