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How To Set Up A Trade Shop|| Tips & Tricks[Under Construction]

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  • So...
  • Before Diving In...
  • You Should Probably Know...
Hi, whoever's reading this ^^ I'm Star. First of all, this tab is just going to be me rambling on and on about my experiences/maybe some minor tips so if you want to just skip to the content that -----> tab over there named "Before Diving In..." is probably what you want to skip to. If not, let's begin! You probably clicked on this guide because you're thinking about setting up a trade shop. Then you realized, "Ooops, I don't know how to do that." Upon that realization, you decided you needed wisdom. Therefore, you came to the guides forum and checked this out. If that's not your case, perhaps you own a trade shop. Or maybe you were just bored and this looked interesting. The thing is, when you're still a rather new player, you learn the ropes right? Then you realize, "I'm gonna start dexing!". After a bunch of stuff happens, most of us go, "Hey, I want a Pokeradar." I had no idea what the heck a Pokeradar was. I didn't know what S/A/M was. But I knew I had to get one. Then I realized my credit stores were rather...low. Ooops. So I took a quick visit to the forums and realized that I should start a shop. And the easiest one is a Trade Shop! And so I decided to make a trade shop. Well, first of all, I didn't know about the existence of templates, so I was really confused why everybody's post looked so fancy and how to make it look that fancy. I later learned about CSS and BBCode and all that solid stuff but that's for another time. Anyway, I spent TWO MONTHS writing just the raw BBCode. Then I had to start over. This time, I was armed with the knowledge of F2u templates...but that's for much later. The point is, a trade shop can take a bit of time to code, with anywhere between two weeks and five months. Or maybe six. If you want a quick and easy trade, the Trade Forum might be a better idea. If you want something long-lasting and more permanent, a Trade Shop is a good idea. So before diving into this guide, you first ask yourself one question: Why am I doing this? This is a fairly good question, even though it is quite simple. It will help you determine whether you should use the trade forum or the trade shop forum. If... -You need little money in a short time -You don't need a continous source -You just have something you want off your hands Then the Trade Forum might be a better option. Or, if you don't think people will actually buy whatever you have, use the Market. It's a quick and surefire way to get money, fast. But... -If you need lots of money for a goal that isn't going anywhere - the Pokeradar for example -You need a continous income -You don't have any good stock right now but maybe in the future... Then a Trade Shop is a good idea. We'll dive deeper into the Market and Trade Forums later. I won't be explaining what the two can do on their own, rather what they can do to help your trade shop, so if you are looking for focused and detailed information on either of those, this isn't the guide for you. Now, with those in mind, we can continue!
Before we continue, I would like to explain some rules and tips. Please do read these! 1. While this thread is for things regarding trade shops, please do not just pop in with a "How's this?". You will be ignored. If you ask, "What could I improve on?" I will answer you ^^ That being said, if you ask me "Why am I not getting customers," that's basically asking for "constructive" criticsm, so please don't react rudely or aggressively. I will try my best to be polite in return ^w^ (in fact please tell me if I'm being rude) 2. These are based off of my experiences. Anything otherwise is will be noted by me. A lot of other guides could be helpful, so I will be linking :D And now, for the tips... 1. Make your trade shop on a chromebook. Or anything easy to type on in general. It will save your fingers. A lot. You do not want to do this on your phone. Believe me, writing code(or even just long spiels of text) will make your fingers DIE. 2. Keep a BBCode Guide by you. We'll go into the coding part of this later, but please do that. Any and all that applies to Pokefarm worked. I didn't know the inventory self-updating code and manually updated EVERYTHING. It. Is. A. Pain. Please keep a bbcode guide. 3. Look at other people's trade shops. This is extremely important. Other than the fact you can grasp the pricing and what's in demand, you can get ideas for layouts and perhaps pick up an f2u template while you're at it. I also pick up the occasional s/a/d 'mon in shops - only to be resold in my shop. You never know when you could pick up a deal! 4. If you have completely zero idea what I'm talking about, its probably a good idea to familiarize yourself with the forums. See that tempting link that says, "Forums"? Yep. Click that and if you can afford it, please scroll around and familiarize yourself. Cele wrote a guide here for newbies. I highly reccomend you read it - it has VERY important information about PFQ in general. Reading it will help you a lot. Another good idea is to check the PFQ Wiki - that's the "Help" link at the top left corner of your screen, below your username and by "Clickback". For those of you who still can't find it, I have a link here. It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the wiki too - it helps with BBCode a lot. Speaking of which, I should have a post talking about BBCode...
Alright, before offically diving in, here's a Table of Contents!
Introduction ...... 1 BBCode: The Thing Nobody Told Me and You Should Probably Know About ..... 2
Star | She/Her | Psychopath
summon_dce.png x 500 summon_jir.png x 500
Sells a variety of things!
Full credits here. PFP => Salty_Lightning on Pinterest Button => Kaelwolfur

BBCode: The Thing Nobody Told Me About and You Should Probably Know

  • Huh?
  • How?
  • And...
If "Huh?" is your current thought right now, you have a lot to learn. Before we start, this is mostly for newbies, so if you are already familiar with BBCode, you can probably skip this. So, BBCode. If you are from U.S.A., or IDK, somewhere else in the world where they don't use BBCode that often...you're probably thinking that unless you've been on the game for quite some time. There is an entire BBCode guide in the wiki, and even more in the forums. BUT some people don't like the forums. SOME PEOPLE don't want to click the words bolded in the top left corner of the screen. SOME PEOPLE are just utterly clueless. So I actually PM'd this nice person and he told me about the guide and BBCode and all that stuff. I quickly learned a couple of facts: 1. BBCode, is in fact, a coding language. 2. BBCode seems pretty easy to use. 3. BBCode is awesome! Okay the last one is kind-of a joke, but its true. While you can write without any BBCode of sorts - just text - you probably will, in some cases or another. See, if you want tabs, like these, you will need to use BBCode. If you want an accordion hidebox, you will need those. There are two pretty reliable places where you can learn about BBCode - and I recommend reading it from there because there are special codes that only apply to Pokefarm. The first guide is always the wiki - the article here gives an example of each code and the actual code. Extremely useful. The other one Meu's A Somewhat Extensive Guide to BBCode. It can be found here. It's extremely detailed and a great guide. Easy to understand too. I'm not going to into the specifics, but BBCode is useful when making a shop - you should embrace BBCode. It is now your life!
Ah, if you are asking this question(How?), then you're on the right track. Better than "Huh?". So, the three main BBCodes I've seen people use(and I personally use) are called Accordion Hideboxes/Hideboxes, just Tables and Tabs. Tabs look like this:
  • Tabby
  • Tab
  • Tab!
This is tabby. She's lonely.
Here comes tab...
And tab! with the explanation mark.
...and currently what I'm using. This is an accordion hidebox:




These are hideboxes:




This is a table:
Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
cell 1 cell 2 cell 3
cell 4 cell 5 cell 6
These are mostly for organization and a must-need in any shop. So now that you know about the existence of BBCode(whee!), your fingers will be saved! Yippe!
To tell the truth, you won't be using this section of the guide until you are actually building your trade shop. But since we're on the topic of BBCode, why not? This is mostly explains some more useful code that people use in trade shops - and it isn't hard to use, at all! 1. Pokemon Platforms These are always a good idea. The color of a platform is unique to the site skin. You don't need to know a lot about site skins. You just need to know the default platform is green. Like...this one: (BTW: The Pokemon is not mine but another player's. I just borrowed it.) Anyway, if the Pokemon's owner changes, the platform will change too. It's a great way to let other players see what's sold and what's not. 2. The [inventory=...]code This auto-updates! For example, if you have five Everstones, then the number on your screen would five. If you have six, that's six! Extremely useful! 3. Tooltips This is a tooltip.
This is a tooltip
It hides text inside text! How cool is that? This makes your shop's information more organized...in general. I think that's all for now. Since this is not a BBCode guide, you will need to go to the wiki to know what I'm talking about if you don't.

To Sell, or Not to Sell, That is the Question...

  • Determining What to Sell
  • Gems
  • Boxes
  • Summons
  • Megastones
  • Account Upgrades
  • S/A/M/D Pokemon
If you haven't been around for a long time(a.k.a. beginners), you probably don't know the state of PFQ's economy. It's pretty unstable, as far as I see. The thing is, even people who've been on PFQ for quite some time, are still confused about how things are priced. But what is clear is what sells and what doesn't. I'll start with the obvious - S/A/M/D Pokemon. These are always in high demand. But boxes, gems, and summon items also sell for a fair amount. In this section, I'll go over various items, what the sell for and why you should have them in your shop, and how to get them. Also, ICEBÜNN here has written a pricing guide, found here. Very useful, please use.
Gems are extremely profitable, they can be obtained easily, yet so many people still buy gems due to badge upgrades. Which means, if you've got a decent amount of gems, you've already got sometime going. How to get gems: Just hatch Pokemon! Gems will correspond to a Pokemon's type. This is a guide for the Wishforge and it has a section on Gems. It should give you a pointer on what kind of Pokemon you should hatch to get a specific type of gem. Lots of useful tips, this guide. Tips: Hatch a variety of Pokemon to get a variety of gems. But don't save up a lot of gems and not use them to upgrade the Wishforge. Basically, this process should be casual; you shouldn't be saving them up especially for the shop, because chances are, different people buy different gems, and when these types of people will see your shop. Only sell gems casually. Pricing: Gems prices are everywhere. I think the most popular pricing is 1,000 per small gem, dragon/steel gems doubled(2,000), 10,000 per medium gem, dragon/steel gems doubled(20,000), and 100,000 per large gem, dragon steel doubled(200,000)
BOXES! These are a big one, mostly because they are EXTREMELY profitable. Not hard to get and in VERY high demand. You can ALWAYS count on boxes. Other than selling them, you can also use them to get other sellable items: summons, uber-rare items, megastones. You can also make boxboxes with them - only twenty-one boxes are need to make one boxbox. How To Get Them: This is the best part! Scour Missions are most efficient way. Continously send out Pokemon for Scour Missions. I would reccommend switching out the Pokemon when they hit 60% or below efficency-wise. Try maxing out the upgrades and Scour Slots before attempting this though, it will make your progress much faster~ You can also watch the Market like a hawk and buy boxes whenever there's a sweet deal, but Scour Missions in general are the fastest and most efficent ^^ Pricing: Boxes are...pretty straightforward actually. I sell them for about 20 ZC each, and 100/110 ZC for each boxbox. If you're picky and want all of the profit you can sell the boxboxes for 110 ZC each and boxes for 22 ZC each since 22 x 5 = 110, but maybe keep at 20? After all, they are buying a huge bundle of boxes~
Summons seem to be quite popular among the trades too. Summons are those things you use to summon legendary Pokemon and people who are currently collecting or dexing said summons(*cough cough, your truly cough*), will need them. Although putting a notice in your forum signature or making trade threads are more popular with the summons, having summons in shops isn't such a bad idea either. How to Get Them: The fastest, cheapest, and most efficent way would probably be boxes(to get boxes, go back to the "boxes" section of the guide). Open those boxes! You may get extra summons that you don't need. You can sell them. You could also try getting them from the Market...or stalk the Trade Forums, but your best bet is probably boxes. Tips: Try dexing more before attempting to sell summons. The more you dex, the more variety of summons you may be able to get. Also, try to dex summons you don't have instead of selling them. Only sell excess summons. There is a massive list of reasons why you should do this but the main one is: dexing. Arceus is a big one. To get Arceus, you need all the eggs - which means summons, since the only way to get Legendary Eggs are summons. Even if you aren't trying obtain Arceus, dexing every legendaries lead to unlocking more summons, which in turns means more summon variety...which means more buyers! Pricing: Summons pricings are probably the more unstable of the bunch. I think the most common pricing is Market Price or Collector's Price. Market Price is just whatever's in the Market. I don't know very much about Collector's Price - if someone could pop in here and give a bit of explanationt that would be appreciated.
This one isn't a huge one, but still a decent part of the market. Mostly bought in the Trade Forums and the Market, people usually only don't visit a Trade Shop specifically for Megastones, because, let's face it, Trade Forums are much faster and the Market is even faster if you aren't in need of credits. Usually, people only visit a Trade Shop because they need an asernal of things, and just happen to browsing though your stock(which is what I do), so having lots of options is always a good idea. How To Get Them: This is an easy one. Boxes! You should probably learn by now that boxes are extremely important any kind of stock. The more boxes you get the better. Which is why Scour Missions are crucial. But be careful! To get Megastones through boxes, you need a Key Stone. I won't cover how to get one, since you'll probably figure it out yourself and the wiki has all the information, but anyways, Key Stone is necessary to get megastones through boxes(and make the usable!) so you want to get that first. Pricing: This one is also one of the more unstable stock out there. I'd say Market Price. I'm not very knowlegable on this part, so you should could also check out ICEBÜNN's guide on the first tab. I usually go by Market Price since it makes everything easier.
Account Upgrades aren't usually a huge one. Most people buy from the Market and/or Trade Forums. But it doesn't hurt to have a section dedicated to these. The thing with these though, are you don't sell them unless you actually don't need them. See, there are things you sell because they'd be worth higher profit and somebody else's hands, plus you can easily get another one later, and there are things you sell only because they're absolutely useless to you. This is one of those things. See, account upgrades are...upgrades. As you upgrade them, they'll be old ones. You sell these old ones. See, let's use the Shelter Passes an example... When you are a beginner, you get a Shelter Pass C. Eventually, you buy Shelter Pass B, A, S, and so on. While the C Pass isn't sellable, B and A are, and you can sell them...although really, my experience is the Market is way faster and you'll get buyers within a day. Doesn't hurt though. You get account upgrades mostly by buying them or earning them throughout the game. So yeah. How To Get Them: Like I said. Buy them. Or you'll get them as the game goes on, dexing, etc. Pricing: Varies. I'd say whatever's lowest on the Market or check pricing guides.
FINALLY! This is a very important section and vital to your shop, so this a must-need! However, this is also the hardest part, and will require a bit of work, so be prepared. S/A/M/D Pokemon are Pokemon with stars or a delta symbol next to their names/gender. This is a shiny Pokemon: This is an albino Pokemon: And this is an melan Pokemon: (Not mine. Haven't managed to hatch one yet-) As for deltas... Anyway, these are going to vital to your shop! How? Well, there's a S/A/M/D version for every Pokemon - that means there are people who want a lot of different kinds of shinies. And let's face it - shiny hunting costs either time or money. You can try speed-running it through with some luck and no upgrades(which is what I've done, it worked two times and both were in typeraces), but my average is around 500 eggs per hunt, with only the Pokeradar for the first shiny. Anything after that is an unknown variable, mostly because I stop tracking. I'm an no-money player, or I don't spend money on this game. I was able to get a Pokeradar because I saved and an Albino Radar as a gift. Seriously, people on here are nice. But that doesn't you mean you should wait around for someone to give you stuff. Anyway, as I was saying, it took me about 500 eggs for both my Eevee and Vulpix hunt, and I got a (slightly) random shiny during a type race, and another shiny with a 100+ chain during another, plus a few albinos scattered there and here. That's only for shinies. For albinos, I don't really know. The base percentage is based on what you charge your Pokeradar on. I charged it on lvl four for a few months and got nothing, but that was because I was hunting Eevee, I never clicked and it was level one, and I ALWAYS charged my radar after hatching the eggs. So basically I wasted 300,000+ IP points for nothing! Yeah, I'm still salty about that. Anyways, after a week or two of actually hatching after I charged my radar, I got an albino! So, I suppose it still is up to luck. As for melans, I suggest you don't attempt getting one right away, because they are costly to buy and even harder to hatch. They are a shiny and an albino on the same Pokemon! Some imagine combining the work from above and multiplying by ten. You get a melan! Yeah, don't try if you're new. You can get a shiny if you're extra-lucky. But defintely probably not an albino because the Albino Radar is a massive problem with this. Anyway, after saying all that, do people want to buy s/a/m Pokemon their too lazy to hatch themselves? Yes, yes they do.


How To Get Them: Um...you need a Holon Capacitor, which...costs GP or Credits, I can't remember which. A lot of them. So, I don't reccommend trying. The one method I do reccommend: Shelter Hunting! Just spam the white flute and have QoL on, it'll give you a highlight of any S/A/M Pokemon, as well as other Pokemon of your choice. I'll explain later how to activate QoL. I got my first delta by Shelter Hunting! You can also check free-fields, people who are delta-hunting may mass-release lots of them.




Chapter Two: Deciding On Prices First of all, let me yell this out. THE ECONOMY ON PFQ SUCKS! It's the truth. Phew, got that out. Anyway, even Niet says its horrible, and honestly, its not the best. Things. Are. A. Mess. We've got people offering evolution stones for a million credits, we've got super expensive Pokemon, we've got everything from underpriced to overpriced! Honestly, it's a mess. And the market is WAY overpriced. Moonstones cost less if you just directly sell it, however it is more in demand and therefore more pricy if you set a price to sell it at. It's a huge pool of chaos honestly, the economy. Okay *ahem* sorry for my rant there. While economy isn't the best, there's some sort of economy. It kind of depends on the shop and who you are though. I reccomend ICEBUNN's guide. SUPER helpful. Okay. Now some general info on pricing, but I'm honestly no good at economics. So, the general and most commonly used ration is 5,000:5:1 However, there are other ratios to such as 5,000:5:7 It depends on you, really. Basically, according to this person's suggestion(I forgot who it was, I posted a help forum asking for prices for gems, please make yourself known), they say that you should use your personal opinion in this matter. Would you be willing to pay that much? Don't underprice things, and don't overprice it either. If the stock you offer is good enough, most players will buy even the most expensive things. Especially melans. Almost certainly someone will come along. Anyway, that's basically my advice for pricing. Like I said, you should really check ICEBUNN's guide. It will help. Trust me.

f2u template by yosei-san
Chapter Three: Layout So, now you have an idea of what to sell and how to price, you need to physcialy code your shop! Which honestly isn't too hard. Just, a lot of work. No, I'm not telling you to code an entire template. Believe me, been there, done that. Still doing it, in fact. F2U templates are a great option, but we'll cover that later. Anyway, first, your shop must have some set of rules. They must match PFQ's rules(and you aren't allowed to override them anyway). Please set rules. It will help maintain the chaos that is Pokefarm. Don't get me wrong. I love Pokefarm. I just think its a bit chaotic. Second, you will need to actually find some code that will display your stock! You know those fancy grid-column-table things that you can use to display the hundreds of megastones/summon items/whatever else you have? They're all in this guide here. The person(HowlingCat) that wrote this has multiple versions of each type of template, so it really is a great template to use! Next, map out the basics of what you want to sell. Make a list. Tabs are always a good idea. Make the basics of your shop first before looking for a template. If you already have one in mind, go ahead! If you don't...do not look for one just yet. A very basic shop layout could be this: Tab 1 shows Rules Tab 2 shows Pokemon for sale Tab 3 shows items for sale Tab 4 shows services Tab 5 shows Miscellanious See? A simple layout like that will work. Tabs and hideboxes are ALWAYS a good idea. You can also use underline, bold, italics, and bullet lists, as well as numbered items to improve the quality of your shop. You can check the PFQ Wiki for such codes or you check out this useful guide here. However, you should really worry about the content more than anything. Copy-paste exists for a reason. Once you have done the 'soul' of the shop, you can start making the 'body': taking creative liberties. Although this post is short and not very complicated, the actual coding takes a very long time. If you really want this to be long term, you should pour lots of work into this. Building a shop should take a very long time. My shop took almost four months to be finalized and three months to be presentable. Even now I am not very satsified and am planning on expanding and recoding. You should be spending a very long time on this step.

f2u template by yosei-san
Chapter Four: Getting Customers So, let's say your trade shop is sweet and green and all ready to go! Now...you've met a problem. Where the heck are you going to get customers? First of all, if a shop has good enough stock/content, customers should come by themselves. If you keep your stocks refilled, you will most definitely have some customers. Still here are several tips on attracting customers: 1. Take advantange of that bump period. You should take advantage of the bump period. It's only two days. Bump every two days then! Most people are more likely to come to you because you're more towards the top of the forum. ALWAYS bump. 2. Come up with a good name. As silly as that sounds...using emojis, correct punctuation, and short but descriptive words will attract customers. People like seeing neat things. They assume if the title is neat, then the shop is neat. They assume that if the title is fancy, then the shop is fancy. Even thoug there is a saying that is 'Don't Judge a Book By It's Cover', lots of people still do. 3. Refill your stocks. Some people may subscribe to your shop but will probably silence their notifications...which may lead to them forgetting about your shop altogether. So you have to make a good impression. You should have plentiful stocks at any time of the day. Refilling stocks mean happy customers, which means more profit! 4. Try to answer as quickly as possible. Fast service equal happy customers, which means they're more likely to come back. Try to be fast. Try to be online every two to three days. Customers like feedback immediately. 5. Use fancy templates. Free to use templates are far and few, but make a quick stop the 'Other Art' forum and you should find a couple usable! I'm recently learning CSS and may release a couple F2U templates by the way! More on templates will be explained later. Grabbing customers should be easy as long as your shop has good stock and updates often!

f2u template by yosei-san
Chapter Five: Template-ism Finally! WE GET TO TALK ABOUT TEMPLATES! So, first and foremost, you should always use templates. Other than the fact they can make your trade shop more organized...they also make them look nice! If you aren't an avid coder and don't have the patience to learn and make your own templates...and neither do you have the money to ask others for commissions...F2U templates are your friend! Like their name, they're free to use. Where do you go to find such good stuff? Well, yosei-san, one of the moderators, have a F2U templates thread! She has some very good templates there. There are also a variety of others, you should just check the other art forum!

f2u template by yosei-san
Chapter Six: Creative Liberties So, when making a trade shop, creativity is quite important. There are plenty of things you can do with your shop. Have fun! Get mascots, put up short stories telling your customers what to do, if you can draw, put some art up! Decorate! A real store needs some decoration and so does a trade shop. Here are some reccomandations:


As explained in the previous chapter, you should always use templates. They make your shop so much neater and better.


Use GIFs to make things fun! Moving pictures always catches the eye. The more extragvant, the better! That noted, please make sure you follow the legibility/copyrights properly.


Same story as GIFs! Fun, easy to use, and they are a nice touch to your shop! Please, please make sure you follow the legibility/copyrights properly.

Personal Art

You can draw the art yourself or commission someone to draw it. Either way, it is certaintly a nice decoration. Please, please, please make sure you follow the legibility/copyrights properly. I cannot stress how important that is.


Put a mascot at your front door. Having a person to greet customers is always nice!

Write Short Stories

You can write short narrations to match your shop. It's another nice thing to have. You don't have to be all serious. Managing a trade shop can be as fun as the game itself!
Please make sure all images you use follow copyrights and the legibility guidelines.

f2u template by yosei-san

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