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Proposal to Rename Albino and Melanistic Pokemon

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Iggyzilla tm's AvatarIggyzilla tm
Iggyzilla tm's Avatar
I lean with Kitty on this one more mull it over. Even if the colors don't exactly word for word match a Melanistic or Albino being, old users will likely, out of habit, still call them as such. This can, like said, possibly just lead to confusion for new or returning players. Not to mention, players will likely still argue the new terms dont quite fit the colors either. I think the suggestion of just having an explanation for PFQs versions of these pallettes being more clear somewhere would be enough? Again, I'm for whatever the site decides to do, but, as some have said? The names more or less work-ish. Like honestly? I just think general openness of new color options as they're being made (Like batches of Pokemon with some Poll options) would be more neat and engaging to get input than change the names.
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QUOTE originally posted by EevyernDracaneon

I really like the concept of Pastel being the new name for Albinos, and I also heavily vibe with Stygian for Melans out of a preconceived connection I have with Monster Hunter's Stygian Zinogre, which is just a black and red version of a normally blue and yellow monster
I like lucent for the same reason, for lucent (green) nargacuga lmao. Lucent and Stygian are super cool to me. I would also be very happy with pastel, Its a nice and simple word with an obvious connotation that would be super easy on new players. I'm very pleased that new names are being taken into consideration so that peoples mental idea of what 'albinos' and 'melans' should look like isn't a thing and eases some of the frustration of revamps going drastically different colours. Keep up the great work!
Cele's Avatarhypermode-12.pngCele
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QUOTE originally posted by goovat

if the expectation is "dark" pigmentation then i believe there was no point having ever used "melanistic", when melanism is a condition explicitly referring to an excess of black pigmentation. if you do not want black pigmentation then, certainly, do away with melanism as a term. i don't have too much of a problem with albino pigmentation on the sprites even if it can feel like a very derivative interpretation of the term, i think replacing it with leucistic would be of no benefit. although "pastel" would be a better fit, i think it takes away from the value of the pokemon itself as an albino. despite my gripes with the terminology i do believe it would be better to keep them as is (albino and melanistic, respectively) because i feel it is much easier to grasp the rarity and value of an albino when it is termed as such, people know albinism is very unusual. "pastel" feels cheap, and the only mirrored term i can see it having is "grunge" which makes me wince a little. a lot of the proposed terms feel obtuse, if that at all makes sense, how do you explain Stygian or Empyrean in a drop-down without essentially describing melanism? anyone can google a melanistic animal and see how the creative work on here is derivative of it and understand this. i truly do not think the more fantastical terms would be widely appreciated, nor would the change catch on—i would still refer to them as they once were and i think many others would do the same whether out of familiarity or defiance. besides, what becomes of the abbreviations for the site's code? writing (A) and (M) to denote their characteristics is standard. that is a very minor gripe, please do not think too strongly on it but i find the concept of hundreds of pages suddenly collapsing from incompatible bbcode both funny and grimace-inducing, it's not so much fixing a Wishing Stone item bracket as it is having to sit down and vet miles of shiny hunt stats just to return a page to a readable state. in the end i think it is a non-issue, and unless the two chosen terms can be considered "mirrors" of each other like albinism and melanism AND successfully carry with them the understanding that they are an incredible rarity just like their real-world counterparts, i would strongly advise against the renaming of albino and melanistics. i apologise if my wording feels antagonistic, that is never my intent, i am just a little tired.
Nah, you're fine. I don't take this to be in an antagonistic way. Melanistic Pokemon were originally black with a neon colour or two to compliment. We're steering away from this practice, because black + X is very repetitive and uninteresting. That's why what you're pointing out is quite right! An issue is present because a name that was accurate back then no longer is. This is why it's being looked at as a point of change. Also, just as a shout-out to the BBCodes portion of what you're saying, Niet would be keeping A and M as options for the sake of backwards compatibility. So it would be A and, as an example, R... and then M or something like X. ^^ The explanation of why they are named as much would occur likely in PFNew's introduction of those mechanics. For PFQ, yes, a post or something of the sort most likely seems the way to go. Perhaps a Wiki page? That said, users are fine to continue calling them Albinos and Melans if they like! It's understandable and entirely their choice. We're just looking at the idea of correcting the terms for our canon / lore. Also, since I see Iggy's suggestion that input should be allowed for colours and such... The big hiccup with that is time. Take a look at Sinnoh. We didn't take user suggestions for that and it took three years without it being slowed down by discussions on whether or not melan Shaymin should be whichever colour. Right now, the system of us putting out what we think works best and users posting constructive criticism and request for potential change via the Sprite Discovery Discussion thread is the most time-efficient way that we have. A request for change is only outright ignored when the request and surrounding commentary is rude, because the unkind words do not deserve a reward. As an example, see Albino Swablu -- it wasn't liked as a minty green, and people asked politely, and thus it was changed to pink fairly quickly. It was made known that the melan would change at the same time due to the way our consistency works, and people accepted that the red melan would be changed for a different one. It wound up a nice dark teal, even if I personally miss the red. :P
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Sulky's AvatarSulky
Sulky's Avatar
I love Sun-blessed and Moon-blessed! I just started playing, and honestly was a little put off with the "Melanistic" naming.
Ooh, I''m on board with renaming. I always did find myself tripping up over albino and melan (but thats just cause im a nature nut). Radiant for albino and Umbra perhaps? I dig the way they roll off the tongue
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QUOTE originally posted by Cele

Right now, the system of us putting out what we think works best and users posting constructive criticism and request for potential change via the Sprite Discovery Discussion thread is the most time-efficient way that we have. A request for change is only outright ignored when the request and surrounding commentary is rude, because the unkind words do not deserve a reward. As an example, see Albino Swablu -- it wasn't liked as a minty green, and people asked politely, and thus it was changed to pink fairly quickly.
We can suggest colours on the sprite discussion threads? I've always been too scared 8) This is great to know, thank you!
Lucky's Avatarhypermode-12.pngLucky
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I'm gonna throw my two cents in and say that while I'm not opposed to renaming them, I think albino and melanistic still work just fine. People are going to criticize sprites no matter what, and I'm not sure that changing the names would help much. Also, A/M have been in use for so long that I think it would be hard to get used to new names. Like other people said, older users would probably continue calling them albinos/melans which would cause confusion. But... if renaming did happen, I do really like "stygian" for melans!
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Cele's Avatarhypermode-12.pngCele
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QUOTE originally posted by Jubilant Dragon

We can suggest colours on the sprite discussion threads? I've always been too scared 8) This is great to know, thank you!
It's more of a "I don't like this, please try again" kind of thing. But the Artists try to bring another colour to the table, yes.
ILoveMyCat123's AvatarILoveMyCat123
ILoveMyCat123's Avatar
Maybe albino Pokémon could be called Day and Melans could be called Night. Day- light and bright Night- dark but not black The names might not be creative but they are simple and effective at least I think so.
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after seeing Sneaky Shadow's comment, i no longer support sunkissed and moonblessed, and the more i read other's comments against changing the names the more i agree. i'm not familiar enough with pfq lore to understand why changing the names would fix the lore in any way. and how would changing them to reference greek mythology fit into pfq lore? (this is a genuine question)
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