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Single post in Site Skins: How-To, and Helpful CSS

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QUOTE originally posted by RowletPrincess

Hi there ! I was wondering if there was some sort of extra CSS for only finding starter pkmn (the one with the bulb) in the shelter ? besides the Tampermonkey one ..
Someone posted this code at one point but I cannot remember who or where. It highlights all special symbol pokemon in shelter (only had helix show up for me so far with a large helix over the pokemon)


#shelterarea .pokemon+.tooltip_content{display:block;visibility:hidden}#shelterarea .pokemon.lock+.tooltip_content,#shelterarea .pokemon:hover+.tooltip_content{visibility:visible}#shelterarea:not(.selected) .pokemon+.tooltip_content img:not([src*=gender]){visibility:visible;float:left;transform:scale(10);opacity:.75;transform-origin:bottom left;-ms-interpolation-mode:nearest-neighbor;image-rendering:-moz-crisp-edges;image-rendering:pixelated;touch-action:none;pointer-events:none}
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