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QUOTE originally posted by Niet

QUOTE originally posted by doobla22fluffy

@Garthic when the new pokefarm game comes out will we lose our progress on the current pokefarm?
I'm not Garthic but I can answer :D Consider this example: when Sword/Shield came out, did your Sun/Moon save file get deleted? Same thing here. Different game, different save files. You won't "lose" anything.
thank you for ansering my question Niet :)
anne216's Avataranne216
anne216's Avatar
I have to say that I hate this new Egg Timer thing I usually do at least 10k interactions daily, but today because only party clicks are counting I have only done 3,990 and that was all the time I had before when I could do mass clickig and get 10 k points inthe same time ?
timid's Avatartimid
timid's Avatar
Well, if you'd fully familiarized yourself with the constraints of the egg timer update before moseying in here to say you hate it, you'd perhaps have noticed you only require 1500 party interactions to max out the egg timer, at which point continuing party clicking serves absolutely no purpose and you might as well switch to your preferred method. The only thing that has changed is party clicks exclusively filling up the egg timer.
Napstablook sprite by Toby Fox. Question mark from default pfq icon. Thrown together by me.
Thunderyena's AvatarThunderyena
Thunderyena's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by timid

Well, if you'd fully familiarized yourself with the constraints of the egg timer update before moseying in here to say you hate it, you'd perhaps have noticed you only require 1500 party interactions to max out the egg timer, at which point continuing party clicking serves absolutely no purpose and you might as well switch to your preferred method. The only thing that has changed is party clicks exclusively filling up the egg timer.
that doesn't change the fact that party clicking is awkward, clunky, & therefore slower than field clicking for the vast majority of people. also, there's no need for the passive-aggression. what i dislike so much about this update is that it shows a lack of forethought; the party system should have been streamlined before this change was implemented, that way it wouldn't be frustrating & even physically painful for much of the playerbase. i think the idea behind it is a good one -- encourage more party clicking. but more planning on how to go about it when the site has other issues that get in the way of this would have prevented the extreme backlash we're seeing now.
selocon's Avatarselocon
selocon's Avatar
You can literally make it easier on yourself if you'd spend the five minutes required to get and use the party clicking mods that Corviknight put into CSS on their guide! It turns the liked berry into a full button of it's own (so press any button 1-5 and it works) and you can even condense the boxes. I don't know how to make it any easier for you!
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Thunderyena's AvatarThunderyena
Thunderyena's Avatar
not sure if this is directed at me or not, but in case it is, i'm aware of the css & how helpful it is. i can actually click a party of eggs in less than a second on my phone, but a lot of people do not have this luxury. i am speaking for those people because it's a valid argument, even if it doesn't affect me personally. it's been said before, but i'll reiterate: relying on css, which is unofficial, is like putting a band-aid over a gushing wound. the heart of the issue lies with the official layout of the website. the fact that people rely on unofficial modifications so much to make pfq more accessible & streamlined speaks volumes on how the website itself badly needs updating.
ScuffleDust's AvatarScuffleDust
ScuffleDust's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by selocon

You can literally make it easier on yourself if you'd spend the five minutes required to get and use the party clicking mods that Corviknight put into CSS on their guide! It turns the liked berry into a full button of it's own (so press any button 1-5 and it works) and you can even condense the boxes. I don't know how to make it any easier for you!
Having to manually implment a CSS doesn't negate the actual interface's current clunkiness, nor does it deflect the releviance of the criticism being brought up. The party-clicking methods being coded into the actual site, without CSS, is how game dev's expect the majority of the users to interact with the site. If CSS ease-of-access were the goal, it would be hard coded into the current interface. As such the implimentation of CSS is user-based addition, and shouldn't really be factored when considering actual site functionality and user-friendliness. Current critisism shouldn't be undermined by CSS, nor should it be seen as a solution to current issues being displayed.
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selocon's Avatarselocon
selocon's Avatar
The thing is, with CSS, PFQ is providing you something few other sites give you: Near complete customization of the user interface. I know of sites where you can move elements around and hide them, but the actual stuff stays the same. With PFQ you can bookmark any number of pages, hide timers, change how the site looks to you, add this, that, and the other thing, make things more accessible, etc. Name me one other game that does the exact same in terms of customization? I don't think you can. I mean, forcing the CSS implementation into the site's code will make it seem like that is *the* way to click, and it's not. Need I remind you that the site will not promote one way of playing, be it S&S fields, party clicking mods, etc. integrating these effects will, in essence do just that, make it appear the site is saying "here, this is how you should click parties, we endorse thise method, not any other method". In other news, for those wondering, here are what the aformentioned mods will make it look like for condensing the party, and hiding disliked berry:
lifeon's Avatarlifeon
lifeon's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by selocon

I don't know how to make it any easier for you!
By your own explination it takes 5 minutes to edit the css and make party clicking streamlined, meaning it takes 5 minutes to make the same thing standard in the default css. So you don't have to make anything easier. It is easy, and that's why it's brought up on a dev log for discussion. Would it be possible, @ staff, to ever update the default css with something like the css change by corviknight? Or is it not as simple as it is implied by Selocon?
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UnownVelouria's AvatarUnownVelouria
UnownVelouria's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by selocon

If that's the CSS people have been passing around, I can see the backlash for it, when it's supposed to make party clicks more appealing than field clicks. Can't see parties, buttons not stacked, I'd complain about that too. It doesn't solve the issue. If people are going to argue that CSS will fix every issue with this update, then they should at least give the most optimized code. There shouldn't be issues with your solution if it's the best solution. I'll put the code I use below, which stacks buttons without removing the party itself. Yes, CSS can help, but it shouldn't the the final solution. If it's something that everyone has to have, which this code has become, then the CSS should only be used as a quick fix until Noot gets around to fixing the issue himself.

#multiuser #partybox { position: relative; } #multiuser #partybox .party > div { position: static; } #multiuser #partybox .action { position: absolute; /*allows for collapse when done*/ min-height: 0; height: auto; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 2; } #multiuser #partybox .action > a, #multiuser #partybox .action > div, #multiuser #partybox .mu_navlink.next { padding: 0; margin: 0; height: 3em; line-height: 3em; width: 8em; } #multiuser #partybox .mu_navlink.next { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; /*move 'next' button slightly to the left so you can quit out of mass clicking by clicking on the right*/ -webkit-transform: translate(-25%, 0); transform: translate(-25%, 0); } #multiuser #partybox .action:empty, #multiuser #partybox .action > table, #multiuser #partybox .action.working, #multiuser #partybox .berrybuttons > .tooltip_content { /*hide action when it is empty, shows 'Thank you!', is processing and the berry tooltips*/ display: none; } #multiuser #partybox .berrybuttons > a { /*only 1 berry per berrybuttons*/ display: none; height: 100%; width: 100%; line-height: 3em; } #multiuser #partybox .berrybuttons[data-up='sour'] > a[data-berry='aspear'], #multiuser #partybox .berrybuttons[data-up='spicy'] > a[data-berry='cheri'], #multiuser #partybox .berrybuttons[data-up='dry'] > a[data-berry='chesto'], #multiuser #partybox .berrybuttons[data-up='sweet'] > a[data-berry='pecha'], #multiuser #partybox .berrybuttons[data-up='bitter'] > a[data-berry='rawst'], #multiuser #partybox .berrybuttons[data-up='any'] > a:first-of-type { /*show only good berries*/ display: inline-block; } #shelterarea > .pokemon > img[src*="e/p/g.png"]{ height: 50px; }
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