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Site Skins: How-To, and Helpful CSS

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DrWho's AvatarDrWho
DrWho's Avatar
Edit: Removed - I posted a script but it has a fault. You may get a click in before it skips to the next user so you may leave a 1-click unintended. I'm so sorry I didn't test this before. Please don't use this script!
Avatar by Kaelwolfur. Sent from my PokéNav
Anom's AvatarAnom
Anom's Avatar
Halleo again, I have no experience in coding so I'm asking you guys if you knew how to turn About Me's into [hide=] boxes. I find About Me's to be kind of distracting but I don't want to outright delete them, so I think this would be a good comprimise. Hope this isn't asking too much. Thanks in advance.
Corviknight's AvatarCorviknight
Corviknight's Avatar
That's not possible with CSS. For me, a good compromise is to hide abouts on multiuser profiles (set as 'display:none') and keep them on regular profiles so that I can see them.
official project sekai art; icon is official TCG art
he/him + 22 + cst
Hi there ! I was wondering if there was some sort of extra CSS for only finding starter pkmn (the one with the bulb) in the shelter ? besides the Tampermonkey one ..

"Robots are machines that follow orders. I'm a machine that doesn't, so what does that make me?"

Dracojax's AvatarDracojax
Dracojax's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by RowletPrincess

Hi there ! I was wondering if there was some sort of extra CSS for only finding starter pkmn (the one with the bulb) in the shelter ? besides the Tampermonkey one ..
Someone posted this code at one point but I cannot remember who or where. It highlights all special symbol pokemon in shelter (only had helix show up for me so far with a large helix over the pokemon)


#shelterarea .pokemon+.tooltip_content{display:block;visibility:hidden}#shelterarea .pokemon.lock+.tooltip_content,#shelterarea .pokemon:hover+.tooltip_content{visibility:visible}#shelterarea:not(.selected) .pokemon+.tooltip_content img:not([src*=gender]){visibility:visible;float:left;transform:scale(10);opacity:.75;transform-origin:bottom left;-ms-interpolation-mode:nearest-neighbor;image-rendering:-moz-crisp-edges;image-rendering:pixelated;touch-action:none;pointer-events:none}
For my shop click here
Oh thank you !!
Corviknight's AvatarCorviknight
Corviknight's Avatar
For Starter Bulb pokemon only, try this.

#shelterarea .pokemon+.tooltip_content{display:block;visibility:hidden}#shelterarea .pokemon.lock+.tooltip_content,#shelterarea .pokemon:hover+.tooltip_content{visibility:visible}#shelterarea:not(.selected) .pokemon+.tooltip_content img[src*=starter]{visibility:visible;float:left;transform:scale(10);opacity:.75;transform-origin:bottom left;-ms-interpolation-mode:nearest-neighbor;image-rendering:-moz-crisp-edges;image-rendering:pixelated;touch-action:none;pointer-events:none}

QUOTE originally posted by Gladion

For Starter Bulb pokemon only, try this.

#shelterarea .pokemon+.tooltip_content{display:block;visibility:hidden}#shelterarea .pokemon.lock+.tooltip_content,#shelterarea .pokemon:hover+.tooltip_content{visibility:visible}#shelterarea:not(.selected) .pokemon+.tooltip_content img[src*=starter]{visibility:visible;float:left;transform:scale(10);opacity:.75;transform-origin:bottom left;-ms-interpolation-mode:nearest-neighbor;image-rendering:-moz-crisp-edges;image-rendering:pixelated;touch-action:none;pointer-events:none}
Thanks Gladion !!
DrWho's AvatarDrWho
DrWho's Avatar
The show/hide menu button on about mes toggles a class name so you can use that to make the about me a hide box. The usual menu (Send Message/Nice/Report) is shown at the bottom of the about in expanded mode. This does not work in multiuser mode though because multiuser abouts don't have menu icons.


/* #content > #profilepage to ensure this only runs on single profile pages, not in multiuser */ #content > #profilepage #aboutme { max-height: 0; overflow: hidden; display: flex; flex-flow: column nowrap; transition: max-height 0.4s ease-in-out; } #content > #profilepage #aboutme > .bbcode { order: -1; margin-bottom: 0.75rem; } #content > #profilepage #aboutbox.menu > #aboutme { max-height: 2000px; } /* make whole header act as toggle */ #content > #profilepage #aboutbox > h3 { display: flex; position: relative; } #content > #profilepage #aboutbox > h3:after { display: flex; align-items: center; content: "▶"; transform-origin: 50% 50%; font-size: 0.75em; margin-left: 8px; transition: 0.4s; } #content > #profilepage #aboutbox.menu > h3:after { transform: rotate(90deg); } #content > #profilepage #aboutbox > h3 > a { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } #content > #profilepage #aboutbox > h3 > a > .menu_icon, #content > #profilepage #aboutbox > h3 > a:before, #content > #profilepage #aboutbox > h3 > a:after { display: none; } /* reduce stutter */ #content > #profilepage #aboutbox > div > .menu { display: block; margin-bottom: 0; }


BlueSaphire's AvatarBlueSaphire
BlueSaphire's Avatar
Not sure if this has been asked before, but can you have different skins made to switch between them? If so is there a limited number you can have saved to you profile?

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