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Single post in Chronicles of Gaia (RP)

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Hikari's AvatarHikari
Hikari's Avatar
Rockna had soon teleported to the scene where Kuja was, just in time to see flames slam into Bora's back. Oh how she wanted to teach the damn jester a lesson or two; between what he'd done to her fellow summon creatures back at that facility, as well as to Mizuki before, she had plenty of reason to. However...now was not the time for such things. Instead, the green-haired female's attention was turned to the silver-haired Genome still lying on the floor, a small smile tugging at her lips as she knelt down next to him. "Well, looks like you took quite the beating. Let me guess, your pride got in the way of you listening to Bora's orders, hmm?" Kuja seemed surprised at the appearance of the female he recognized as the Eidolon Phoenix. "Well, talk about an unexpected visitor", his eyes were narrowed. "You came here to help me?" "Help you? Hah, when hell freezes over!" Rockna mused derisively. "Then why are you here?" Kuja snapped at her. Rockna let out a sigh, but then helped Kuja get to his feet. "This is as much as I'll do, just so you stop getting in Bora's way." While moving him away from the area, she spoke up again. "...Mizuki was in a blind panic because she thought you were in trouble, I only came here to make sure you were still alive, that's all. ...As much as I hate it, she needs you." Rikazu soon followed Aislin out of the tent, his bag completely packed again and tugging Mizuki along by her wrist, while Carbuncle had once again found a comfortable spot in Mizuki's bag to sit in, only his head poking out. "Hmm...I think it's best to leave it here. Knowing her, she's set up several more campsites at different locations, so we can take shelter there if we have to. Though if we're lucky...we may be able to reach that farm today at least." It should only be a couple of hours of traveling at most from their current location...if Rikazu'd checked the map correctly at least. If the worst came to pass, he and Rockna could probably even teleport them. Rikazu glanced over his shoulder to the blue-haired girl behind him; she still seemed to be distracted, her eyes glued to a single direction. "Come on kiddo, you'll see him at the checkpoint after we've inspected that farm", he spoke, though just continued to tug her along as he started walking. If he had to, he'd keep this up the entire way. If anything, it'd probably be safer than letting Mizuki walk on her own. Who knew what else they would run into along the way?
Image is official art from Dissidia: Final Fantasy.
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