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RedCydranth's AvatarRedCydranth
RedCydranth's Avatar
Many Kalos sprites are not yet finished. This game is in beta and some things are still being worked on. The first post of this page does explain it, but for some reason Sei's image has been broken. I'll see if I can prod our wonderful mod into fixing it. Woo! That kinda rhymed.
Signature by Naiyala
KikiTheCat's AvatarKikiTheCat
KikiTheCat's Avatar
There's an error with the Floette evolution sprite thingy. I'm going to put this in a double hide box because it might count as a spoiler.

Evolution Spoiler

Are you sure?

This is what shows up when I give my Floette a shiny stone. Before it would show the usual question mark for the Florges that doesn't have a sprite yet. This is the second (and third, actually) time this has happened. The first time it evolved perfectly fine. I haven't evolved this one and the other one yet.
Sableye hunt has begun~! [Avatar Made Here][MCA Post][The Hoarders Association][Kiki's Hunts - A Trade Shop]
Background by KikiTheCat - Free to use - Sableye image is official image retrieved on PokeStatium - All sprites by Kiki
Sei's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSei
Sei's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by KikiTheCat

There's an error with the Floette evolution sprite thingy. I'm going to put this in a double hide box because it might count as a spoiler.

Evolution Spoiler

Are you sure?

This is what shows up when I give my Floette a shiny stone. Before it would show the usual question mark for the Florges that doesn't have a sprite yet. This is the second (and third, actually) time this has happened. The first time it evolved perfectly fine. I haven't evolved this one and the other one yet.
Hm. Fairly certain I've reported this to Niet. I'll poke him about it again though. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Avatar: Novie

QUOTE originally posted by Sei

QUOTE originally posted by KikiTheCat

There's an error with the Floette evolution sprite thingy. I'm going to put this in a double hide box because it might count as a spoiler.

Evolution Spoiler

Are you sure?

This is what shows up when I give my Floette a shiny stone. Before it would show the usual question mark for the Florges that doesn't have a sprite yet. This is the second (and third, actually) time this has happened. The first time it evolved perfectly fine. I haven't evolved this one and the other one yet.
Hm. Fairly certain I've reported this to Niet. I'll poke him about it again though. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
just fyi, the same thing is happening to Flabébé as well. the red one in my case this time.
Avatar art drawn by Duchesslunaire
Full Incense

Full Incense


(item.png: 0)

An exotic-smelling incense that gives a feeling of being bloated.

Sells for 48,000

Lv. 100 — +111,094,228
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Any food
Happiness MAX
Hardy nature
Oro's AvatarOro
Oro's Avatar
Please correct me if I am wrong, but has Trevenant's sprite just been added? Because I recalled it being only a "?" (the one for Pokémon who haven't got a sprite yet) last time I had seen it, and now it seems to have its own sprite. However, this is what I see as of now:

Field view (click to see screenshot)

PokéDex (click to see screenshot)

If I simply ran into something that was already worked onto and thus you were already aware of it I apologize, I just thought that reporting it on this thread was the right thing to do. EDIT: and it looks just fine now both in fields and Dex o.O Must have been my computer acting up, sorry for the false alarm :(
KikiTheCat's AvatarKikiTheCat
KikiTheCat's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Oro

Please correct me if I am wrong, but has Trevenant's sprite just been added? Because I recalled it being only a "?" (the one for Pokémon who haven't got a sprite yet) last time I had seen it, and now it seems to have its own sprite. However, this is what I see as of now:

Field view (click to see screenshot)

PokéDex (click to see screenshot)

If I simply ran into something that was already worked onto and thus you were already aware of it I apologize, I just thought that reporting it on this thread was the right thing to do. EDIT: and it looks just fine now both in fields and Dex o.O Must have been my computer acting up, sorry for the false alarm :(
I'm probably wrong, but that could be that new variation of Pokemon talked about in the big announcement. But when I checked the big announcement, it hadn't been checked off as complete. (But if that is the new variation then it looks really cool. X3)
Eltafez's Avatarhypermode-12.pngEltafez
Eltafez's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by KikiTheCat

QUOTE originally posted by Oro

Please correct me if I am wrong, but has Trevenant's sprite just been added? Because I recalled it being only a "?" (the one for Pokémon who haven't got a sprite yet) last time I had seen it, and now it seems to have its own sprite. However, this is what I see as of now:

Field view (click to see screenshot)

PokéDex (click to see screenshot)

If I simply ran into something that was already worked onto and thus you were already aware of it I apologize, I just thought that reporting it on this thread was the right thing to do. EDIT: and it looks just fine now both in fields and Dex o.O Must have been my computer acting up, sorry for the false alarm :(
I'm probably wrong, but that could be that new variation of Pokemon talked about in the big announcement. But when I checked the big announcement, it hadn't been checked off as complete. (But if that is the new variation then it looks really cool. X3)
Actually, that's Sei at work on spriting! You just caught her experimenting with the size. xD
Avatar by me for my personal use only.


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Template © Eltafez
Oro's AvatarOro
Oro's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by KikiTheCat

I'm probably wrong, but that could be that new variation of Pokemon talked about in the big announcement. But when I checked the big announcement, it hadn't been checked off as complete. (But if that is the new variation then it looks really cool. X3)
Gosh, I hope it isn't, because if that's the case not only I reported something that only lasted few minutes (assuming it didn't only happen on my browser), but I'd have ended up revealing major spoilers by accident T.T EDIT: Oh, good to know Elta! ^^'
Sei's Avatarhypermode-12.pngSei
Sei's Avatar
Hehe.. here, have more WIPs of the sprite:

finished rainbowy outline!?

That's kinda hyooge, Sei..

All butter =D.. but it's blurry, lol.

Finished product

Oro's AvatarOro
Oro's Avatar
Splendid *__* I love the shading on the finished sprite, keep up the great work!

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