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A Somewhat Extensive Guide to BBCodes

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Eltafez's Avatarhypermode-12.pngEltafez
Eltafez's Avatar


You can use the CSS attributes height and overflow inside an accordion to get a vertical scrollbar. Just make sure that the height is reasonable. [accordion][ ][a-section=Test][ ][css=height: 150px; overflow: scroll;]TEXT HERE[/css][ ][/a-section][ ][/accordion]
Dummy text to show that scrolling works~ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus gravida sapien in nibh semper, nec semper ex sollicitudin. Sed rhoncus semper nulla in lacinia. Phasellus maximus vehicula consequat. Nulla tempor sem nec nisl tristique, eu pharetra metus facilisis. Quisque dapibus turpis ut arcu pulvinar ultricies. Pellentesque fringilla tempor nunc, at scelerisque dolor tincidunt a. Mauris nec porttitor mi. Mauris eu mi nec nibh faucibus tincidunt id et ligula. Maecenas ligula erat, rutrum eu nisi ac, eleifend ullamcorper nulla. Quisque eget purus gravida, faucibus odio et, pharetra nunc. Proin arcu est, tempor at dui at, tristique volutpat lacus. In mattis pulvinar diam eget viverra.
Avatar by me for my personal use only.


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Template © Eltafez
BendyDemon's AvatarBendyDemon
BendyDemon's Avatar
Ah thanks. This will be very helpful. I appreciate this.
Bendy avatar is mine..I drew it. Name: Umachu Name: Wavelength Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage
To: Rose Lalonde Thank you so much for this guide. It took me a moment to understand how it all worked and now I'm getting the hang of it. I just need to find picks that fit ^-^.
I have re-embraced my Pure Loner Heritage. I stand in a barren land of ice and darkness. Above is total night. No moon and no stars light the heavens. Morning never comes to this place. Under my paws is a never ending layer of ice, crisp and brittle it crunches under my paws. Somewhere ahead of me is a lake hidden under a layer of ice thiner than a hair. Oh, there are stepping stones to the island. One must find the diamond columns or plung and sink into Nothing. Deep in the islands heart are my emotions locked in ice colder than space shrouded in fire hotter than every sun in the known galaxy. I walk a neverending circle around the islands protective lake. My paw prints over-lapping perfectly. I am Blaze Moon Storm; last of the Pure Loners.
Spiritwolf145's AvatarSpiritwolf145
Spiritwolf145's Avatar
I'm trying to 'study' BBC coding, and this helped a lot. Thanks!!!
helix.OS's Avatarhelix.OS
helix.OS's Avatar
aHH thank you for this wonderful forum, Rose Lalonde, and also to the people who helped add on to this! Keep expanding this- I'll keep coming back! uvu
~* Mercury/Helix - they/them *~ casual pokémon enjoyer i.pngu.png6.png avatar is official pokémon sprite edited by me
Can you change the color of Accordion boxes to fit a template? Just wondering.
(This Siggy is made by me and for my use only)
Emberlynn's AvatarEmberlynn
Emberlynn's Avatar
You cant change the color of the accordion box itself but you can add in a css background image to each part where you would normally type your label for that one. If you wanna shot me a PM later I can walk you through how to do it.
"There's not a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." - C.S. Lewis | Avatar credits | ©
signature by emberlynn; official 1D fragrance commercial gifs
Thanks so much for this guide, it's helped me out more than once :3
Please click these guys, it would be greatly appreciated :3
Images made by DarkNova181, animated by ShadowLily
Image was made by a buddy of mine and is used with permission. Site it's from: http://snow-wolf-frost.deviantart.com/art/Oh-God-why-489936982?ga_submit_new=10%253A1413936213
Anaís's AvatarAnaís
Anaís's Avatar
Quick question, I've seen people having links in their status section and I was wondering if you knew how to do that?
Sprites-Pokefarm, used with permission. Fonts-Dafont. (c)Anais
Official art (c)serebii. Coded(c)SB for Anais' use only.
Størmfang's AvatarStørmfang
Størmfang's Avatar

QUOTE originally posted by Anaís

Quick question, I've seen people having links in their status section and I was wondering if you knew how to do that?
Put the shortlink of a page into your status. So if I put the shortlink for this thread(http://pfq.link/~byFw) on the status area, then it'll appear as a link.
ari | he/him | team rock art shop | trade shop | journal | deviantart "what's important is understanding who you are. what you want to become, what you want to do. that is of the utmost importance." - twice, my hero academia

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