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Delta update proposal [vote!]

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abingy's Avatarhypermode-12.pngabingy
abingy's Avatar
I want to emphasize the point that I've seen Fuecoco and Goatlady (and possibly others) say that number 5 will create a pool of specials that have no where to go and can only grow which will hurt the specials market in the long run. The entire purpose of the introduction of the delta system was to have somewhere for extra specials to go and this would go against that goal by creating the same problem again for a subsection of specials.
Trade Shop - Summons, S/A, Charm Rentals/Swaps, Egg Supplier Pass Rentals Credits
Avatar made by mewitti of deviantart. Free to use.
Oceanside's AvatarOceanside
Oceanside's Avatar
was on board until #5. in addition to the specials sink already mentioned several times before, i don't understand why the seller's feelings should override the customer's autonomy. if the seller was that attached to a sprite that they didn't want the customer to have full reign over it, why sell it in the first place? "the seller might feel bad" isn't really a good reason, and you could turn that any number of ways - i worked super hard for that gp, how dare you spend it on daycare passes? sales are final, right? if you didn't want certain things done with your mons, then don't give away full rights to them. the customer is still paying and getting their own perferred value out of what they bought. it's reasonable for a seller to ask not to or even choose not to sell to someone who is looking to turn it in for dp - but once that sale actually takes place it's no longer their possession nor is it a good blanket reason to apply this rule to any and all special sellers. also some thoughts about the malicious trade-in - people can already either never give back the mon, or wait and release it into the shelter, and would face the same consequences. it's still very possible to rip off a dexing. the release to shelter timer but for dp trade in would accomplish exactly the same thing, as there's never going to be a perfect way to guard 100% against malice unless you gut the system entirely.
StayTheFourth's Avatarhypermode-12.pngStayTheFourth
StayTheFourth's Avatar
Big no to #5. Can we instead get a lock or even a confirmation pop-up? I understand your reasoning but there should be a way to preserve those things while still allowing people to trade in Mons that they hatched from Shelter adoptions.
InkedFoxtrot's AvatarInkedFoxtrot
InkedFoxtrot's Avatar
Update 5 poll is really close right now so that means at least half the playerbase won't like what happens no matter the result. =/ Might want to hold off on this one until a more uniformly liked suggestion pops up/more thorough discussion happens. As for me, I don't do deltas because I don't know anyone to help me click offline so I'm mostly indifferent; that said, I wouldn't want people to cash in my specials I'm lending out for extra delta points.
Growlithe avatar provided by PK/pkism from their art thread here.
Agent3's Avatarhypermode-12.pngAgent3
Agent3's Avatar
I voted yes on Update 5, but I understand the concern against it to an extent, I guess? Removing the ability for non-self-hatched specials to be traded in for DP removes the price "minimum" so to speak so it would cause a really weird adjustment period where specials find their own value again, but I optimistically think it would settle. Though I do agree that disallowing delta-ing specials for the purpose of avoiding people trading them in during dex trades is a bit excessive. At that point may as well disallow releasing to the shelter if it's a special you didn't hatch, trading to someone who isn't the OT, etc. I think an extra confirmation/delta-lock is probably the better route therefore someone who delta'd a dex trade mon has less plausible deniability.
seth | 23 | he/him medical lab science student journal & my shop icon + sig of my characters, by me.
acelien's Avataracelien
acelien's Avatar
Number 5 is really the only thing here I wouldn't be jazzed about. It feels weird to lock people out of doing whatever they want with their pokemon? Like, say you buy a special because you like and want to keep it, but a year later, you arent interested in keeping it anymore. Or you started collecting and halfway through decided you only wanted to collect pokemon of a certain nature. at that point, you're stuck trying to find trades/buyers for those pokemon, when before you could have just yeeted them for DP and moved on with your day. Or say you recieved the pokemon in Wondertrade, which was one of the ways suggested to get rid of unwanted specials you cant turn into DP. What if you dont like the look of that particular special? Or if youre a nature collector and its the wrong one? You could just throw it back into the WT cycle until it hits a permanent home, but if you need DP for whatever reason, why would you? Making the system where the mods wouldnt have to get involved in the event of a "dex trade accident" is an interesting point, but there are plenty of other "accident" circumstances that require mod involvement, so it just seems a bit silly to put mod convenience over user experience, in that case.


Special Evolution Item

(item.png: 0)

A peculiar stone that prevents a Pokémon from evolving when held.

Sells for 250

Lv. 100 — +329,294
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Spicy food
Happiness 27%
Naughty nature
Niet [Adam]'s Avatarhypermode-12.pngNiet [Adam]
Niet [Adam]'s Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by InkedFoxtrot

Update 5 poll is really close right now so that means at least half the playerbase won't like what happens no matter the result. =/

QUOTE originally posted by InkedFoxtrot

Might want to hold off on this one until a more uniformly liked suggestion pops up/more thorough discussion happens.
Nope. When the two options are "keep the current system" and "change it", and the vote is basically tied, the correct course of action is "change it, let people experience the changed system, and then ask again if we should keep it or go back." That is what I plan to do unless the votes very suddenly swing towards one or the other. I feel like I have to say this a lot, but changes aren't final, things can and will change again, and your feedback is integral to that. But you also need to be able to make informed decisions, and in this case "trying it and seeing what it's like" is a great way to be informed.
Clip from Pokémon anime, re-lined by me
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InkedFoxtrot's AvatarInkedFoxtrot
InkedFoxtrot's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Niet

Ah, got'cha. Yeah that makes more sense. Sorry for the dumb suggestion. ^^;
Svetty's AvatarSvetty
Svetty's Avatar
Out of all the changes regardless on my take I am quite ok with whatever happens on 1-4, but with 5.. I don't think I can agree at all on that. Maybe a timer being put on the pokemon until it can be DP'd? But I cant agree with it being locked forever. I've had many times where I've wanted to keep specials, and then later down the line wanted to DP them, having them become locked forever feels... like I'm being forced into a corner with any trade I do, like any trade I do I have to be 100% about it and thats final... which sucks. Like, honestly it makes me NOT want to buy any specials from anyone knowing I cannot choose to later DP them if I no longer want them, I don't want to have to re-sell them to get something back out of a purchase I no longer want to keep, so why am I being forced into a situaion where I have to sit with a Pokemon I dont want or release it or re-sell it... its just going to discourage me from trading with others in the future if it is implemented. TLDR: #5 Makes me want to be less-social on a social site.
rawstberry.png Svetty She/They Sableye enthusiast rawstberry.png
Ice Rock

Ice Rock

Special Evolution Item

(item.png: 0)

[LEGACY] A sphere of ice that seems to freeze air around it.

Legacy items are old items that no longer serve a purpose and are only good for collecting.

Sells for 1,000

Lv. 100 — +9,499,305
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Bitter food
Happiness MAX
Gentle nature
Moss Rock

Moss Rock

Special Evolution Item

(item.png: 0)

[LEGACY] A sphere that's alive with vegetation.

Legacy items are old items that no longer serve a purpose and are only good for collecting.

Sells for 1,000

Lv. 1 — Locked
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Bitter food
Happiness MAX
Careful nature
Borealis Lantern

Borealis Lantern

Summon Item

(item.png: 0)

A magical lantern that casts rainbow-coloured light from its flame. This light is rumoured to attract Bunbori's interest.

View/use Summon Items


Lv. 100 — +8,303,879
Aspear BerryAspear Berry
Aspear Berry (SOUR)
Cheri BerryCheri Berry
Cheri Berry (SPICY)
Chesto BerryChesto Berry
Chesto Berry (DRY)
Pecha BerryPecha Berry
Pecha Berry (SWEET)
Rawst BerryRawst Berry
Rawst Berry (BITTER)
Bitter food
Happiness 27%
Calm nature
Buying 20zc each.
summon_gza.png x 23 / 1,000
Loey Like's AvatarLoey Like
Loey Like's Avatar
For #5: At least table the discussion until all users can think about it, read the thread and see both sides of the change (or no change) I'd say 3 days, but it hasn't even been 24 hours. I would start implementing the changes that everyone mostly agrees with and letting us brainstorm and think #5 through. Especially considering recolors and redesigned sprites are coming, it sucks to spend all your currency on a pokemon you like that gets changed, then you can't do anything about it. And I STRONGLY agree that once you buy something it's your's to do with as you please. If sellers don't want their specials DP'd they should keep them or continue what they're doing now- asking people not to buy from them if they will DP, and not selling to those they don't want to. And having to send a pokemon back to the seller to unlock a feature we've always had isn't always very feasible since lots of people quit, take breaks and hiatuses. I think the dexing issue can be solved in other ways, like having a dexing feature instead of straight up trading. Or the time limit, or enforcing people putting up collateral. There are options we can brainstorm if given time and I think everyone will appreciate the process more if we can all think it through. Slower is better when it comes to these big changes.
All of my fields are UFT except the ones that say NUFT you can PM me if I don't have a thread up :) Avatar from advent calendar

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