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MCA - Mass Click Association [Open!]

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VoidDaddy's Avatarhypermode-12.pngVoidDaddy
VoidDaddy's Avatar
Hiya! Call me Void. I'm a mass clicker which tries to be online every day that I can. My mass-clicks are rather sporadic and non-consistent. But I do try my best! My username used to be W-D-Gaster in case people recognise my old username. I currently have over 1k pokemon in my fields, but only around 800 are S+S. I now have over 1k in S+S fields, with only a handful of fields that are not Sorted, but ARE stacked! Most of my mass clicking is either for accquaintences, hunting for Pokerus, or just because I feel like it / wanting to hatch some eggs quicker. I try to return mass clicks as much as I can.

✨ My Farm ✨

Heya! Just call me Void! I'm not online a lot as I'll usually be busy with drawing, gaming, or playing D&D 5e.
Score: 0
Sammniam2's AvatarSammniam2
Sammniam2's Avatar
Hello 😊 I am Sammn I am Too (2). I'm a silly werido, but friendly... I promise! I try to mass click daily, but weekends are hard (work & days off). I typically get bwt 10k-31k a day. I have my own fav clickers & I try my best to return what others do for me (although, I don't click UFT poke's... People are selling them & they are normally lvl locked, so I feel bad clicking to level them). I currently have 1500 +/-, but it can drop to around 1k if I'm switching hunts. I have more in hidden fields (my living DEX) which I sometimes unlock. Most of my fields are S/S, some are sorted, a few random. I do try to label fields if they aren't S/S, so people can skip as they please. OK, bye 👋
Hello everyone my name is Goldenrod7. I have 916 pokemon as I recently emptied fields and I try to keep them sorted and stacked.
Avatar made by Evipona. 1.pngGo check out their shop here. Melanin, Albino & Shiny Bait Archive/Shop
Zerame's AvatarZerame
Zerame's Avatar
Hello, I'm Zerame! My fields are sorted S+S mostly, (They were originally just sorted). I have 1,869 Pokémon currently. I don't really mass click that often. I do hoard some pokemon though(Torchic, Eevee, Volpix, Dragon Types), and am online everyday mostly.
  • My Starter~
  • Holiday fun~
  • My Goals
  • Patterns
  • My Hoards
Lv. 58 — 2,815 / 10,665
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Dry food
Happiness MAX
Rash nature
My Starter~

Goal 1

I'm currently on a journey to fill in the pokedex! Overall Eggdex 83% Normaldex 72%

Goal 2

Getting the next Shelter Pass"shelterpass6.png"...
× 132 / 1,000
My Vivillon Pattern is a.png
Polar Pattern
^(Free if requested)^ My Maravol pattern is e.png
Robinsoni Pattern
^(Cost for one is 120)^
I'm Hoarding: k.pngz.pnga.png
Torchic Line
Eevee Line
Vulpix Line
Dragon Types
ALKALi's Avatar
Hi everyone! I'm Alkali, but you can also call me ricki. I have ~2700 Pokemon in S+S fields, or about 3300 Pokemon in total. I am not currently trying to expand any hoards. If you happen to see me online, feel free to shoot me a PM and I'll click some of your fields!

My old clicklist

I'm rather inactive these days, as are most of the people on this list (as far as I know). I'm keeping the list here more as a legacy thing, but when I am online I'll probably just click whoever. The list:
  1. D33RG0D5
  2. SweetSerenity
  3. Caramel Lyth
I'll pretty this post up later :P
Formerly DuskAurora. Avatar by Kaenith (Tumblr). Permission. Originally posted here.
ToraOkami303's AvatarToraOkami303
ToraOkami303's Avatar
Hello all~ I am Tora I try to be active at least once a day though I get distracted a lot. I have about 1367 pokemon in S+S fields, though my Liepards are actually just Stacked since they aren't numberous enough yet to justify buying them 4 more fields to be S+S. I actually have a little over 2000 pokemon total but I'll probably never commit to sorting my entire collection in S+S so I've hidden most of my Random Sorted Fields. If you have any Lucario, Zoroark, Mimikyu and Liepards you don't want anymore feel free to send them my way :) I'm not good at doing a list of people to click but if you need some mass clicking to evolve pokemon for a mission PM me and I'll try to click you ^.^
Icon made by Gundam Tanaka
shyshy's Avatarshyshy
shyshy's Avatar
Hey I'm shy! I'm not on as often as I would like because of school, however I do like to massclick when I can^^ My fields are S&S with 2700+ pokemon
Sable's AvatarSable
Sable's Avatar
Hey guys! I'm Sable. I actively hoard Buneary and Lopunny, with a small side hoard of Vivillon. At the moment I have slightly over 3500 pokemon that are S&S, most of them my hoards. I have a few fields that are only sorted, my dex fields, but that should be changing to stacked soon. Glad to be here!
🌟 Sable's Swap 'n' Shop 🌟 ⭐ Shiny Live Dex ⭐ ✨ Special Dexing Directory ✨ My Melans m.png | 5.png | m.png | r.png | 2.png | n.png | 1.png | z.png Avatar made by me. .
Suríya's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSuríya
Suríya's Avatar
Heya everyone! Since my current project is related to my mass clicking I figured I would post here for everyone's help! I am working on updating and adding people to my Mass Click List of Doom and I need users whose clickable population of pokemon is 45OO or less. If you, or your friends, or someone you click or whatever, is under that number please feel free to suggest them for being added! I want to fill out each tier with 8 people in each column. As you can see, that's quite a bit of users I want to add! :D I don't update my list very often so this is a chance to get on it if you want to be. I know there is a LARGE following if people who use this list so it's also a way to get your Wishforges clicked as well. Win/win!
Current Hunt: Lunatone Chain Length: 2401 — Shiny Total: 41 — Melans: 0/1
All UFT pokemon can be found in my fields. No trade PMs please.
Aemilia's Avatarhypermode-12.pngAemilia
Aemilia's Avatar
Hiya Suri! I've got just over 4.4k Pokemon displayed if you still need that amount for a column~
Buying: summon_los.png BSDs 20 ZC summon_nec.png Prisms 70 ZC
Icons/Template by Aemilia

by Kaede

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