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Chronicles of Gaia (RP)

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Aysu Llyr's AvatarAysu Llyr
Aysu Llyr's Avatar
Kudret carefully helped Celere sit down on the comfiest chair he could spot at a moment's notice, and then withdrew gently. The beastman knew that everything was not alright with the half-Saiyan, but for the moment he could do nothing else. He took a glance around the small but cozy room while he seated himself onto a nearby chair, a cup of tea being set down in front of him. Kudret looked up at the older kitsune as they seated themselves on a stool, allowing their tails to flow freely. ...Then again, it could just be a one really thick and bushy tail, but somehow Kudret doubted that. He began with, "Thank you for allowing us to stay despite out initial rejection of your offer." He hesitated, and then gave a mental plunge into the unknown as he asked timidly, "Will Seyr truly come back? I do not mean to doubt you, but it is... unnerving, seeing a teammate disappear like that. It normally bodes ill for everyone involved." Aislin grimaced. Thanks to the fight and everything after, she had nearly forgotten that was what they had originally come out for. She nodded, moving to check over her bag and satchel as she stated, "Right, the farm. I'm starting to wonder if it's got something that's gonna be really useful to us. I mean, Celere actually directed us towards this specific farm, so she at least thinks it worthwhile to check out. And if it's something we can take with us and keep growing it ourselves or something, even better." Inwardly, Aislin grimaced again at her rambling. Yeah, chances are she's right about it being interesting, but did she really have to say her thoughts out loud in order to make sense of it herself? Or was this her way of reassuring them she was still willing to come with or something? Agh, trying to figure out communications is hard no matter who she was with, apparently...
Avatar is made by Nightfury28. My Ponysona, Remembrance.
Hikari's AvatarHikari
Hikari's Avatar
Even with all of Kuja's healing items, it hadn't taken long for the silver-haired genome to be defeated by Kefka. He was lying on the floor, severely wounded and unable to get back on his feet. He hated to admit it, but perhaps that stupid brute had been right after all. Rikazu got to his feet, grabbing his own bag and slinging it over his shoulder. Staying ahead of Seth would be a good idea for now as well. "I'm sure she had her reasons for sending us there, I guess we'll find out what exactly it is once we get there. Unless you have any ideas, Rockna?" The green-haired female seemed to think about it for a moment before finally answering. "A farm all the way out here? Well, there is one...I believe they were growing some kind of beans, can't really tell you much more than that though." Her gaze was still on Mizuki, the girl still seemed reluctant on accepting Rikazu's explanation, though she'd stood up at the mention of heading to the farm. And yet..."Mizuki, what's wrong?" The blue-haired girl had stopped moving, a dreadful feeling having taken over, a pain in her chest that wouldn't fade, followed by a sense of panic. "K-Kuja...something's wrong with Kuja..." She couldn't explain why she felt that way, but she was certain of it. Rikazu let out a sigh. "I'm sure he's fine, I doubt Bora would let anything happen to him on his watch...even if he's being a pain in the ass. Come on, we need to get moving." Mizuki shook her head. "No...something's definitely wrong, he's hurt...sis...?" she shot a hopeful look at Rockna, who walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. "Fine...I'll go see how he's doing, but Rikazu's probably right, you know? So you should head to that farm with Rikazu and Aislin. I'll find you soon enough", she then pulled away, her gaze turning into a glare. "Don't even think of arguing with me, I don't have the energy to teleport you along with me, okay? Now...I'll see you soon." Green flames then surrounded her as she disappeared. While the night passed in Linareth, Frau had continued his search for Iliya, still believing the girl to be somewhere in the port town. After a brief conversation with said male, Seth returned to his room, all the while keeping up his illusion magic. Frau'd never had a clue that he'd been talking to the person keeping Iliya captive. The next morning, Iliya was immediately reminded of the wounds she'd suffered the day before when she woke up, the pain still clearly present. Turning only her head, she'd quickly taken notice of Seth sitting at the small table in the room, eating breakfast; her stomach growled at the sight of the food. At this, Seth looked over to the blonde girl, and Iliya immediately wished that she'd never woken up. "Good, you're awake. We'll be leaving once I finish breakfast, get ready."
Image is official art from Dissidia: Final Fantasy.
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
'Via Technicality, no, as she was never here to begin with, if you know the principles behind Astral Projection, you should have a fairly good grasp as to why that is the case, however, she is the type to not leave a debt unpaid, she hates being indebted to people, she'll be arriving soon enough, I would not worry too much about what her physical appearance may be, after all, no-one escapes a Nuclear Bomb truly unscathed, she would be no exception.' the tone of this Kitsune was dreary and almost bored, straight to the point with no emotion attached to it. Bora had finally gotten himself into position, sure enough, he witnessed Kuja flat out on the ground, exactly as he'd predicted to them, and the Jester had fortunately yet to notice him there, it was sadly too late for said Jester to do much immediately as the Saiyan's hand clasped around their throat from behind, with a loud "Yeet!" they were thrown aside with the sole purpose of redirecting their attention towards the brutish-looking male, "Get your keester of the floor and outta here, there'll be time for the consequences and 'I told you so's later!" Flames slammed into Bora's back as he whirled around to face this moron, *Let's see how long you can keep up...* Toré had seen enough of this 'fight' going so badly one-sided, and finally stepped in, what would have been a blow to dust the female boss monster was blocked, the knife starting to rust in his grip, "You missy, need to leave, and quickly, your inexperience would've left those here without a leader, something they need, and besides, once you went down what's to stop this one here from going on to murder them all? Git." he watched as she left, unable to shortcut or use any kind of magic to expediate the process, twisting the blade and tossing it aside, his hands went back into his pockets, the lights all across the underground flickering several times before going completely dark, "... What? You expect some kind of speech?"
Morzone's AvatarMorzone
Morzone's Avatar
(I'll try to be active over the next few days to make up for not being able to post during finals season. Also, A saiyan warrior just yeeted a magical inter-dimensional jester across a room. I love this RP) Rowan, having followed Tore at a distance reasonable both for an archer's assistance and for turning heel and fleeing, hurried over to the practically defeated monster tore had just replaced. Grabbing her arm and placing it over his shoulders, he supported her back down the passageway he'd just came up. She didn't seem too happy about the situation, though whether it was having to let Tore take over the battle or having to be helped by someone with Rowan's appearance the angel couldn't be sure. Either way the boss monster clearly didn't have any energy to do anything about it. Rowan wasn't entirely satisfied with it either if he was honest. He'd have liked to stay back and help tore fight, but the magic system in this place seemed very unique. And if he knew anything about magic, its that you don't mess with it until you know it. So for now, he'd just get this monster back to the others and hopefully they'd have the proper supplies to heal her.
Laura shepherded the townsfolk out of their 'safehouse' with a combination of intimidation and coercion. In truth it wasn't as difficult as she'd expected without her full range of abilities. It seemed a good number of the people were already suspicious, or at least were of the mindset that hitting the highway in the first place would have been much safer than standing still. "Yes yes, there's a giant evil labratory in the sky, just everyday weather folks. Make sure to take the left up the path there. Yes yes keep going now." she rattled off, trying to keep most of them stopping and gawking at the things Bora had made apparent. She'd sent them in the direction of the dwarves tunnels they'd left only a short while ago. The Siren didn't particularly care what happened to the villagers after they got out, but she didn't need anyone from the group getting on her back over a lack of empathy again. Not right now at any rate.
Avatar was created for me, the sprite in the avatar was made by WriterRaven
Score: 0
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
Toré stared down his opponent for what felt like hours, refusing to take his 'turn', he couldn't quite place it, but something was telling him not to, to wait it out and force his enemy to make the first action, the second they did, a soul was shattered and time within the Hall was rewound, a small flame of pure, concentrated magic lighting around one of his eyes, "Been a while since any Judging has been necessary." unlike any of the 'Humans' prior victims however, they found their sneak attack blocked, and their soul shattering once more in a single blow, "I don't know why you bother." the cycle of resets and constant death repeated itself several times, the 'Human' getting more and more frustrated with every death and 'Reset'. "Come now, surely even you with your piddling determination must realise how outclassed you are." Attempted Stabbing ensued and failed miserably, the Goat hadn't even had to take the Cloak off yet, another Death for the 'Human', another reset, "Three Hundred and Twenty Two, from what I remember from the Archives, I'm getting real Close to the amount of attempts it took you to best the previous Judge who saw any action, and yet you havn't even gotten me worked up yet." 'Human' tried once more to kill the monster in front of them, this time the goat didn't even move when shattering the soul, just stood there, letting the weight of the 'Human's' sins do all the work for him, this time however, a break was taken in between 'Resets', the goat having a palm over the button that was used to perform it, "You just sit tight for a moment, and think about what you've done." he didn't need the break, being aware of the 'Resets' able to predict them with so much ease meant he didn't even need to try... yet. ((I will be doing some Mini-Posts with Toré just to ensure his Segment doesn't drag on and slow everything else down.))
Aysu Llyr's AvatarAysu Llyr
Aysu Llyr's Avatar
Aislin, now done with checking over her items, hoisted her bag and satchel over her shoulder with a slight smile. "I'm done packing," she announced simply, checking the other two to see if they were done too. "Should we leave the tent behind though? I mean, it is Rockna's tent, not ours." Aislin didn't actually care one way or the other if they left it behind, though being on a Blizzard Continent wasn't a good idea without shelter of some kind. ...Speaking of which, after they were done with the farm then what? Did they go back the way they came and then head out in the direction Celere went? Or would they get further directions at the farm and figure out the rendevous from there? Aislin pondered this even as she headed outside of the tent to wait. Kudret gave a slow nod and sipped some more tea. While it was unclear to him how exactly Seyr could have done such a thing, Diemia liked talking about differing types of magic enough that the beastman did have a vague concept of what Astral Projection might be in his own world. He felt a small pang of loss for his Mana, but tried to ignore it. Kudret was feeling much warmer now though; he hadn't realized just how cold the ruins they had passed through were thanks to it being even colder out in the snow.
Hikari's AvatarHikari
Hikari's Avatar
Rockna had soon teleported to the scene where Kuja was, just in time to see flames slam into Bora's back. Oh how she wanted to teach the damn jester a lesson or two; between what he'd done to her fellow summon creatures back at that facility, as well as to Mizuki before, she had plenty of reason to. However...now was not the time for such things. Instead, the green-haired female's attention was turned to the silver-haired Genome still lying on the floor, a small smile tugging at her lips as she knelt down next to him. "Well, looks like you took quite the beating. Let me guess, your pride got in the way of you listening to Bora's orders, hmm?" Kuja seemed surprised at the appearance of the female he recognized as the Eidolon Phoenix. "Well, talk about an unexpected visitor", his eyes were narrowed. "You came here to help me?" "Help you? Hah, when hell freezes over!" Rockna mused derisively. "Then why are you here?" Kuja snapped at her. Rockna let out a sigh, but then helped Kuja get to his feet. "This is as much as I'll do, just so you stop getting in Bora's way." While moving him away from the area, she spoke up again. "...Mizuki was in a blind panic because she thought you were in trouble, I only came here to make sure you were still alive, that's all. ...As much as I hate it, she needs you." Rikazu soon followed Aislin out of the tent, his bag completely packed again and tugging Mizuki along by her wrist, while Carbuncle had once again found a comfortable spot in Mizuki's bag to sit in, only his head poking out. "Hmm...I think it's best to leave it here. Knowing her, she's set up several more campsites at different locations, so we can take shelter there if we have to. Though if we're lucky...we may be able to reach that farm today at least." It should only be a couple of hours of traveling at most from their current location...if Rikazu'd checked the map correctly at least. If the worst came to pass, he and Rockna could probably even teleport them. Rikazu glanced over his shoulder to the blue-haired girl behind him; she still seemed to be distracted, her eyes glued to a single direction. "Come on kiddo, you'll see him at the checkpoint after we've inspected that farm", he spoke, though just continued to tug her along as he started walking. If he had to, he'd keep this up the entire way. If anything, it'd probably be safer than letting Mizuki walk on her own. Who knew what else they would run into along the way?
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
Bora was well aware of the 'intruder', and thus let her be, they at least had some amount of grey matter in their head to get the fool out of further harms way, he could now focus on dealing with this Jester, or at least sending him packing for a while, Ki Blasts collided with Magics in an opening volley of attacks, the Saiyan gauging his opponent for the time being, it wasn't long before the insane clown found their magics rushed through and a fist pounding their face into the next week, the prey being oddly silent as they read them like a children's story book. The eyes of the Kitsune flicked towards the door, 'Ah, good, she's already figured out the Co-Ordinates and has the necessary reagents in play, quick worker, normally takes at least a Century to find the Co-Ordinates, much less have the tools on hand to perform the necessary rites for Travel.' flicking back to the table, they again just gave off an immensely bored kind of feel. The battle in the hall, whilst still stupidly one-sided, had stared to make the Goat dodge a bit, slight movements here and there, the occasional blocking of the Knife, but never anything that made him exert himself, "Funny, I seem to recall having more trouble with you the last time, what a joke, without a punchline." his open palm slapped the 'human' away, of whom was still stubbornly determined to kill them, "Five Thousand and Eight. That's how many resets so far, just give in already, you had your chance at a life and blew it, looooong before my breed became too strong for you to damage."
Aysu Llyr's AvatarAysu Llyr
Aysu Llyr's Avatar
Aislin chuckled at the sound of Rikazu's voice, and glanced back briefly to see that all three were exiting the tent. She suppressed another chuckle and began to walk, easily keeping pace with the two mages. There wasn't much else they could really do besides move forward, as they had pretty much hashed out all the problems from yesterday that had stemmed from past events. ...This was going to be a fairly silent walk for once. Kudret finished his tea and set it down onto the small table once more. He flicked his tail over to settle in his lap, almost idly playing with it by running his claws gently through the fur. The beastman knew that the only thing they could do was wait out the night, yet he couldn't help but feel anxious about the road ahead. Would they even be able to find shelter for the morrow? The other teams would be forced to double back to get to here; no, they would have to press on, regardless of how many of them there were.
Ryko Seratuno's Avatarhypermode-12.pngRyko Seratuno
Ryko Seratuno's Avatar
'Theres a notable rock outcrop about a mile to the east, an easy place to set up camp and take rest for the night, more noticable for the natural partitions separating the hot springs there, so at least theres natural warmth in the area, you're easy to read, might want to work on that poker face.' the Kitsune was now looking directly at Celere's chest, wondering for a moment, 'The crop you had that group go to find is being grown by those farmers, though it's changed a bit from what you remember, it won't cure your disease, virus, whatever you want to call it, but it should keep you going long enough to survive the trip.' The fight in the hall had started to destroy pieces around, Toré now being forced to dodge quite avidly, but still relatively without exertion, if anything he seemed to be biding is time by counting the 'resets', the Cloak he was wearing still holding up resolutely to the sudden movements, "Well, we've hit the Over Nine Thousand mark, congratulations, you might've gotten a meme out of someone else." the sheer rage and frustration in this 'Humans' face was evident, and the Goat found it more amusing than anything else, though said mirth was quickly wiped away when the trigger he was keeping an eye out for showed itself, a red vapour seemed to be seeping out of the molten black the 'Human' had on their being, "Finally showing yourself hrm? Not as One-Sided as you'd like? Too bad."

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